DI BENEDETTO, Giovanni Maria
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 5.592
EU - Europa 4.410
AS - Asia 845
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 19
AF - Africa 6
SA - Sud America 5
Totale 10.877
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.587
IT - Italia 1.236
UA - Ucraina 1.069
IE - Irlanda 539
DE - Germania 445
DK - Danimarca 396
TR - Turchia 352
SE - Svezia 314
KR - Corea 239
FI - Finlandia 217
SG - Singapore 194
GB - Regno Unito 97
FR - Francia 58
CN - Cina 37
EU - Europa 19
IN - India 19
BE - Belgio 14
NL - Olanda 6
CA - Canada 5
PL - Polonia 5
RU - Federazione Russa 5
ES - Italia 4
JP - Giappone 3
AR - Argentina 2
CH - Svizzera 2
LY - Libia 2
PE - Perù 2
BG - Bulgaria 1
BR - Brasile 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
HR - Croazia 1
MW - Malawi 1
MY - Malesia 1
NG - Nigeria 1
RO - Romania 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 10.877
Città #
Jacksonville 1.062
Dublin 539
Chandler 535
Wilmington 461
Fairfield 361
Des Moines 275
Boardman 258
Ashburn 245
San Mateo 223
Lawrence 222
Princeton 222
Seattle 215
New York 187
Houston 184
Woodbridge 156
Cambridge 115
Ann Arbor 99
Porto 77
Centro 67
Rome 63
San Diego 53
Milan 47
Ancona 46
Beijing 35
Turin 34
Napoli 28
Redmond 25
Seoul 25
London 22
Norwalk 22
Bologna 19
Cantu 19
Los Angeles 19
Ferrara 17
Izmir 17
Pune 17
Brussels 14
Helsinki 14
Verona 10
Brescia 9
Naples 9
Washington 9
Pyeongtaek-si 8
Chiswick 7
Kilburn 7
Ascoli Piceno 6
Auburn Hills 5
Falconara Marittima 5
Imola 5
Jesi 5
Marche 5
Salerno 5
Afragola 4
Catania 4
Corchiano 4
Florence 4
Genoa 4
Iesi 4
Messina 4
Montefiore Dell'aso 4
Orio Litta 4
Osimo 4
Palermo 4
Palma Campania 4
Portici 4
Scuola 4
Singapore 4
Trieste 4
Bari 3
Cive 3
Como 3
Diano Marina 3
Dolo 3
Fontaniva 3
Genova 3
Guidizzolo 3
Hounslow 3
Lucca 3
Modena 3
Monteforte d'Alpone 3
New Bedfont 3
Ottawa 3
Pavia 3
Pesaro 3
Pisa 3
Redwood City 3
Reggio Emilia 3
Senigallia 3
Treviso 3
Acerra 2
Alessandria 2
Andover 2
Bergamo 2
Caerphilly 2
Cagliari 2
Capaccio 2
Caselle Lurani 2
Castel di Sangro 2
Castelfidardo 2
Citta 2
Totale 6.283
Nome #
Ricostruzione mammaria post mastectomia: il lembo muscolare di bohmert (muscolo retto dell'addome e muscolo obliquo esterno) uale alternativa ai lembi miocutanei di retto e latissimo del dorso. 311
Tumore a cellule di Merkel del gluteo con caratteristiche di eccezionalità 169
A case report of metastatic giant sarcomatoid melanoma with BRAF V600E mutation: a complete response to targeted therapy 165
L’uso del blocco toracico paravertebrale in chirurgia plastica mammaria. L’esperienza del centro di Ancona. 152
A simple and reliable method of nipple reconstruction using a spiral flap made of residual scar tissue 111
Microenvironment and microbiology of skin wounds: The role of bacterial biofilms and related factors 103
Il trattamento dei traumi da scuoiamento della mano 97
A peculiar case of oral firework explosion caused by Russian roulette. 93
MSCs and inflammation: new insights into the potential association between ALCL and breast implants. 91
Improving wound healing and preventing surgical site complications of closed surgical incisions: A possible role of Incisional Negative Pressure Wound Therapy. A systematic review of the literature 90
Il lembo ad isola a peduncolo sottocutaneo nella ricostruzione di piccoli difetti del viso 88
Functional characterization of calcium-signaling pathways of human skin-derived mesenchymal stem cells. 87
Acellular dermal matrix and heel reconstruction: a new prospective 85
Cushing Syndrome: The Role of MSCs in Wound Healing, Immunosuppression, Comorbidities, and Antioxidant Imbalance 84
Gangrena di Fournier: algoritmo di trattamento ad una tipologia di lesione complessa 83
Impiego del lembo libero fasciocutaneo laterale del braccio nella ricostruzione delle neoplasie dell’angolo della bocca 81
Ricostruzione vulvare immediata dopo trattamento chirurgico del morbo di Paget con il lembo fascio-cutaneo antero-mediale della coscia 81
Efficacy and Safety of Topical Pidobenzone 4% as Adjuvant Treatment for Solar Lentigines: Result of a Randomized, Controlled, Clinical Trial 79
Characterization and profiling of immunomodulatory genes in resident mesenchymal stem cells reflect the Th1-Th17/Th2 imbalance of psoriasis 78
Acellular dermal matrices and paraffinoma: A modern tool for a nearly obsolete disease 78
A conservative approach to perineal Fournier's Gangrene 77
Perforator flaps in late-stage pressure sore treatment: Outcome analysis of 11-year-long experience with 143 patients 76
Inflammation by Breast Implants and Adenocarcinoma: Not Always a Bad Company. 76
Acellular dermal matrix for rhinophyma: Is it worth it? A new case report and review of literature 76
An explosion in the mouth caused by a firework. 75
Chromatin assembly factor-1 (CAF-1) mediated regulation of cell proliferation and DNA repair: a link with the biological behaviour of squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue? 74
A peculiar case of multiple gigantic seborrheic keratoses 73
Multipotential aspects of breast periprosthetic capsule stem cells 73
Topical use of α-tocopherol acetate in delayed wound healing 73
Bilateral squamous cell carcinoma of the feet associated with HPV16 infection. 72
Breast Implant Texturization Does Not Affect the Crosstalk Between MSC and ALCL Cells 72
The COVID-19 Pandemic and its Impact on Plastic Surgery in Europe - An ESPRAS Survey 72
Aesthetic refinement of the dog ear correction: the 90° incision technique and review of the literature. 69
Vulvo-perineal reconstruction with a reversesensitive rectus abdominis salvage flap ina multirecurrent anal carcinoma 68
Lembi liberi rivascolarizzati in chirurgica maxillo-facciale 67
Extensive characterization of stem cells derived from skin 67
Peripheral nerve regeneration after interpositional grafting with acellular muscle 66
A new material for the standard burn model 66
LE TERAPIE DELLA DEISCENZA DELL’INCISIONE CHIRURGICA.La terapia chirurgica ricostruttiva La regione sternale 64
A simple and reliable method of nipple reconstruction using a spiral flap made of residual scar tissue. 64
Giant compressing lipoma of the thigh. 64
A peculiar case of spontaneous bilateral mammary implant capsule detachment. 64
The enhanced healing of a high-risk, clean, sutured surgical incision by prophylactic negative pressure wound therapy as delivered by prevena™ customizable™: Cosmetic and therapeutic results 64
L'uso di olii minerali a scopo additivo nella mammella. Considerazioni anatomocliniche, medico legali e ricostruttive 62
Comparative study of breast implant rupture using mammography, sonography, and magnetic resonance imaging: correlation with surgical findings 62
Ricostruzione estetica del naso conseguente ad avulsione da morso umano 62
Evaluation of the efficacy of an innovative system for measuring chronic wounds: Mobile Wound Analyzer 62
Oxidative stress defense in human-skin-derived mesenchymal stem cells versus human keratinocytes: Different mechanisms of protection and cell selection. 61
Il lembo sopraclavicolare a peduncolo fasciale nella ricostruzione di ampi difetti della regione cervico-facciale 61
L’impiego del perone vascolarizzato nella ricostruzione della mandibola 60
Behandlungsstrategie bei Explosions- und Schussverletzungen an der oberen Extremitaet 58
Breast surgeons updating on the thresholds of COVID-19 era: Results of a multicenter collaborative study evaluating the role of online videos and multimedia sources on breast surgeons education and training 58
L'adenectomia sottocutanea 57
il lembo neurovascolare ad isola nella ricostruzione della regione pulpare del pollice. 57
A new idea in mesh graft harvesting 57
Acellular dermal matrix and skin grafts: A long-lasting alternative for weight-bearing zone reconstruction after degloving trauma of the foot 57
Paraplegia in a patient with Von Hippel Lindau syndrome: surgical and reconstructive treatment of Marjolin's ulcer. A case report. 57
Dual-Plane Retro-pectoral Versus Pre-pectoral DTI Breast Reconstruction: An Italian Multicenter Experience 57
“Adoration of the shepherds”—Simone Peterzano (1540–1596) 56
An Improved tie-over dressing for skin graft fixation 56
An improved tie-over dressing technique for skin graft fixation using a hydrocellular dressing 55
Versatility of the O-Z flap for back reconstruction after giant basal cell carcinoma resection: A case report and review of the literature 55
The use of a hydrocellular dressing as a temporary coverage in two step surgical procedures 55
Wound Healing Center: Analysis of preventive measures and new indications in a teaching hospital in central Italy during the Covid‐19 emergency 55
Paget extramammario: possibilità ricostruttive immediate della regione perineale e vulvare dopo trattamento chirurgico demolitivo 54
A peculiar case of large primary cutaneous Ewing's sarcoma of the foot: Case report and review of the literature 54
Use of anteromedial thigh perforator flap and immunological implications of Gorlin-Goltz syndrome: A case study 54
Supraclavicular island fascial flap in the treatment of progressive hemifacial atrophy. 53
Qual è il sito migliore per posizionare la valvola delle protesi/espansori mammari? Studio comparativo 53
Acta Vulnologica 2004 Giugno;2(1-2):17-25 La gestione delle cicatrici. Trattamento tradizionale e ingegneria dei tessuti a confronto 53
Profunda Femoris Artery Perforator Propeller Flap: A Valid Method to Cover Complicated Ischiatic Pressure Sores 53
Reconstruction of full-thickness soft tissue defects with integra: Risk factors and treatment algorithm 53
Which is the best position for the remote injection dome using the adjustable expander/prosthesis in breast reconstruction? A comparative study. 52
Mesenchymal stem cells are involved in psoriasis pathogenesis 52
Riparazione dei nervi periferici mediante uso di tessuto muscolare dopo trattamento con azoto liquido. 52
The inverted dual plane mastoplasty technique 51
Tumori del canto interno: possibilità ricostruttive 51
La ricostruzione del canale uditivo esterno mediante il lembo laterocervicale tubulizzato a conchiglia (SNAIL FLAP) 51
The response of breast cancer cells to mesenchymal stem cells: a possible role of inflammation by breast implants 49
A simple, reliable, and inexpensive method for seroma drainage 49
A peculiar case of gigantic seborrheic keratoses. Reply. 47
Versus spray: a new kind of dressing for wound care 47
Amelioration de la technique du bourdonnet pour la fixation d'un greffon cutanè, en utilisant le pansement hydrocellulaire allevyn 47
Nerve regeneration through a combined autologous conduit (vein plus acellular muscle grafts). 46
Gli impianti 45
An example of a hub and spoke network system in Plastic Surgery: the Regional reference center for non-healing wounds in Ancona (Italy)(Article) [Esempio di sistema in rete Hub & Spoke in Chirurgia Plastica: il Centro di Riferimento Regionale "Ferite Difficili" di Ancona] 45
Mesenchymal Stem Cells Exposed to Persistently High Glucocorticoid Levels Develop Insulin-Resistance and Altered Lipolysis: A Promising In Vitro Model to Study Cushing’s Syndrome 45
The use of acellular autologous skeletal muscle grafts in peripheral nerve repair: A morphometrical-morphological study 44
An improved tie-over dressing technique for skin graft fixation, using a hydrocellular dressing. 44
The mesenchymal stem cell profile in psoriasis. 43
History of abdominoplasty 43
Il ruolo di un centro ferite difficili: prevenzione, trattamento e formazione in tema di lesioni da decubito in un polo ospedaliero-universitario regionale. 43
Cultured autologous fibroblastic and keratinocyte grafts: applications in plastic surgery 43
L’utilizzo di biomateriale derivato dalle cellule di mucosa di stomaco di maiale come nuovo trattamento nella riparazione tessutale in chirurgia plastica 43
An Improved tie-over dressing technique for skin graft fixation, using a hydrocellular dressing. 43
Strengthening Plastic Surgery in Europe - ESPRAS Survey at ESPRAS European Leadership Forum (ELF) 43
Tatooing: an alternative treatment for piebaldism. 42
Breast Reduction with Ultrasound Assisted Lipoplasty 42
Totale 6.772
Categoria #
all - tutte 48.948
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 48.948

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2018/201952 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 43
2019/20201.305 16 6 227 9 228 13 223 12 221 26 77 247
2020/20212.124 74 263 295 75 304 77 225 84 253 127 283 64
2021/20221.377 62 403 19 92 11 50 33 117 75 91 109 315
2022/20232.181 262 182 173 115 127 417 14 115 586 9 85 96
2023/20241.329 277 34 76 265 239 251 27 58 4 50 48 0
Totale 11.013