BALERCIA, Giancarlo
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 13.453
EU - Europa 7.460
AS - Asia 1.508
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 24
SA - Sud America 9
AF - Africa 8
OC - Oceania 3
Totale 22.465
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 13.417
UA - Ucraina 1.922
IT - Italia 1.173
IE - Irlanda 1.058
SE - Svezia 834
DE - Germania 821
DK - Danimarca 706
TR - Turchia 564
FI - Finlandia 404
SG - Singapore 372
KR - Corea 367
GB - Regno Unito 306
FR - Francia 101
CN - Cina 82
IN - India 66
BE - Belgio 48
CA - Canada 33
NL - Olanda 27
VN - Vietnam 25
EU - Europa 24
RU - Federazione Russa 19
IR - Iran 15
JP - Giappone 12
PL - Polonia 9
CI - Costa d'Avorio 5
AT - Austria 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
AR - Argentina 3
BR - Brasile 3
CL - Cile 3
RO - Romania 3
AL - Albania 2
AU - Australia 2
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 2
BG - Bulgaria 2
HU - Ungheria 2
IQ - Iraq 2
JE - Jersey 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 2
MX - Messico 2
RS - Serbia 2
CH - Svizzera 1
EE - Estonia 1
EG - Egitto 1
ES - Italia 1
HR - Croazia 1
ID - Indonesia 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MA - Marocco 1
NO - Norvegia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PA - Panama 1
SD - Sudan 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
Totale 22.465
Città #
Chandler 2.022
Jacksonville 1.945
Des Moines 1.571
Dublin 1.056
Ashburn 773
Fairfield 753
Boardman 630
Wilmington 557
New York 499
Lawrence 416
Princeton 416
San Mateo 395
Woodbridge 358
Seattle 301
Ann Arbor 270
Houston 266
Cambridge 214
Centro 128
San Diego 90
Milan 73
Pune 64
Washington 62
Turin 58
Norwalk 57
Beijing 55
Los Angeles 52
Brussels 47
Rome 42
Helsinki 40
London 30
Marche 30
Dong Ket 20
Ancona 17
Ottawa 17
Salerno 16
Redmond 15
Florence 12
Hanover 12
Kilburn 11
Montréal 11
Padova 10
Pesaro 10
Macerata 9
Prescot 9
Appignano 8
Chengdu 8
Chiswick 8
Pescara 8
Bologna 7
Chicago 7
Karaj 7
Palermo 7
Amsterdam 6
Edinburgh 6
Perugia 6
San Giovanni 6
Abidjan 5
Boydton 5
Camerino 5
Montecassiano 5
Moscow 5
Saint Louis 5
San Jose 5
Stockholm 5
Venice 5
Altenmarkt im Pongau 4
Auburn Hills 4
Dronten 4
Fermo 4
Grumo Nevano 4
Hangzhou 4
Ivrea 4
Izmir 4
Morrovalle 4
Nanjing 4
Naples 4
Napoli 4
New Bedfont 4
Novara 4
Parrano 4
Redwood City 4
San Giorgio A Cremano 4
Sanayi 4
Simi Valley 4
Tokyo 4
Tolentino 4
Vittuone 4
Avellino 3
Bari 3
Berlin 3
Brescia 3
Cantu 3
Chieti 3
Erzurum 3
Fenstanton 3
Islington 3
Massarosa 3
Modugno 3
Mogliano 3
Mountain View 3
Totale 13.695
Nome #
Nevi blu, schwannomi melanocitari e melanomi con cellule dendritiche, istiociti e linfocito-simili del cuoio capelluto: a proposito di tre casi 321
Hyperhomocysteinemia: Focus on endothelial damage as a cause of erectile dysfunction 150
17-alpha hydroxylase deficiency: two new cases of male siblings 141
Morfologia ultrastrutturale delle cellule follicolo- stellate dell'adenoipofisi di ratto durante l'inibizione della lattazione 125
Il polimorfismo CAG del recettore degli androgeni condiziona gli effetti metabolici della terapia sostitutiva con testosterone nellipogonadismo ipogonadotropo post-chirugico. 124
17alpha-hydroxylase definciency: clinical and molecular characterization of six novel cases. 123
null 116
Total oxyradical scavenging capacity toward different reactive oxygen species in seminal plasma and sperm cells. 110
Free thiols in human spermatozoa: correlation with Na+/K+-ATPase, Ca2+-ATPase activities and sperm motilità. 100
Interleukin-1β, cyclooxygenase-2, and hypoxia-inducible factor-1α in asthenozoospermia. 98
Psycho-biological correlates of delayed ejaculation in male patients with sexual dysfunctions. 92
Ischemia and motor nerve conduction in diabetic neuropathy: some physiological considerations 92
Psychobiologic correlates of the metabolic syndrome and associated sexual dysfunction. 91
An ultrastructural immunocytochemical study of secretori granules of adenohypophyseal tumor 90
The chemoceptor surface of the taste organ in frog. Rana Esculenta. An ultrastructural study with lanthanium nitrate 90
Effects of long-term treatment with human pure FSH on seminal parameters and sperm cells ultrastructure in idiopathic oligo-asthenozoospermia. 88
X chromosome-linked CNVs in male infertility: discovery of overall duplication load and recurrent, patient-specific gains with potential clinical relevance. 88
19. Ultrastructural aspects and the interaction between erythroid precursors and the stromal cells of human bone marrow. 87
Production of peroxynitrite by human spermatozoa and its possible role on sperm motility. 87
Aspetti ultrastrutturali dell'interazione tra precursori eritroidi e cellule stromali del midollo osseo umano 83
Diagnosis of co-morbid axis-I psychiatric disorders among women with newly diagnosed, untreated endocrine disorders. 82
T lymphocytic subpopulations of normal human peripheral blood defined by monoclonal antobodies. An immunochemical ultrastructural study using immunogold staining method 80
Idiopathic infertility: susceptibility to in vitro capacitation, in the presence and the absence of palmitylethanolamide (a homologue of anandamide), is strongly correlated with membrane polarity studied by Laurdan fluorescence. 79
Free thiols in human spermatozoa: involvement of Na/K-ATPase and Ca-ATPase activities in sperm motility. 79
Atypical lung carcinoid with GFAP immunoreactive cells. 79
Lo pseudoermafroditismo maschile da deficit della 17 alfa-idrossilasi 79
A case of congenital dyserytropoietic anemia with stomatocytosis. Reduced band 7 and 8 and normal cation content 78
Allo-activated CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocyte subsets: new ultrastructural findings based on computer assisted image-analysis. 78
Nitric oxide synthase and tyrosine nitration in idiopathic asthenozoospermia: an immunohistochemical study. 78
null 78
The impotent couple: low desire. 77
Placebo-controlled double-blind randomized trial on the use of L-carnitine, L-acetylcarnitine, or combined L-carnitine and L-acetylcarnitine in men with idiopathic asthenozoospermia. 77
Gut: A key player in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes? 77
Qualità della vita nei pazienti con sindrome adrenogenitale ed impatto della terapia sostitutiva. 77
Difficulties in achieving vs maintaining erection: organic, psychogenic and relational determinants. 76
A new model for the in vivo study of adypocyte precursors in the rat 76
Enhanced activity of peritoneal cells after aclacynomycin injection: effects of pretreatment with superoxide dismutase on Aclacynomycin-induced cytological alterations and antitumoral activity 75
An ultrastructural study of six cases of chronic active C hepatitis. A comparison with chronic active B hepatitis. 75
Studio ultrastrutturale sullo sviluppo di adipociti in coltura isolati da vari tipi di tessuto adiposo 75
Effects of testosterone replacement therapy on bone metabolism in male post-surgical hypogonadotropic hypogonadism: focus on the role of androgen receptor CAG polymorphism. 75
Cardiovascular risk engines can help in selecting patients to be evaluated by dynamic penile color doppler ultrasound. 74
The paraventricular nucleus of the rat thalamic midline. A neuronal and synaptic mosaic 74
L'epitelio timico in soggetti affetti da miastenia grave: analisi ultrastrutturale in vitro 74
Results from a prospective observational study of men with premature ejaculation treated with dapoxetine or alternative care: the PAUSE study 74
Ruolo dell’osmolarità seminale nella regolazione della motilità degli spermatozoi nell’uomo 74
Un caso di anemia diseritropoietica con stomatocitosi periferica: alterazioni ultrastrutturali dei precursori eritroidi 73
Adrenal disorders: Is there Any role for vitamin D? 73
null 73
Psycho-biological correlates of smoking in patients with erectile dysfunction. 72
Ultrastructural appearance of malignant non Hodgking lumphomas and lymphoid leukemias 72
Ultrastructural study of the stellate cells of thye adenohypophysis in an ovariectomized woman 72
Analisi ultrastrutturale delle cellule epiteliali timiche (TEC) umane in vitro in condizioni di iperplasia e neoplasia 72
Coenzyme Q10 treatment in infertile men with idiopathic asthenozoospermia: a placebo-controlled, double-blind randomized trial. 72
Estrogen receptor α promoter polymorphism: stronger estrogen action is coupled with lower sperm count. 71
T-lymphoid leukemia-lymphoma categorization 71
Microscopic vs immunologic classification of lymphoid leukemias (LL) and non Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) 71
Partial AZFc deletions and duplications: clinical correlates in the Italian population. 70
Genetic analysis of CYP21 gene in congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency 70
Glutamate, GABA, and Substance P in the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus (PV) an immuno-EM study in the rat 70
Influence of androgen receptor CAG polymorphism on sexual function recovery after testosterone therapy in late-onset hypogonadism. 70
Adrenocortical tumors and insulin resistance. What is the first step? 70
A comparison of NCEP-ATPIII and IDF metabolic syndrome definitions with relation to metabolic syndrome-asociated sexual dysfunction 70
Association of hypogonadism and type 2 diabetes in men attending an outpatient erectile dysfunction clinic. 69
Comparative microscopic study of cardiotoxicity and skin toxicity of anthracycline analogs 69
Contributo della prostatectomia radicale nerve sparing nella patogenesi della disfunzione erettile 69
Laurdan fluorescence: a simple method to evaluate spermatozoa plasma membrane alteration (abstract). 69
Vitamin D levels and bone mineral density: are LH levels involved in the pathogenesis of bone impairment ih hypogonadal men? 69
Coenzyme Q10 and male infertility 69
Relationship between BMI, PSA and histopathological tumor grade in a caucasian population affected by prostate cancer 68
Epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of male hypogonadotropic hypogonadsim. 68
Fine structural organization of the ependymal region of the Paraventricular Nucleus of the rat thalamus and its relation with projection neurons 68
Comparative microscopic study of cardiotoxicity and skin toxicity of anthracycline analigs 68
Sexual symptoms in endocrine diseases: psychosomatic perspectives. 68
Involvement of sperm plasma membrane and cytoskeletal proteins in male human infertility. 68
Attachment Style, Sexual Orientation, and Biological Sex in their Relationships With Gender Role 68
Le cellule epiteliali del timo umano in coltura: caratterizzazione immunologica ed ultrastrutturale 67
Aldosterone/PRA ratio: a useful tool in screening primary hyperaldosteronism 67
An unusual case of non classical form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CHA) due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency 67
Androgen receptor Gene CAG repeat polymorphism regulates the metabolic effects of testosterone replacement therapy in male postsurgical hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. 67
Central body fat changes in men affected by post-surgical hypogonadotropic hypogonadism undergoing testosterone replacement therapy are modulated by androgen receptor CAG polymorphism. 67
Klinefelter syndrome (KS): genetics, clinical phenotype and hypogonadism 67
The normal human parathyroid gland. A histochemical and ultrastructural study with particular reference to follicular structures 66
La regione ependimale del talamo. Studio ultrastrutturale dell'architettura gliale e dei rapporti con i neuroni sottoependimali del nucleo paraventricolare proiettanti all'amigdala 66
Coenzyme Q10 and aspartic acid exert protctive effects on oxidative stress and DNA damnage in idiopathic asthenozoospermic patients. 66
null 66
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the lung with inflammatory features 65
Oxyradical scaveging capacity in seminal plasma of normal and asthenospermic individuals (abstract). 65
Bone density assessment in a cohort of pediatric patients affected by 22q11DS 65
null 65
Human thymic epithelium in culture: an experimental model for the study of thymic microenvironment 65
Aspetti ultrastrutturali dei processi degenerativi iniziali della cartilagine della rotula: Ficat tipo I 64
An ultrastructural study on muciparous microcysts of the human adenohyphophysis 64
Magno- and parvocellular pathways are segregated in the human optic tract. 64
Fotoconversione di traccianti fluorescenti 64
Estrogen receptor alpha promoter polimorphism and spermatogenesis: stronger estrogen action is coupled with lower sperm count. 64
An update of Coenzyme Q10implications in amle infertility: biochemical and therapeutic aspects. 64
The production of peroxynitrite by human spermatozoa may affect sperm motility through the formation of protein nitrotyrosine 64
Vitamin D and chronic diseases: the current state of the art 64
Low levels of androgens in men with erectile dysfunction and obesity. 63
Mucinous cystic tumor of the pancreas recurring after 11 years as cystadenocarcinoma with foci of choriocarcinoma and osteoclast-like giant cell tumor 63
Totale 7.947
Categoria #
all - tutte 95.976
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 95.976

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2018/201955 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 53
2019/20202.341 35 14 408 28 396 24 402 47 424 16 53 494
2020/20214.182 133 549 566 85 517 168 531 204 486 226 512 205
2021/20222.646 92 723 81 142 36 121 57 206 189 159 210 630
2022/20236.853 549 528 472 545 394 2.003 48 399 1.416 51 316 132
2023/20243.229 630 108 200 599 575 711 85 161 25 133 2 0
Totale 22.947