IETTO, Leopoldo
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.975
EU - Europa 2.513
AS - Asia 901
AF - Africa 74
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
OC - Oceania 3
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 8.472
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.948
UA - Ucraina 557
IT - Italia 511
SG - Singapore 352
SE - Svezia 307
IE - Irlanda 295
DE - Germania 268
CN - Cina 240
DK - Danimarca 206
TR - Turchia 170
FI - Finlandia 124
KR - Corea 113
FR - Francia 109
GB - Regno Unito 87
CI - Costa d'Avorio 45
CA - Canada 26
MA - Marocco 25
BE - Belgio 18
PL - Polonia 13
IN - India 11
JP - Giappone 6
NL - Olanda 5
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
EU - Europa 4
KE - Kenya 3
RU - Federazione Russa 3
NO - Norvegia 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PK - Pakistan 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AT - Austria 1
AU - Australia 1
CL - Cile 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
ID - Indonesia 1
MX - Messico 1
NG - Nigeria 1
NP - Nepal 1
RO - Romania 1
TH - Thailandia 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
VN - Vietnam 1
Totale 8.472
Città #
Chandler 696
Jacksonville 570
Fairfield 446
Des Moines 365
Boardman 319
Dublin 292
Ashburn 282
Woodbridge 239
Wilmington 222
Centro 183
Houston 171
Singapore 165
Seattle 156
Ann Arbor 142
Cambridge 122
New York 121
Lawrence 120
Princeton 120
San Mateo 117
San Diego 52
Abidjan 45
Shanghai 34
Fabriano 32
Napoli 30
Beijing 28
Ottawa 22
Parma 21
Guangzhou 20
Helsinki 20
Brussels 18
Pesaro 18
Norwalk 16
Dallas 15
Wuhan 15
Los Angeles 14
Washington 14
London 13
Ancona 12
Bevagna 12
Kraków 12
Jiaxing 9
Pune 9
Marche 8
Jinhua 7
Wuxi 7
Pescara 6
Tolentino 6
Corinaldo 5
Macerata 5
Redmond 5
Santa Clara 5
Seoul 5
Fano 4
Jesi 4
Prescot 4
Quanzhou 4
Rome 4
San Giorgio A Cremano 4
Senigallia 4
Yiwu 4
Auburn Hills 3
Bologna 3
Castelbellino 3
Chiaravalle 3
Chicago 3
Chiswick 3
Frankfurt am Main 3
Hangzhou 3
Jinan 3
Kilburn 3
Montreal 3
Nairobi 3
Nichelino 3
Osimo 3
Potenza Picena 3
Recanati 3
Turin 3
Agugliano 2
Ascoli Piceno 2
Bari 2
Bratislava 2
Castelfidardo 2
Cava De' Tirreni 2
Filottrano 2
Invercargill 2
Kagoya 2
Kyjov 2
Milan 2
Nanjing 2
Olomouc 2
Palermo 2
Phoenix 2
Pisa 2
Topi 2
Trevi 2
Acerra 1
Acton 1
Apo 1
Austin 1
Buffalo 1
Totale 5.512
Nome #
A new approach to model predictive control based on two degrees of freedom control and B-splines input shaping 141
BMI based stabilization of linear uncertain plants with polynomially time varying parameters 137
From the Control Systems Theory to Intelligent Manufacturing and Services: Challenges and Future Perspectives 130
A B-spline-based pseudo-inversion approach for constrained optimal output transition 127
Efficient LMI-based quadratic stabilization of interval LPV systems with noisy parameter measures 124
A mixed numerical-analytical stable pseudo-inversion method aimed at attaining an almost exact tracking 124
Optimal transient performance under output set-point reset 123
" Regional assignment of invariant polynomial roots with stable controllers", 116
Comparative Analysis of Mobile Robot Localization Methods Based on Proprioceptive and Exteroceptive Sensors 104
A simple algorithm for defining the mean cardiac cycle of aortic flow and pressure during steady-state 103
An invariant approach for image registration in digital subtraction angiography 103
An efficient LMI approach for the quadratic stabilisation of a class of linear, uncertain, time-varying systems 103
Some remarks on the robust Schur stability analysis of interval polynomials 101
The quadratic stabilization problem for LTV plants with arbitrary mode-switch dynamics and non uniformly bounded parametric uncertainties 100
Switching Based Supervisory Control of Underwater Vehicles 98
Modeling and quadratic stabilization of a class of linear uncertain time-varying systems 98
Two degrees of freedom control and B-spline functions as tools for a reduced complexity approach to MPC 98
Spline based pseudo-inversion of sampled data non minimum phase systems for an almost exact output tracking 97
Robust Stabilization of Multivariable Uncertain Plants via Switching Control 95
A robust least squares based approach to min-max model predictive control 95
Output transition optimization through a multi-objective least square procedure 94
Hierarchically supervised control of linear plants with unpredictable mode-switch dynamics 93
Relaxed sufficient conditions for the stability of continuous and discrete-time linear time-varying systems 92
LMI based stabilization of a class of switching LPV systems 92
Accurate derivative estimation from noisy data: a state-space approach 91
Simultaneous Achievement of Open and Closed Loop Diagonal Dominance Through Constant Feedback 91
Accurate output tracking for non minimum phase non hyperbolic and near non hyperbolic systems 90
Assigning closed-loop invariant polynomials over polytopes for linear periodic systems 89
B-splines and pseudo-inversion as tools for handling saturation constraints in the optimal set-point regulation 89
Assigning invariant polynomials over polytopes 88
Some remarks on the schur stability of interval polynomials 88
Adaptive dead-beat control law for trajectory tracking of robotic manipulators 85
Relaxed conditions for the exponential stability of a class of linear time-varying systems 84
Almost perfect tracking through mixed numerical analytical stable pseudo inversion of non minimum phase plants 84
A supervised switching technique for the robust stabilization of a class of linear discrete time time varying systems”, 83
Robust stabilization of linear uncertain plants with polynomially time varying parameters 83
A B-splines based feedforward action for constrained optimization of PID controllers performance 82
Constrained Optimal End-Effector Positioning Using Pseudo-Inversion and B-Splines: Numerical Simulation on the One Link Flexible Manipulator Linearized Model 82
Robust pseudo-inversion of polytopic systems using second order cone programming 82
"Stochastic modelling and 3D minimum variance recursive estimation of image sequences" 81
A multiple-model based approach for the intelligent control of underwater remotely operated vehicles 81
A new event-driven output based discrete-time control for the sporadic MIMO tracking problem 81
A properly designed extended Kalman filtering approach for robot localization by sensors with different degree of accuracy 80
A least squares based pseudoinversion approach for non hyperbolic linear systems 80
Supervised stabilisation of linear discrete-time systems with bounded variation rate 80
A supervised switching control policy for LPV systems with inaccurate parameter knowledge 80
Gain margin based conditions for easy simultaneous achievement of open and closed loop diagonal dominance under unstructured uncertainties 80
Consistent on line estimation of environment features aimed at enhancing the efficiency of the localization procedure for a powered wheelchair 79
Mixed LPV/robust stochastic stabilization of LTV systems with uncertain gaussian parametric measures 79
Exact output control for a family of linear plants with parameter uncertainties 78
A numerically efficient minimum variance filter for noise reduction in RGB color images 78
An iterative LMI scheme for output regulation of continuous-time LPV systems with inexactly measured parameters 77
Robust stability analysis of linear uncertain systems with polynomially time varying parameters 76
Relaxed stability conditions for linear time varying systems with applications to the robust stabilization 75
Enhancing the near decoupling property of closed-loop control systems through external constant feedback loop 75
A spline-based technique for optimal set point regulation through pseudo-inversion of nonminimum phase linear systems 74
LMI conditions for the stability of linear uncertain polynomially time-varying systems 74
Adaptively Switched Set-point Tracking PID Controllers 73
Space-variant recursive restoration of noisy images 73
On the optimality of a new class of 2D recursive filters 72
Development and experimental validation of an adaptive extended Kalman filter for the localization of mobile robots 72
Simultaneous ripple-free tracking problem for multirate sampled-data systems 71
Methods and Algorithms for Sensor Data Fusion Aimed at Improving the Autonomy of a Mobile Robot 70
Improving PID Control of Underwater Vehicles through a Hybrid Control Scheme 69
Enhanced trajectory tracking using optimally combined feedforward plant inversion and feedforward closed loop inversion 69
Hierarchically supervised output regulation of linear plants with unpredicatable parameter step changes 68
Constrained Transient Optimization Using B-Splines Functions as Control Inputs 68
A simple algorithm for defining the mean cardiac cycle on the basis of aortic blood flow 67
Localization of a wheeled mobile robot by sensor data fusion based on a fuzzy logic adapted Kalman filter 67
Event-Triggered Internally Stabilizing Sporadic Control for MIMO Plants with Non Measurable State 67
Improved set-points tracking of remotely operated underwater vehicles through a supervised pid control scheme 67
Approximation of the algebraic Riccati equation in the Hilbert space of Hilbert-Schmidt operators 66
Adaptive finite-dimensional optimal linear filtering of nD smooth Gaussian random fields 66
An eigenvalue perturbation result for stability bound with respect to biased structured perturbations 66
Improved set-points tracking of remotely operated underwater vehicles through a supervised PID control scheme 64
A polynomial approach to the solution of the invariant polynomials assignment problem for periodic systems 63
Stabilizing switching control for LPV systems with arbitrarily large uncertainty on parameter measures 63
Robust stabilization of a class of linear discrete-time time-varying systems: A LMI approach 62
Reliable in vivo estimation of the Instantaneous Helical Axis in human segmental movements 61
Geometric modelling of non-redundant manipulators: integration with kinematic and dynamic modelling 61
Switched supervised stabilization of linear time-varying systems with bounded parameter variation rate 61
Localization of a wheeled mobile robot by sensor data fusion based on a fuzzy logic adapted Kalman filter 59
Invariant polynomial assignment over polytopes for linear discrete-time periodic systems 59
Adaptive dead-beat trajectory tracking of robotic manipulators 59
Parameter estimation in self-tuning control of robotic manipulators 58
Improving the robustness properties of robot localization procedures with respect to environment features uncertainties 58
Ripple-free dead-beat tracking for multirate sampled-data systems 57
Correction of odometric errors in mobile robot localization using inertial sensors 56
Simultaneous tracking for a family of linear plants 56
Image modeling and restoration: A new approach 55
Localization of mobile robots: Development and comparative evaluation of algorithms based on odometric and inertial sensors 54
Development and experimental validation of an adaptive estimation algorithm for the on-line localization of mobile robots by multisensor fusion 54
An LMI approach with improved numerical efficiency for the quadratic stabilization of a class of linear uncertain systems 54
Realization and performance evaluation of a class of image models for recursive restoration problems 53
"Space-variant two-dimensional filtering of noisy images" 53
Minimum variance recursive estimation of n-D gaussian random fields 52
Deadbeat controllers with ripple-free requirement for SISO discrete systems 51
Ripple-free tracking problem 50
Continuous output dead-beat control of multivariable multirate samped-data systems 49
Two-dimensional recursive filtering algorithm with edge-preserving properties and reduced numerical complexity 48
Totale 7.928
Categoria #
all - tutte 46.912
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 46.912

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020471 0 0 0 0 0 7 120 9 115 8 48 164
2020/20211.834 127 169 262 10 197 177 163 121 178 173 178 79
2021/20221.031 104 257 22 45 10 47 61 57 51 99 95 183
2022/20232.044 174 181 158 195 169 533 4 118 411 7 46 48
2023/20241.054 179 30 69 141 150 173 20 36 3 14 23 216
2024/2025585 246 174 90 31 37 7 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 8.758