MAZZIERI, Francesco
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 2.836
EU - Europa 2.504
AS - Asia 696
AF - Africa 206
SA - Sud America 13
OC - Oceania 9
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
Totale 6.269
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.826
IT - Italia 1.037
UA - Ucraina 402
SG - Singapore 301
IE - Irlanda 235
DE - Germania 185
CN - Cina 165
SE - Svezia 158
MA - Marocco 146
DK - Danimarca 143
TR - Turchia 112
FI - Finlandia 88
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 85
KR - Corea 76
FR - Francia 70
CI - Costa d'Avorio 59
GB - Regno Unito 46
IN - India 26
BE - Belgio 19
BR - Brasile 11
CA - Canada 10
PL - Polonia 10
RU - Federazione Russa 10
HK - Hong Kong 7
NO - Norvegia 7
AU - Australia 6
EU - Europa 5
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
TW - Taiwan 3
AR - Argentina 2
BG - Bulgaria 2
IR - Iran 2
NL - Olanda 2
VN - Vietnam 2
AT - Austria 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
DZ - Algeria 1
ES - Italia 1
JP - Giappone 1
MY - Malesia 1
RO - Romania 1
RS - Serbia 1
Totale 6.269
Città #
Marche 444
Jacksonville 420
Chandler 350
Dublin 234
New York 217
Boardman 210
Fairfield 181
Wilmington 122
Ashburn 112
Singapore 103
Woodbridge 102
Angri 101
Houston 97
Ann Arbor 90
Lawrence 88
Princeton 88
Brno 85
San Mateo 85
Seattle 83
Abidjan 59
Des Moines 56
Cambridge 52
Milan 46
Turin 42
Ancona 40
Redmond 30
Rome 30
San Diego 27
Portici 24
Helsinki 19
Shanghai 18
Centro 17
Wuhan 17
Pune 13
Beijing 12
Brussels 12
Guangzhou 12
London 10
Fossombrone 9
Norwalk 9
Spello 9
Warsaw 9
Dallas 8
Jiaxing 7
Las Vegas 7
Moscow 7
Rio de Janeiro 7
Washington 7
Cava De' Tirreni 6
Ottawa 6
Boise 5
Faenza 5
Hong Kong 5
Kochi 5
Perugia 5
Aversa 4
Citta 4
Gent 4
Istanbul 4
Izmir 4
Kanpur 4
L'aquila 4
Marsciano 4
Numana 4
Saltara 4
Tolentino 4
Bacoli 3
Hanover 3
Jinhua 3
Los Angeles 3
Menlo Park 3
Monte Urano 3
Qingdao 3
Senigallia 3
Sydney 3
Toronto 3
Torre Annunziata 3
Wuxi 3
Zhengzhou 3
Bari 2
Battipaglia 2
Bologna 2
Brescia 2
Burke 2
Carpineto Romano 2
Casarza Ligure 2
Castignano 2
Central 2
Città di Castello 2
Dong Ket 2
Fairfax 2
Fuzhou 2
Genoa 2
Greve in Chianti 2
Kaiapoi 2
Kilburn 2
Lavis 2
Liverpool 2
Meridian 2
Monteprandone 2
Totale 3.989
Nome #
Environmental sustainability of engineering works: geological and geotechnical aspects 197
Polymer-treated bentonite clay for chemical-resistant geosynthetic clay liners 146
Consolidmento di sedimenti marini in vasca di colmata. Attività sperimentali e risultati preliminari 123
Influence of delayed compaction on the compressibility and hydraulic conductivity of soil-lime mixtures 105
Migration of aggressive solutions through cement-bentonite slurry walls 103
"Discariche controllate e siti contaminati: aspetti critici e tecnologie" (RELAZIONE GENERALE- Sessione Interventi di Salvaguardia Ambientale ) 100
Characterization, risk assessment and remediation scenario at a closed contaminated industrial site 100
Mohr–Coulomb failure envelopes of lime-treated soils 99
Elastic-Plastic Analysis of Passive Rigid Piles in Coehesionless Soils 97
A possible approach for tier 2 risk assessment of polluted sites: framework, computer spreadsheet and application. 95
Prediction of shear strength parameters in soil–lime mixture design – part 1: quicklime 95
Dilution Effect of the Apparatus on Contaminant Transport Parameters Assessed by Column Testing 93
Assessment of sanitary and environmental risks posed by a contaminated industrial site 93
Effects of Variation in Compaction Water Content on Geotechnical Properties of Lime-treated Clayey Soil 92
Assessment of heavy metals retention in GCLs by column and batch tests 90
Effect of wet-and-dry ageing in seawater on the swelling properties and hydraulic conductivity of two amended bentonites 89
Predicting the Volatilization of Contaminants from Soil: Comparison of Theoretical Models and Direct Measurement of Vapor Emissions 89
Diffusion of calcium chloride in modified bentonite:impact on osmotic efficiency and hydraulic conductivity 88
Tier 2 risk-assessment. Sensitivity of volatilization factors to site specific parameters. 86
Compatibility of GCLs with organic solutions 85
Risk Assessment for Contaminated Sites: Analytical Models and Field Measurements of Vapor Emissions from Soil 85
Permeation of two GCLs with an acidic metal-rich synthetic leachate 84
Durability of Cement-Bentonite Cut-Off Walls in Sulphate Solutions 84
About the State Parameters of Active Clays 84
Prediction of shear strengths parameters and its application in soil-lime mixture design 82
The time variable in modelling contaminant leaching: comparison of steady-state and transient models 80
Discussion of “Chemical Compatibility of Model Soil-Bentonite Backfill Containing Multiswellable Bentonite” by Michael A. Malusis and Matthew D. McKeehan 80
Hydraulic Conductivity and Solute Transport in Two Different GCLs Permeated with a Synthetic Solution 80
Design and installation of large diameter HDPE pipelines in a coastal area 79
Aspetti critici dei rivestimenti compositi neel coperture 78
Hydraulic conductivity and sorption capacity of special barrier materials in inorganic solutions 77
Modeling contaminant leaching and transport to groundwater in Tier 2 risk assessment procedures of contaminated sites 76
Tempi di reazione nelle miscele terra-calce ed influenza delle condizioni di stagionatura sulla loro conducibilità idraulica 76
Hydraulic conductivity of a dense prehydrated geosynthetic clay liner 74
Time of reactions in a lime treated clayey soil and influence of curing conditions on its microstructure and behaviour 74
Linking small-strain stiffness to development of chemical reactions in lime-treated soils 74
Stability analyses and design of a waste landfill enlargement in a seismic area 73
Field performance of GCLs: a case study 71
Chemico-osmotic behaviour of modified Multiswellable bentonite 71
Field testing of a composite GM – GCL barrier against emission of gaseous mercury from polluted soil 71
Impact of Desiccation and Cation Exchange on the Hydraulic Conductivity of Factory –prehydrated GCLs 69
A Polymer Enhanced Clay For Impermeable Geosynthetic Clay Liners. 69
Caratteristiche di rigonfiamento e permeabilità di una bentonite modificata” 68
Effect of dry/wet cycles and cation exchange on the permeability of a dense prehydrated GCL 66
Stabilization of soils polluted by pesticides 66
Migration of heavy metals through conventional and factory-prehydrated GCLs materials 66
Modeling Solute Transport Through Geosynthetic Clay Liners Permeated with Inorganic Solutions 66
Cap.6 Criteri generali per gli interventi di bonifica 65
Compatibility of GCLs with organic solutions 65
Impact of acidic and high-metal loading permeants on containment properties of GCLs 64
Colloidal and hydraulic performance of new generation geosynthetic clay liners in contact with diesel oil 63
Critical issues in the determination of the bentonite cation exchange capacity 63
Caratteristiche e prestazioni di geocompositi bentonitici preidratati 62
Prediction of shear strength parameters in soil–lime mixture design – part 2: hydrated lime 62
Modified clays for barriers: a review 61
Permeability of damaged Geosynthetic Clay Liners 60
Coupled flow model for three-ion advective-diffusive-reactive transport in consolidating clay liners 60
Modelli di volatilizzazione dei contaminanti dal terreno e misure dirette: un caso di studio 60
Retention of heavy metals in conventional and factory-prehydrated GCLs materials 57
Influence of preparation procedures on properties of compacted kaolin 57
Effetto di soluzioni acide di metalli pesanti sulla funzione di barriera di un geocomposito bentonitico 57
Novel bentonites for containment barrier applications 54
Indagine sperimentale sulla capacità di autocicatrizzazione dei geocompositi bentonitici 54
Risk assessment for groundwater: comparison of transient and stationary approach for modelling contaminant leaching in the vadose zone 53
A simulation model for consolidation and contaminants coupled flow in clay layers 53
The role of geotechnics in the risk assessment procedure for polluted sites 52
Hydraulic conductivity, free swell and swelling pressure of a Dense Prehydrated GCL 50
Hydraulic conductivity performance of DPH GCL overlaps permeated with seawater 50
Experimental results on hydraulic behaviour of a GCL 49
Man made deposits: investigation and testing 47
Hydraulic conductivity of a dense prehydrated GCL. Impact of free swell and swelling pressure 47
Monitoring small-strain stiffness in cementitious porous materials and amended soils for geo-environmental applications 46
Stabilization/solidification of soils polluted by chlorinated pesticides 45
Evaluating the permeability of an organically modified bentonite to natural seawater 45
Hydraulic conductivity of a dense prehydrated GCL subjected to partial desiccation 44
Permeability and Solute Retention Properties of Conventional and Polymer-Treated Prehydrated GCLs 44
Measurement of chemico-osmotic parameters of clayey soils 42
Geocompositi bentonitici: influenza delle condizioni di installazione ed ambientali sulle prestazioni idrauliche 42
Modelling chemico-osmotic phenomena induced by pollutant migration in clay barriers 41
Inertizzazione di terreni contaminati da fitofarmaci 40
Recent development of treated clays for Geosynthetic Clay Liners and barriers systems 40
Effect of consolidation on contaminant transport parameters of compacted clays 40
Sanitary and environmental risk assessment for a potentially contaminated aquifer system: a case study 40
Prediction methods in soil-lime mixture design 40
Prove di diffusione con misure della pressione osmotica 37
Geosintetici e ambiente. I geocompositi bentonitici negli interventi di protezione del sottosuolo dalla contaminazione 36
Sorption and hydraulic performance of cement-bentonite cutoffs in saline sulphatic solutions 34
Impact of osmotic efficiency on contaminant transport parameters 34
Monitoring the progress of chemical reactions in lime-treated soils through the small-strain stiffness 31
Use of Field Measurements of Mercury Vapour Emissions from soil in risk assessment procedure for a polluted site 30
Chemico-osmotic efficiency of geosynthetic clay liners: Testing apparatus and preliminary results 28
Stabilization of soil contaminated by pesticides 28
null 25
Recenti sviluppi nello studio delle prestazioni dei diaframmi plastici 23
Effects of stabilization on the behaviour of Finnish sensitive soils 21
Hydraulic conductivity and compressibility of soils treated with fly ash 20
null 17
Chemico-osmotic coefficients of geosynthetic clay liners under different confinement conditions 10
Totale 6.500
Categoria #
all - tutte 38.634
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 38.634

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020472 0 0 0 0 0 30 124 28 92 23 51 124
2020/20211.093 61 113 139 14 133 122 116 74 108 62 114 37
2021/2022618 29 163 12 8 10 22 23 78 45 42 66 120
2022/20231.134 104 119 77 111 68 161 8 83 274 6 81 42
2023/20241.006 141 21 75 124 127 259 108 30 15 21 5 80
2024/2025732 230 278 83 25 64 52 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.505