ORSINI, Valentina
ORSINI, Valentina
Dipartimento Ingegneria dell'Informazione
A B-spline-based pseudo-inversion approach for constrained optimal output transition
2018-01-01 Jetto, L.; Orsini, V.; Romagnoli, R.
A B-splines based feedforward action for constrained optimization of PID controllers performance
2017-01-01 Jetto, L.; Orsini, V.; Romagnoli, R.
A least squares based pseudoinversion approach for non hyperbolic linear systems
2014-01-01 Ietto, Leopoldo; Orsini, Valentina; Romagnoli, Raffaele
A mixed numerical-analytical stable pseudo-inversion method aimed at attaining an almost exact tracking
2015-01-01 Ietto, Leopoldo; Orsini, Valentina; Romagnoli, Raffaele
A new approach to model predictive control based on two degrees of freedom control and B-splines input shaping
2021-01-01 Jetto, L.; Orsini, Valentina; Romagnoli, Raffaele
A new event-driven output based discrete-time control for the sporadic MIMO tracking problem
2014-01-01 Ietto, Leopoldo; Orsini, Valentina
A numerically efficient minimum variance filter for noise reduction in RGB color images
2008-01-01 Ietto, Leopoldo; Orsini, Valentina
A robust least squares based approach to min-max model predictive control
2020-01-01 Jetto, L.; Orsini, V.
A Robust Offline Precomputed Optimal Feedforward Control Action for the Real Time Feedback/Feedforward Control of Double Pendulum Gantry Cranes
2021-01-01 Orsini, Valentina
A spline-based technique for optimal set point regulation through pseudo-inversion of nonminimum phase linear systems
2013-01-01 Ietto, Leopoldo; Orsini, Valentina; Romagnoli, Raffaele
A supervised switching control policy for LPV systems with inaccurate parameter knowledge
2012-01-01 Ietto, Leopoldo; Orsini, Valentina
A supervised switching technique for the robust stabilization of a class of linear discrete time time varying systems”,
2006-01-01 Corradini, M. L.; Ietto, Leopoldo; Orlando, Giuseppe; Orsini, V.
Accurate output tracking for non minimum phase non hyperbolic and near non hyperbolic systems
2014-01-01 Ietto, Leopoldo; Orsini, Valentina; Romagnoli, Raffaele
Adaptive finite-dimensional optimal linear filtering of nD smooth Gaussian random fields
2006-01-01 Ietto, Leopoldo; Orsini, Valentina
Adaptively Switched Set-point Tracking PID Controllers
2004-01-01 Ippoliti, Gianluca; Ietto, Leopoldo; Longhi, Sauro; Orsini, V.
Almost perfect tracking through mixed numerical analytical stable pseudo inversion of non minimum phase plants
2013-01-01 Ietto, Leopoldo; Orsini, Valentina; Romagnoli, Raffaele
An efficient LMI approach for the quadratic stabilisation of a class of linear, uncertain, time-varying systems
2010-01-01 Ietto, Leopoldo; Orsini, Valentina
An eigenvalue perturbation result for stability bound with respect to biased structured perturbations
2006-01-01 Ietto, Leopoldo; Orsini, Valentina
An inversion-based Feedback/Feedforward control for robust and precise payload positioning in gantry crane systems
2023-01-01 Orsini, Valentina
An iterative LMI scheme for output regulation of continuous-time LPV systems with inexactly measured parameters
2012-01-01 Ietto, Leopoldo; Orsini, Valentina; Romagnoli, Raffaele