RICCI, Renato
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.325
EU - Europa 2.512
AS - Asia 783
AF - Africa 128
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 11
SA - Sud America 6
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 7.766
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.309
UA - Ucraina 549
IT - Italia 516
SE - Svezia 319
IE - Irlanda 301
SG - Singapore 284
DE - Germania 261
DK - Danimarca 207
TR - Turchia 198
CN - Cina 162
FI - Finlandia 113
KR - Corea 112
FR - Francia 104
CI - Costa d'Avorio 95
GB - Regno Unito 95
MA - Marocco 23
BE - Belgio 21
CA - Canada 12
PL - Polonia 12
EU - Europa 11
IN - India 9
KE - Kenya 8
HK - Hong Kong 7
JP - Giappone 4
PA - Panama 4
CO - Colombia 3
ES - Italia 2
MY - Malesia 2
NL - Olanda 2
VN - Vietnam 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AT - Austria 1
BR - Brasile 1
CH - Svizzera 1
CL - Cile 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
EE - Estonia 1
HR - Croazia 1
IM - Isola di Man 1
IR - Iran 1
IS - Islanda 1
LT - Lituania 1
MD - Moldavia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PT - Portogallo 1
PY - Paraguay 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 7.766
Città #
Chandler 640
Jacksonville 563
Des Moines 514
Boardman 301
Dublin 301
Fairfield 273
Ashburn 222
Wilmington 159
Woodbridge 140
Singapore 130
Ann Arbor 129
New York 126
Lawrence 121
Princeton 121
San Mateo 111
Seattle 103
Abidjan 95
Marche 94
Cambridge 90
Houston 82
San Diego 37
Washington 28
Milan 27
Brussels 21
Centro 21
Ancona 20
Turin 20
Beijing 19
Cupra Marittima 19
Norwalk 19
Shanghai 18
London 15
Rome 15
Los Angeles 14
Guangzhou 13
Helsinki 13
Dallas 12
Kraków 12
Napoli 10
Nairobi 8
Wuhan 8
Ottawa 7
Porto San Giorgio 7
Torre Annunziata 7
Cava De' Tirreni 6
Chieti 6
Pune 6
Genoa 5
Munich 5
Santa Clara 5
Tolentino 5
Yiwu 5
Dalian 4
El Dorado 4
Frankfurt am Main 4
Monteprandone 4
Tappahannock 4
Ashford 3
Auburn Hills 3
Aversa 3
Bogotá 3
Edinburgh 3
Fisciano 3
Izmir 3
Jesi 3
Jiaxing 3
Kilburn 3
Loreto 3
Pesaro 3
Polverigi 3
San Benedetto del Tronto 3
Spoltore 3
Surbo 3
Toronto 3
Torre del Greco 3
Urbana 3
Wuxi 3
Acton 2
Agrate Brianza 2
Arco 2
Bitonto 2
Brescia 2
Cagliari 2
Camerino 2
Caserta 2
Castelfidardo 2
Chiswick 2
Coriano 2
Delhi 2
Dong 2
Dong Ket 2
Falls Church 2
Gambettola 2
Hangzhou 2
Hounslow 2
Istanbul 2
Jinhua 2
Johannesburg 2
L’Aquila 2
Marzabotto 2
Totale 4.874
Nome #
Messa a punto della galleria del vento ambientale dell’Università Politecnica delle Marche per prove di aerodinamica ambientale su edifici 121
Enhancement of Savonius wind rotor aerodynamic performance: a computational study of new blade shapes and curtain systems 112
Experimental study on a modified Savonius wind rotor for street lighting systems. Analysis of external appendages and elements 107
Unsteady Aerodynamics of a Savonius wind rotor: a new computational approach for the simulation of energy performance 103
A quantitative IR thermographic method to study laminar separation bubble phenomenon 99
Analysis of boundary layer separation phenomena by infrared thermography – Use of acoustic and/or mechanical devices to avoid or reduce the laminar separation bubble effects 99
Linee guida atte a disciplinare la realizzazione e la valutazione di parchi eolici nel territorio abruzzese 95
Experimental study on a Savonius wind rotor for street lighting systems 94
Misure di velocità in flussi incomprimibili mediante tubi di Pitot Statici 93
Detached–eddy simulations of the flow over a cylinder at Re = 3900 using OpenFOAM 93
Assessment of the dimples as passive boundary layer control technique for laminar airfoils operating at wind turbine blades root region typical Reynolds numbers 93
Energy Scenarios for the Future of Mankind 92
A thermographic method for non-destructive testing: numerical and experimental analysis 86
A quantitative IR Thermographic investigation of cooling of power electronic sources by forced convection cold plates 84
Study of acoustic disturbances effect on laminar separation bubble by IR thermography 83
An experimental method for evaluating the heat transfer coefficient of liquid-cooled short pin fins using infrared thermography 82
A thermographic method to evaluate laminar bubble phenomena on airfoil operating at low Reynolds number 82
Acoustic Investigation of Aerodynamic Appendages for Wind Turbine Blades: Fluid-Dynamic Tests 82
Aerodynamics of a Savonius Wind Rotor 82
Natural convection in a rectangular enclosure with array of chips mounted on a vertical wall 81
Analisi mediante termografia IR dei fenomeni di separazione dello strato limite su corpi aerodinamici 79
Metodi numerici alle differenze finite per lo studio di processi di scambio termico convettivo 78
Un sistema automatico di elaborazione di immagini interferometriche per la valutazione dei coefficienti di scambio termico convettivo 77
Modello termico-numerico ed analisi termografica di un pannello isolante sandwich durante il processo di formazione 77
Electromagnetic and thermal analysis of a RF oven 77
Raffreddamento di componenti elettronici di potenza mediante dispositivi ad effetto Ranque-Hilsch: simulazione numerica del flusso interno ed esterno 77
An experimental IR thermographic method for the evaluation of the heat transfer coefficient of liquid-cooled short pin fins arranged in line 77
Acoustic analysis of wind turbine generators 76
Flow field assessment in a vertical axis wind turbine 76
Experimental analysis of a Savonius wind rotor for street lighting systems 75
Numerical simulation of turbulent flow in a Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube 73
Direct computation of aeroacoustic fields in laminar flows: Solver development and assessment of wall temperature effects on radiated sound around bluff bodies 73
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Natural Convection in Square Enclosures with a Nonuniformly Heated Vertical Surface 72
An innovative wind-solar hybrid street light: development and early testing of a prototype 72
An OpenFOAM Solver for Forced Convection Heat Transfer Adopting Diagonally Implicit Runge–Kutta Schemes 72
A Mesoscale-Microscale approach for the energy analysis of buildings 72
Eulerian-Lagrangian modeling of cough droplets irradiated by ultraviolet-C light in relation to SARS-CoV-2 transmission 72
Numerical analysis of compressible turbulent helical flow in a Ranque-Hilsch vortex-tube 71
On the evaluation of fracture toughness of polymers 70
Analisi acustica di parchi eolici del centro Italia 70
Development of OpenFoam solvers for incompressible Navier–Stokes equations based on high-order Runge–Kutta schemes 69
On the development of OpenFOAM solvers based on explicit and implicit high-order Runge-Kutta schemes for incompressible flows with heat transfer 69
Numerical modeling of the flow over wind turbine airfoils by means of Spalart–Allmaras local correlation based transition model 69
Thermal control of Broadcast Transmitters by Air Cooled Cold Plates 68
Tunnel del vento a circuito chiuso per studi di termofluidodinamica ambinetale. Prime prove di caratterizzazione 68
A thermographic approach to the study of laminar separation bubble 68
Natural Convection in a Rectangular Enclosure with Array of Chips Mounted on a Vertical Wall 67
An unsteady model for the simulation of the rapid depressurization of vessels containing two-phase mixtures in non-equilibrium conditions 67
Tensile test, Thermal measurements and photoelasticity observations of specimens produced by stereolithography technique (SLA) 66
Misura della potenza sonora di generatori eolici mediante la norma CEI-EN- 61400-11: analisi della metodologia e dei limiti di applicazione in territorio italiano 66
Studio numerico e sperimentale della convezione naturale in cavità parallelepipede con piccolo aspect-ratio 66
Valutazione di impatto acustico del parco eolico regionale marchigiano 66
Experimental Holographic Investigation of Natural Convection from Horizontal Cylinders Enclosed in a Rectangular Cavity 65
Study of laminar separation bubble on low Reynolds number operating airfoils: RANS modelling by means of an high-accuracy solver and experimental verification 65
Quantitative IR thermographic investigation of cooling of power electronic sources by forced convection cold-plates 64
Raffreddamento di componenti elettronici di potenza mediante dispositivi ad effetto Ranque-Hilsch: caratterizzazione sperimentale realizzazione di un prototipo 64
Analisi termografica su foglie di Sangiovese e di Montepulciano (Vitis vinifera L.) 64
Thermomechanical evaluation of polypropilene fracture resistance 62
Resistenza termica di contatto nei componenti elettronici di potenza 62
Strumenti e metodi di misura per la caratterizzazione acustica e vibrazionale di turbine eoliche 62
On the improvement of computational performance of a vapor-liquid equilibria solver for mixtures 62
Thermografic Analysis of Mechanical Disturbances Effects on Laminar Separation Bubble 61
Analysis of free convective heat transfer in an enclosure with localized heat sources 61
Fluid–dynamic analysis of a multi–blade gravity damper 61
Flow visualizations of the laminar separation bubble by infrared thermography investigations 60
PVT Properties of Dinitrogen Monoxide 60
PVTx Measurements for the R116 + CO2 and R41 + CO2 Systems. New Isochoric Apparatus 60
Laminar separation bubble visualisation by I.R. Thermography 59
The enhancement of convective heat transfer in internal laminar flow by vibrating surfaces. 59
La riduzione dell'impatto acustico dei parchi eolici sul territorio 59
Convezione naturale dovuta a sorgenti discrete sporgenti da una parete di una cavità verticale 58
A thermographic method to evaluate the local boundary layer separation phenomena on aerodynamic bodies operating at low Reynolds number 58
Analysis of boundary layer separation phenomena by infrared thermography - Use of acoustic and/or mechnical devices to avoid or reduce the laminar separation bubble effects 57
Anatomia di un incidente: imbardata in decollo di un aliante. 57
Study of the flow field past dimpled aerodynamic surfaces: Numerical simulation and experimental verification 56
Il processo di certificazione acustica di turbine eoliche 56
Effetto diodo termico per convezione naturale in cavità verticali non rettangolari 55
Thermal behaviour assessment and electrical characterisation of a cylindrical Lithium-ion battery using infrared thermography 53
Convective heat transfer increase in internal laminar flow using a vibrating surface 52
Thermal Behaviour of a Cylindrical Li-Ion Battery 52
Thermographic Evaluation of Forced Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient on Short Pin Fins 51
Solar Pond non utilizzanti il sale 50
Energie alternative. 50
Determination of Wind Pattern Inside an Urban Area Through a Mesoscale-Microscale Approach 50
Assessment of a Spalart–Allmaras Model Coupled with Local Correlation Based Transition Approaches for Wind Turbine Airfoils 50
Thermgraphic analysis of acoustic disturbance effects on laminar separation bubble 49
Numerical and experimental study of natural convection in parallelogrammic enclosures 49
Study of mechanical disturbances effects on the laminar separation bubble by means of infrared thermography 49
Campi di vento su sistemi orografici complessi: approccio numerico e verifica con dati sperimentali 49
Electromagnetic and thermal analysis of a RF oven 48
Analisi termografica su foglie di Sangiovese e Montapulciano (Vitis vinifera L.) 47
An innovative WIND/SOLAR HYBRID STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM: development and early testing of a prototype. 46
Estimation of the lower atmospheric turbulence parameters by Sodar-Rass unit and Sonic anemometer. 46
Thermomechanical analysis of cracked polymeric specimen 46
Non-linear Detached-Eddy Simulations on Supercomputing Facilities 46
Implementation and evaluation of DES models in OpenFOAM. 46
Totale 6.884
Categoria #
all - tutte 39.150
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 39.150

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020451 0 0 0 0 0 8 120 9 123 3 29 159
2020/20211.381 45 169 169 23 168 29 159 84 148 161 169 57
2021/2022807 29 212 12 21 5 40 26 48 50 71 90 203
2022/20232.159 158 186 175 146 125 681 12 101 437 15 85 38
2023/2024984 174 20 63 165 171 193 8 23 6 24 19 118
2024/2025654 197 183 106 44 76 48 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.940