Dip.Scienze Agrarie,Alimentari e Ambientali
. Essential oils improve postharvest quality and control postharvest decay of tropical, subtropical and temperate fruits.
2019-01-01 Sivakumar, D.; Romanazzi, G.; Palou, L.; Smilanick, J. L.
. Uso di oli essenziali per il controllo dei marciumi di ortofrutticoli in postraccolta: attività, meccanismi d’azione e strategie di applicazione.
2018-01-01 Romanazzi, G.; Rajestary, R.; Landi, L.; Feliziani, E.; Sivakumar, D
Defence responses of in Prunus persica cvs Spring Princes and Sonnet to thyme oil vapours during postharvest storage
2015-01-01 Cindi, M. D.; Sivakumar, Dharini; Romanazzi, Gianfranco; Korsten, L.
Differential defense responses and brown rot control after essential oil fumigation in two Prunus persica cultivars during storage
2016-01-01 Cindi, M. D.; Sivakumar, Dharini; Romanazzi, Gianfranco; Soundy, P.
Effect of thyme oil vapour exposure on the brown rot infection, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activity, phenolic content and antioxidant activity in red and yellow skin peach cultivars
2017-01-01 Sivakumar, Dharini; Khumalo, K. N.; Glowacz, M.; Romanazzi, Gianfranco
Effect of thyme oil vapour exposure on the brown rot infection, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activity, phenolic content and antioxidant activity in red and yellow skin peach cultivars
2017-01-01 Khumalo, K. N.; Tinyane, P.; Soundy, P.; Romanazzi, Gianfranco; Glowacz, M.; Sivakumar, Dharini
Effectiveness of essential oils used under a hypobaric environment to control postharvest gray mold of strawberries
2018-01-01 Rajestary, R.; Landi, L.; Ortenzi, E.; Feliziani, E.; Sivakumar, D.; Romanazzi, G.
Effects of chitosan treatment on avocado postharvest diseases and expression of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, chitinase and lipoxygenase genes
2019-01-01 Obianom, C.; Romanazzi, G.; Sivakumar, D.
Eliciting, antimicrobial and film-forming properties of chitosan applied on fresh fruit and vegetables.
2018-01-01 Romanazzi, G.; Bautista-Banos, S.; Feliziani, E.; Sivakumar, D.
Eliciting, antimicrobial and film-forming properties of chitosan applied on fresh fruit and vegetables.
2018-01-01 Romanazzi, G.; Feliziani, E.; Sivakumar, D.
Shelf life extension of fresh fruit and vegetables by chitosan treatment
2017-01-01 Romanazzi, Gianfranco; Feliziani, Erica; Bautista Baños, S.; Sivakumar, Dharini