Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.590
EU - Europa 1.792
AS - Asia 806
AF - Africa 60
SA - Sud America 32
OC - Oceania 11
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 6.294
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.559
UA - Ucraina 379
IT - Italia 295
SG - Singapore 275
SE - Svezia 261
IE - Irlanda 220
CN - Cina 200
DE - Germania 189
DK - Danimarca 144
TR - Turchia 108
HK - Hong Kong 102
FR - Francia 96
FI - Finlandia 86
KR - Corea 76
GB - Regno Unito 59
MA - Marocco 36
CA - Canada 29
BE - Belgio 24
BR - Brasile 22
CI - Costa d'Avorio 22
JP - Giappone 16
AU - Australia 11
IN - India 10
PL - Polonia 9
IR - Iran 7
EC - Ecuador 6
AT - Austria 5
CH - Svizzera 5
RU - Federazione Russa 4
EU - Europa 3
NL - Olanda 3
RO - Romania 3
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 3
AR - Argentina 2
ES - Italia 2
NO - Norvegia 2
NP - Nepal 2
PK - Pakistan 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
BD - Bangladesh 1
CL - Cile 1
EE - Estonia 1
GA - Gabon 1
IQ - Iraq 1
JO - Giordania 1
KE - Kenya 1
KH - Cambogia 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MX - Messico 1
PA - Panama 1
PY - Paraguay 1
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 1
VN - Vietnam 1
Totale 6.294
Città #
Chandler 462
Jacksonville 391
Fairfield 277
Ashburn 263
Des Moines 260
Boardman 214
Dublin 214
Wilmington 199
Singapore 141
Woodbridge 139
Seattle 121
Houston 110
Ann Arbor 104
Hong Kong 101
New York 98
Lawrence 87
Princeton 87
Cambridge 82
San Mateo 82
Turin 45
San Diego 31
Beijing 28
Centro 26
Los Angeles 26
Washington 25
Brussels 23
Ottawa 23
Redmond 23
Abidjan 22
Shanghai 17
Tokyo 13
London 12
Rome 12
Guangzhou 11
Helsinki 11
Sydney 11
Norwalk 10
Wuhan 10
Hanover 9
Kraków 9
Pesaro 9
Dallas 8
Porto 8
Falconara Marittima 7
Pune 7
Tolentino 7
Jiaxing 6
Picerno 6
Ancona 5
Quito 5
Tehran 5
Treviso 5
Vienna 5
Wuxi 5
Buffalo 4
Tianjin 4
Boscoreale 3
Bratislava 3
Civitanova Marche 3
Edinburgh 3
Elmas 3
Florence 3
Izmir 3
Matelica 3
Pergola 3
Quanzhou 3
Yiwu 3
Aosta 2
Ascoli Piceno 2
Auburn Hills 2
Bari 2
Chiswick 2
Copenhagen 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Jinhua 2
Kilburn 2
Marche 2
Menlo Park 2
Messina 2
Milan 2
Mountain View 2
New Bedfont 2
Nyon 2
Portovenere 2
Qingdao 2
Redwood City 2
San Francisco 2
Seoul 2
Serra 2
Skanderborg 2
Sorisole 2
Tashkent 2
Toronto 2
Umbertide 2
Wandsworth 2
Weifang 2
Zurich 2
Agadir 1
Amman 1
Amsterdam 1
Totale 4.021
Nome #
Early biochemical effects of velmanase alfa in a 7-month-old infant with alpha-mannosidosis 193
Human milk glycosaminoglycans 118
Capillary electrophoresis separation of human milk neutral and acidic oligosaccharides derivatized with 2-aminoacridone 114
Plasmatic kinetics of dermatan sulfate during enzyme replacement therapy with iduronate-2-sulfatase in a mucopolysaccharidosis II Patient. 108
Safety of Oats in Children with Celiac Disease: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial 105
Caratterizzazione dei glicosaminoglicani del latte umano e del latte vaccino: risultati preliminari 103
Gluten contamination in naturally or labeled gluten-free products marketed in Italy 100
Effect of Holder Pasteurisation on Human Milk Glycosaminoglycans 99
Effect of aluminium ions on liposomal membranes as detect by Laurdan fluorescence 97
Comparison of Diagnostic Performance of the IgA Anti-tTG Test vs IgA AGA Test in Detection of Celiac Disease in the General Population 96
Human milk glycosaminoglycans inhibit in vitro the adhesion of Escherichia coli and Salmonella fyris to human intestinal cells 95
Age-related modulation of plasmatic beta-Galactosidase activity in healthy subjects and in patients affected by T2DM 95
Oligosaccharides of human milk inhibit the adhesion of Listeria monocytogenes to Caco-2 cells. 94
Early diagnosis of mucopolysaccharidoses in developing countries: A low cost and easy execution approach 92
Quantification of accidental gluten contamination in the diet of children with treated celiac disease 92
ruolo dei prebiotici nel processo di ottimizzazione delle formule del commercio 89
3-fucosyl-lactose inhibits the adhesion of Escherichia coli to Caco-2 cells 88
Oligosaccharides in 4 Different Milk Groups, Bifidobacteria, and Ruminococcus obeum. 88
Lower Level of Plasma 25-Hydroxyvitamin D in Children at Diagnosis of Celiac Disease Compared with Healthy Subjects: A Case-Control Study 88
I prebiotici 87
Preterm milk oligosaccharides during the first month of lactation 85
Prebiotics in infant formulas: biochemical characterization by thyn layer chromatography and high performance anion exchange chromatography 83
The Role of Nutrition in Immune-Mediated, Inflammatory Skin Disease: A Narrative Review 83
Increased susceptibility to peroxidation of VLDL from non-insulin dependent diabetic patients: a possible correlation with fatty acid composition 82
Effect of 6 years enzyme replacement therapy on plasma and urine glycosaminoglycans in attenuated MPS I patients 82
I Prebiotici 81
Il test di permeabilità intestinale 80
Importance of the combined urinary procedure for the diagnosis of Mucopolysaccharidoses 80
Oligosaccharides of human milk inhibit the adhesion of Listera monocytogenes to Caco-2 cells 78
Ruolo protettivo degli oligosaccaridi del latte umano 77
Composition and structure elucidation of human milk glycosaminoglycans. 77
Gli idrati del carbonio del latte umano 76
Reduced beta-strand content in apoprotein B-100 in smaller and denser low-density lipoprotein subclasses as probed by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy 73
Agarose-gel electrophoresis for the diagnosis of mucopolysaccharidoses 73
I carboidrati del latte umano e delle formule del commercio 72
Syalil-oligosaccharides inhibit the adhesion of E. coli and S. fyrys to Caco-2 cells 72
Gliadin-peptide induces Caco-2 monolayer permeability and tight junctions protein ZO-1 redistribution 72
Prebiotics of human milk and infant formulas 72
Oats in the diet of children with celiac disease: preliminary results of a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled multicenter Italian study. 72
Mental retardation in mucopolysaccharidoses correlates with high molecular weight urinary heparan sulphate derived glucosamine 71
Total and single species of uronic acid-bearing glycosaminoglycans in urine of newborns of 2-3days of age for early diagnosis application 71
Human milk oligosaccharides inhibit the adhesion to Caco-2 cells of diarrheal pathogens: Escherichia coli,Vibrio cholerae and Salmonella fyris 71
Multiple sulfatase deficiency with neonatal manifestation. 71
Composition and structure of glycosaminoglycans in DBS from 2-3-day-old newborns for the diagnosis of mucopolysaccharidosis 71
Oligosaccharidesof human milk as polyfunctional nutrients 70
High-throughput determination of urinary hexosamines for diagnosis of mucopolysaccharidoses by capillary electrophoresis and high-performance liquid chromatography. 70
Composizione e ruolo fisiologico dei carboidrati del latte umano pretermine 70
Effects of the exclusive enteral nutrition on the microbiota profile of patients with crohn’s disease: A systematic review 70
A fluorescence investigation of the effect of oxidative stress on phospholipid bilayers. Influence of aluminum ions and nicotine. 69
Le malattie rare: dall'ambulatorio del pediatra alla terapia enzimatica. Le Mucopolisaccaridosi 68
On-line high-performance liquid chromatography-fluorescence detection-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry profiling of human milk oligosaccharides dervatized with 2-aminoacridone 68
Effect of 6 years of enzyme replacement therapy on plasma and urine glycosaminoglycans in attenuated MPS I patients. 68
Increased Prevalence of Celiac Disease in School-age Children in Italy 68
Aumentata suscettibilità alla perossidazione delle VLDL e HDL di pazienti diabetici non insulino-dipendenti: una possibile correlazione con la composizione in acidi grassi 67
Validation of a novel single-drop rapid human leukocyte antigen-DQ2/-DQ8 typing method to identify subjects susceptible to celiac disease 67
Plasmatic and urinary glycosaminoglycans characterization in Mucopolysaccharidosis II patient treated with enzyme-replacement therapy with idursulfate 65
Metabolic fate of milk glycosaminoglycans in breastfed and formula fed newborns 65
A fluorescence investigastion of the effect of oxidative stress on phospholipid bilayers. Influence of aluminium ions and nicotine 64
Structural characterization of chondroitin sulfate from Italian cheese Parmigiano Reggiano 63
Plasmatic and urinary glycosaminoglycan profile in a patient affected by multiple sulfatase deficiency 63
False positive screen test for mucopolysaccharidoses in healthy female newborns 63
Prebiotics in human milk: a review 62
Modello in vitro per lo studio degli effetti della gliadina sulla permeabilità intestinale 59
Plasmatic dermatan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate determination in mucopolysaccharidoses. 59
Glycosaminoglycan content in term and preterm milk during the first month of lactation 59
Short and reliable method for mucopolysaccharidoses diagnosis 58
Metabolic fate of human milk oligosaccharides in four different group of milk in breastfed infants 56
Reduced beta-strands content in apoprotein B-100 in smaller and denser LDL subfractions as probed by Fourier Tranform infrared spectroscopy. 56
Alteration in fatty acid composition and susceptibility to peroxidation of very low density lipoproteins during diabetes mellitus 55
Study of fluidity of low density lipoproteins from liver cirrhotic patients 55
Mild mental retardation and low levels of urinary heparan sulfate in a patient with the attenuated phenotype of mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIA. 54
Influence of aluminium ions on lipid peroxidation in high density lipoproteins 52
Human milk glycosaminoglycans: the state of the art and future perspectives 51
Effect of Aluminum on lipid peroxidation of human high density lipoproteins 48
Vitamin D status in healthy Italian school-age children: a single-center cross-sectional study 47
Human milk oligosaccharides inhibit the adhesion of Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae and Salmonella fyris. 46
I prebiotici 46
Function of human milk oligosaccharides in the protection of newborns against infections 45
Validation of a novel single-drop rapid human leukocyte antigen-DQ2/-DQ8 typing method to identify subjects susceptible to celiac disease 45
Gliadin peptides, induce increased Caco2 monolayer permeability and tight junction protein ZO-1 redistribution 44
Sialyl-oligosaccharides inhibit the adhesion of E. coli and S. fyrys to Caco-2 cells 43
Preliminary results of a morphometric study on intestinal mucosal biopsies for studying gluten toxicity in coeliac disease 42
Preliminary results of a morphometric study on intestinal mucosal biopsies for studying gluten toxicity in coeliac disease 42
Metabolic fate of oligosaccharides from human milk 41
Re-exploring the iceberg of celiac disease in children: Results of a multicenter Italian screening project, based on a rapid HLA DQ typing test 40
Microbiota profile in pediatric IBD: correlations with phenotype and disease activity 40
Safety of Oats in Children with Celiac Disease: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial 39
Differences in Plasma 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Levels at Diagnosis of Celiac Disease and Type 1 Diabetes 29
First experience of combined enzyme replacement therapy and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in alpha-mannosidosis 13
Totale 6.422
Categoria #
all - tutte 35.308
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 35.308

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020303 0 0 0 0 0 0 84 6 91 11 13 98
2020/20211.244 74 111 188 12 107 63 238 47 129 93 137 45
2021/2022685 23 167 12 27 9 30 52 44 46 76 72 127
2022/20231.589 114 172 110 115 94 389 0 94 339 8 122 32
2023/2024903 135 23 62 108 115 186 17 60 7 59 9 122
2024/2025684 155 156 83 43 46 73 128 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.422