CORTI, Giuseppe
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 6.148
EU - Europa 4.010
AS - Asia 1.306
AF - Africa 103
SA - Sud America 15
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
OC - Oceania 5
Totale 11.592
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.123
IT - Italia 1.038
UA - Ucraina 821
SG - Singapore 547
IE - Irlanda 484
SE - Svezia 429
DE - Germania 347
DK - Danimarca 293
CN - Cina 262
TR - Turchia 256
FI - Finlandia 190
GB - Regno Unito 163
KR - Corea 154
FR - Francia 151
CI - Costa d'Avorio 88
IN - India 35
PL - Polonia 27
BE - Belgio 22
CA - Canada 19
HK - Hong Kong 15
BR - Brasile 12
MA - Marocco 11
AT - Austria 8
ID - Indonesia 7
JP - Giappone 7
NL - Olanda 7
MX - Messico 6
TW - Taiwan 6
CH - Svizzera 5
EU - Europa 5
PT - Portogallo 5
VN - Vietnam 5
ET - Etiopia 4
IL - Israele 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
RO - Romania 3
RU - Federazione Russa 3
AU - Australia 2
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 2
BG - Bulgaria 2
CO - Colombia 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
ES - Italia 2
GR - Grecia 2
KG - Kirghizistan 2
PH - Filippine 2
BO - Bolivia 1
IR - Iran 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LT - Lituania 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MK - Macedonia 1
MY - Malesia 1
Totale 11.592
Città #
Jacksonville 863
Chandler 830
Fairfield 509
Dublin 475
Boardman 449
Ashburn 333
Singapore 271
Wilmington 233
Woodbridge 209
Seattle 202
Des Moines 198
Lawrence 189
Princeton 189
San Mateo 181
Marche 179
Houston 177
New York 169
Ann Arbor 148
Cambridge 140
Centro 132
Abidjan 88
Turin 64
San Diego 59
Redmond 57
Beijing 42
Helsinki 39
Ancona 30
Kraków 27
London 26
Washington 26
Shanghai 24
Rome 23
Brussels 20
Guangzhou 20
Los Angeles 20
Valmontone 20
Pune 19
Vittuone 18
Milan 17
Tolentino 17
Wuhan 17
Hong Kong 15
Florence 14
Norwalk 14
Montaione 13
Udine 12
Dallas 10
Shenzhen 10
Fermo 9
Cork 8
Poggibonsi 8
Vienna 8
Bologna 7
Macerata 7
Montelupo Fiorentino 7
Auburn Hills 6
Chiaravalle 6
Fabriano 6
Hounslow 6
Jakarta 6
Jesi 6
Ottawa 6
San Benedetto Po 6
Acquasparta 5
Jiaxing 5
Kilburn 5
Lisbon 5
Munich 5
Perugia 5
Prescot 5
Southwark 5
Acquaviva 4
Acton 4
Angri 4
Arezzo 4
Ascoli Piceno 4
Brandenburg 4
Castelfidardo 4
Hangzhou 4
Heze 4
Izmir 4
Jinhua 4
Naples 4
New Taipei City 4
Nola 4
Pavia 4
Pesaro 4
Teramo 4
Torino 4
Toronto 4
Verona 4
Visakhapatnam 4
Zhengzhou 4
Bagno a Ripoli 3
Bengaluru 3
Catania 3
Corridonia 3
Edinburgh 3
Hanover 3
Ho Chi Minh City 3
Totale 7.088
Nome #
Linking vernacular architecture and environment: the case study of the Marche region (Central Italy). 204
Purification and isotopic signatures (d13C, d15N, D14C) of soil extracellular DNA 157
Non-saturated soil organic horizon characterization via advanced proximal sensors 134
Microclimate buffering and fertility island formation during Juniperus communis ontogenesis modulate competition–facilitation balance 128
Altitude affects the quality of the water-extractable organic matter (WEOM) from rhizosphere and bulk soil in European beech forests 127
Effects of cultivation on chemical and biochemical properties of dryland soils from southern Tunisia 125
Can conservation tillage mitigate climate change impacts in Mediterranean cereal systems? A soil organic carbon assessment using long term experiments 124
Lithologic Discontinuity Assessment in Soils via Portable X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry and Visible Near-Infrared Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy 117
Use of waste materials to improve soil fertility and increase crop quality and quantity 111
Terra, metafora d'umanità: il simbolismo del suolo nella poesia 109
Rhizosphere effect of three plant species of environment under periglacial conditions (Majella Massif, central Italy) 104
Assessing geomorphological and pedological processes in the genesis of pre-desert soils from southern Tunisia 97
Salinization of soil in South Tunisia 96
Assessment and potential nutrient release from phosphate rock and dolostone for application in acid soils 96
Effect of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) rhizosphere on phosphorous availability in soils at different altitudes (Central Italy) 95
Forests and Soils: Sustainable Products and Ecosystem Services for Human Well-Being 95
Acidificazione di un suolo alcalino indotta da Erica arborea L. 91
Aspetti ecologici dei kettle holes dell'Appennino centrale. 90
Acidificazione di un suolo in ambiente alcalino indotta da Erica arborea L. 89
Chemical and spectroscopic characterization of the humic substances from sandstone-derived rock fragments 88
Effect of snowpack management on grassland biodiversity and soil properties at a ski resort in the Mediterranean basin (central Italy) 87
A modified Kjeldahl procedure for determining strongly fixed NH4+-N. 85
Soils of the Selva di Gallignano 84
Soil genesis and evolution on calanchi (badland-like landform) of central Italy 83
Changes of topsoil under Fagus sylvatica along a small latitudinal-altitudinal gradient 82
Influence of soil factors on esca infection in a vineyard soil on Pliocene deposits 80
Microbial biomass-C and basal respiration of fine earth and highly altered rock fragments of two forest soils 80
Italian Soil Management from Antiquity to Nowadays 78
Opening a window on the past: paleo-horizons across Pleistocene and Holocene. Madonna della Grotta, Praia a Mare, Southern Italy 78
Effect of the addition of cattle slurry plus different types of livestock litter to an acid soil and on the production of grass and corn crops 76
Characteristics of rhizosphere soil from natural and agricultural environments 76
Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) rhizosphere affects limestone-derived soil under a multi-centennial forest 76
Ecologia e funzione delle fasce di vegetazione spontanea negli agroecosistemi. 75
Aluminium fractionation and speciation in bulk and rhizosphere of a grass soil amended with mussel shells or lime 74
Soil affects throughfall and stemflow under Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) 74
Feasibility of compost production with coffee husk 74
Influenza della diversa gestione di suoli derivati da sedimenti plio-pleistocenici coltivati a vigneto sulla genesi di orizzonti sombrici 73
Manure anaerobic digestion effects and the role of pre- and post-treatments on veterinary antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes removal efficiency 73
Boro 73
Early stages of podzolization under Corsican pine (Pinus nigra Arn. ssp. laricio) 72
Chemical and Biochemical Properties of Soils Developed from Different Lithologies in Northwestern Spain (Galicia) 72
Exploring the links between bacterial communities and magnetic susceptibility in bulk soil and rhizosphere of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) 72
Organic matter stabilization in soil aggregates and rock fragments as revealed by low-temperature ashing (LTA) oxidation 71
Morfologie a patterned ground in suoli ben drenati della Majella (Italia Centrale) e loro genesi. 71
Benefits of Biochars and NPK Fertilizers for Soil Quality and Growth of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) in an Acid Arenosol 71
Studio pedologico dei suoli coltivati a vite e olivo nel Comune di Montespertoli 70
Ipotesi sulla genesi della sostanza organica dei suoli d’alta quota in ambiente mediterraneo e sulla sua resilienza all’innalzamento termico. Massiccio della Majella, Appennino Centrale. 70
Carbon and nitrogen in soil and vine roots in harrowed and grass-covered vineyards. 70
Changes in vascular plant species composition, top-soil and seed-bank along coppice rotation in an Ostrya carpinifolia forest 70
Randomly interstratified kaolinite-smectite from Galicia (NW Spain) 69
Classing the soil skeleton (greater than two millimeters): proposed approach and procedure 69
Interazioni fra caratteristiche pedologiche e sviluppo dell’apparato radicale. Risposta dell’olivo ai suoli originatisi da sedimenti pliocenici in Toscana. 69
Adsorption of metolachlor and terbuthylazine in soil and soil skeleton 68
Waste management by making compost from industrial food by-products: coffee husk, and brewers’ grain 68
Rock weathering promoted by embryonic soils in surface cavities 67
Changes induced by the roots of Erica arborea L. to create a suitable environment in a soil developed from alkaline and fine-textured marine sediments 67
Silicio, Alluminio, Ferro, e Manganese. Contenuto Totale e Frazionamento Chimico. 67
Sinthesys of humic-like substances under sterile and non-sterile conditions in presence of quartz and volcanic ash 66
Studio pedologico di dettaglio di due microbacini della collina interna marchigiana 66
Carbon sequestration in agricultural soils. A case of study from the Mediterranean area 66
Pesticide adsorption and degradation in fine earth and rock fragments of two soils of different origin 66
Variabilità spaziale delle caratteristiche dei suoli in due microbacini imbriferi della collina marchigiana 65
Genesis and role of the skeleton water-extractable fines in volcanic soils 65
Evaluation of Erosion Intensity and some of its Consequences in Vineyards from two Hilly Environments Under a Mediterranean Type of Climate, Italy 65
The changes with depth of humic and fulvic acids extracted from fine earth and rock fragments of a forest soil 65
Synthesis and characterization of Maillard compounds formed under sterile conditions on sand- and silt-sized mineral substrates 64
Suolo Bulk e rizosferico in vigneti con differenti gestioni del suolo 64
Caratteristiche delle soluzioni ecologiche (Stemflow, Throughfall, Litter-leachate da cerro (Quercus cerris L.) in suolo acido e sub-alcalino. Selva di Gallignano. 64
Data on soil physicochemical properties and chemical composition of rainfall and of throughfall and stem flow generated by Turkey oak trees (Quercus cerris L.) in acid and sub-alkaline soils 63
Post-digestate composting benefits and the role of enzyme activity to predict trace element immobilization and compost maturity 63
Snow vole (Chionomys nivalisMartins) affects the redistribution of soil organic matter and hormone-like activity in the alpine ecosystem: ecological implications 62
Latitudinal transect relationship between soil organic horizons and permafrost depth in Alaska 62
Influence of soil properties on the mortality of silver fir in Tuscany, Italy 61
The soil skeleton as a tool for disentangling pedogenetic hystory: a case study in Tuscany, central Italy. 61
Influence of altitude on biochemical properties of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forest soils 61
Soil organic matter content and composition as influenced by soil management in a semi-arid Mediterranean agro-silvo-pastoral system 61
Release of Al by hydroxy-interlayered vermiculite & hydroxy-interlayered smectite during determination of cation exchange capacity. 60
Suolo e mal dell'esca della vite: il punto dall'inizio delle indagini 60
Pedogenesi di terreni su rocce ofiolitiche. Formazione di Impruneta (Firenze) 60
Soil organic content and composition as influenced by soil management in a semi-arid Mediterranean agro-silvo-pastoral system 60
Multi-approach characterization of organic sediment produced by anaerobic digestion plant fed with pig slurry and stored for a longterm in a lagoon 60
Fractionation of Cu, Pb, Cr, and Zn in a soil column amended with an anaerobic municipal sewage sludge 59
Chemical and mineralogical changes in a polygenetic soil of Galicia, NW Spain 59
Assessment of the role of rock fragments in the retention of cadmium and lead in irrigated arid stony soils. 59
Signature isotopica (delta13C, delta14C) e persistenza del DNA extracellulare nel suolo 59
Forme di degradazione del suolo in un’area montana percorsa da incendio dell’Appennino centro-meridionale (Massiccio della Majella) 59
Effetti dell’aumento della temperatura sulla respirazione basale di suoli in ambiente periglaciale. Massiccio della Majella. 59
Relict permafrost features in Mediterranean environments: the Majella Massif. 59
Processi di acidificazione di un suolo in ambiente acido 59
Role of the altitude on the organic matter preservation in soils under a secondary praire on the Majella massif, Italy. 59
From rainfall to throughfall in a maritime vineyard 59
Proprietà chimico-biologiche di suoli di alta quota turbati da Chionomys nivalis 59
Features of skeleton water-extractable fines from different acidic soils 59
Dinamica Spazio-Temporale Dei Nitrati Nella Soluzione Circolante Di Suoli Coltivati A Seminativo Evolutisi Da Sedimenti Fluvio-Marini 59
Effect of coppice conversion into high forest on soil organic C and nutrients stock in a Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) forest in Italy 59
Cambios químicos y mineralógicos en la fracción fina y gruesa de un suelo volcánico en función de la distancia a la raíz 58
Soil formation in kettle holes from high altitudes in central Apennines, Italy 58
Characteristics of the rhizosphere of grafted and not grafted Prié Blanc and some considerations on the resistance to phylloxera. Val d'Aosta, Italy 58
Coffee by-products derived resources. A review 58
Totale 7.668
Categoria #
all - tutte 63.131
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 63.131

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020649 0 0 0 0 0 0 171 12 185 8 11 262
2020/20212.296 105 245 298 28 272 101 237 103 276 271 270 90
2021/20221.342 46 338 15 56 11 51 44 108 92 71 142 368
2022/20232.639 220 213 206 219 191 392 5 177 648 17 200 151
2023/20241.511 295 44 96 239 231 283 24 42 22 29 29 177
2024/20251.138 243 258 192 161 111 164 9 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 11.836