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Prodotti della tipologia (ordinati per Data di deposito in Decrescente ordine): 181 a 200 di 38.652
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autore(i) File
The paths of Italy's first female psychiatrists through new documents (competitions for doctors in asylums)|I percorsi delle prime psichiatre italiane attraverso nuovi documenti (concorsi per medici nei manicomi) 1-gen-2023 Sabbatini, V.
Prickly pear fruits from Opuntia ficus-indica varieties as a source of potential bioactive compounds in the Mediterranean diet 1-gen-2022 Armas Diaz, Y.; Machi, M.; Salinari, A.; Perez-Oleaga, C. M.; Martinez Lopez, N. M.; Briones Urbano, M.; Cianciosi, D.
Betalains: The main bioactive compounds of Opuntia spp and their possible health benefits in the Mediterranean diet 1-gen-2023 Armas Diaz, Y.; Qi, Z.; Yang, B.; Martinez Lopez, N. M.; Briones Urbano, M.; Cianciosi, D.
Betti splitting from a topological point of view 1-gen-2020 Bolognini, Davide; Fugacci, Ulderico
Powers of monomial ideals with characteristic-dependent Betti numbers 1-gen-2022 Bolognini, Davide; Macchia, Antonio; Strazzanti, Francesco; Welker, Volkmar
The Dark Side of Platinum Based Cytostatic Drugs: From Detection to Removal 1-gen-2021 Roque-Diaz, Yessica; Sanadar, Martina; Han, Dong; López-Mesas, Montserrat; Valiente, Manuel; Tolazzi, Marilena; Melchior, Andrea; Veclani, Daniele
Combination of Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging With Elastic-fusion Biopsy Has a High Sensitivity in Detecting Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer in Daily Practice 1-gen-2020 Cecchini, Sara; Castellani, Daniele; Fabbietti, Paolo; Mazzucchelli, Roberta; Montironi, Rodolfo; Cecarini, Marco; Carnevali, Francesca; Pierangeli, Tiziana; Dellabella, Marco; Ravasi, Elena
Experimental and clinical applications and outcomes of using different forms of suction in retrograde intrarenal surgery. Results from a systematic review 1-gen-2023 Giulioni, C; Castellani, D; Traxer, O; Gadzhiev, N; Pirola, Gm; Tanidir, Y; da Silva, Rd; Glover, X; Giusti, G; Proietti, S; Mulawkar, Pm; De Stefano, V; Gauhar, V
A Bladder Stone 28 Years After Burch Colposuspension 1-gen-2020 Castellani, D.; Pucci, M.; Dellabella, M.
State of the Art of Thulium Laser Enucleation and Vapoenucleation of the Prostate: A Systematic Review 1-gen-2020 Castellani, D.; Pirola, G. M.; Pacchetti, A.; Saredi, G.; Dellabella, M.
Is endoscopic combined intrarenal surgery ready for primetime in endourology? Outcomes from a systematic review and meta-analysis 1-gen-2022 Gauhar, V.; Castellani, D.; Cracco, C. M.; Scoffone, C. M.; Lim, E. J.; Rubilotta, E.; Pretore, E.; Pirola, G. M.; Maggi, M.; Rice, P.; Chan, V. W. -S.; Teoh, J. Y. -C.; Heng, C. -T.; Somani, B. K.; Pavia, M. P.
Influence of Webinar-Based Learning on Practice of Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy: Outcomes of a Global Survey 1-gen-2022 Lim, E. J.; Tanidir, Y.; Ganesan, S.; Maheshwari, P. N.; Tanwar, H.; Ragoori, D.; Ganpule, A. P.; Kumar, S.; Mishra, D. K.; Mohan, V. C.; Balakrishnan, A. K.; Wroclawski, M. L.; Gadzhiev, N.; Castellani, D.; Teoh, J. Y. -C.; Chew, B. H.; Smith, D.; Somani, B. K.; Gauhar, V.
Does using a laser improve outcomes of conventional circumcision in adult and children populations? Results from a systematic review and meta-analysis 1-gen-2023 Scarcella, S.; Law, Y. X. T.; Bravi, C. A.; Piazza, P.; Heldwein, F. L.; Ronchi, P.; Lacetera, V.; Beatrici, V.; Gauhar, V.; Castellani, D.
A cost–benefit analysis of bipolar turp for the treatment of bladder outflow obstruction 1-gen-2021 Pirola, G. M.; Maggi, M.; Castellani, D.; Sciarra, A.; Rubilotta, E.; Gubbiotti, M.
Updates about Wilms' Tumor: Pathogenesis, and New Possible Treatments of the Most Frequent Pediatric Urogenital Cancer 1-gen-2023 Perrotta, Giulio; Castellani, Daniele
Complications and outcomes of tubeless versus nephrostomy tube in percutaneous nephrolithotomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials 1-gen-2022 Gauhar, V.; Traxer, O.; Garcia Rojo, E.; Scarcella, S.; Pavia, M. P.; Chan, V. W. -S.; Pretore, E.; Wroclawski, M. L.; Corrales, M.; Tiong, H. Y.; Lim, E. J.; Teoh, J. Y. -C.; Heng, C. -T.; de la Rosette, J.; Somani, B. K.; Castellani, D.
The efficacy of retrograde intra-renal surgery (RIRS) for lower pole stones: results from 2946 patients 1-gen-2023 Giulioni, C.; Castellani, D.; Somani, B. K.; Chew, B. H.; Tailly, T.; Keat, W. O. L.; Teoh, J. Y. -C.; Emiliani, E.; Chai, C. A.; Galosi, A. B.; Ragoori, D.; Tanidir, Y.; Hamri, S. B.; Gadzhiev, N.; Traxer, O.; Gauhar, V.
Role and Importance of Ergonomics in Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery: Outcomes of a Narrative Review 1-gen-2022 Ong, C. S. H.; Castellani, D.; Gorelov, D.; Giron-Nanne, I.; Swaroop, K. G. J.; Corrales, M.; Alshaashaa, M.; Chan, V. W. S.; Hameed, B. M. Z.; Cho, S. Y.; Durai, P.; Gadzhiev, N.; Hamri, S. B.; Ragoori, D.; Emiliani, E.; Proietti, S.; Giusti, G.; Somani, B. K.; Traxer, O.; Teoh, J. Y. C.; Gauhar, V.
The Role of Emotional Condition in Patients With Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Performing Uroflowmetry 1-gen-2021 Rubilotta, E.; Balzarro, M.; Castellani, D.; Tiso, L.; Panunzio, A.; Pirola, G. M.; Antonelli, A.; Giannantoni, A.; Gubbiotti, M.
International Survey on Urodynamic Investigations in Women Undergoing Stress Urinary Incontinence Surgery 1-gen-2023 Rubilotta, E.; Gubbiotti, M.; Castellani, D.; Pirola, G. M.; Gemma, L.; Polycarpova, A.; Martoccia, A.; de Vermandois, J. A. R.; Gomez, A. M. A.; Blanco, L. T.; Antonelli, A.; Goldman, H.; Balzarro, M.
Prodotti della tipologia (ordinati per Data di deposito in Decrescente ordine): 181 a 200 di 38.652
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  •  file ad accesso aperto
  •  file disponibili sulla rete interna
  •  file disponibili agli utenti autorizzati
  •  file disponibili solo agli amministratori
  •  file sotto embargo
  •  nessun file disponibile

  • 1 Contributo su Rivista38651
  • 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno ...1
  • MONTIRONI, Rodolfo872
  • BATTINO, Maurizio442
  • OFFIDANI, Annamaria438
  • BERARDI, Rossana433
  • CHERUBINI, Antonio429
  • DANOVARO, Roberto419
  • SALAFFI, Fausto407
  • SCARPELLI, Marina391
  • GRASSI, Walter377
  • SILVESTRINI, Mauro367
Data di pubblicazione
  • In corso di stampa18
  • 2020 - 20259446
  • 2010 - 201914180
  • 2000 - 20098874
  • 1990 - 19994482
  • 1980 - 19891429
  • 1970 - 1979213
  • 1967 - 196910
  • Elsevier BV:PO Box 211, 1000 AE A...309
  • Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford F...237
  • Springer Verlag Germany:Tiergarte...155
  • Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins:53...116
  • Elsevier Science Incorporated / N...98
  • Taylor & Francis Limited:Rankine ...98
  • S Karger AG:Allschwilerstrasse 10...74
  • IEEE / Institute of Electrical an...73
  • John Wiley & Sons Incorporated:Cu...62
  • Kluwer Academic Publishers:Journa...58
  • PLOS ONE206
  • Humans2102
  • Female1064
  • Male1036
  • Middle Aged700
  • Aged634
  • Adult612
  • Italy400
  • Animals397
  • Treatment Outcome308
  • COVID-19285
  • eng28387
  • ita3482
  • fre70
  • spa41
  • ger16
  • enm11
  • und10
  • por6
  • dut5
  • chi4
Accesso al fulltext
  • no fulltext33964
  • open3092
  • partially open799
  • reserved694
  • mixed92
  • restricted6
  • embargoed5