Background Due to its nature of arginine-vasopressin (AVP) mirror-peptide, copeptin may be a novel biomarker in Cushing’s syndrome (CS). This is a condition of chronic hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis hyperactivation, whose pathogenesis also involves a dysregulation of AVP system. Data on this topic are outdated and conflicting due to challenges in AVP determination, but the availability of such a reliable surrogate marker in recent years has led us reopen the debate through 3 studies. Objectives Study 1: to determine if copeptin differs within the spectrum of HPA axis states (CS vs healthy HPA, CS vs adrenal insufficiency (AI)). Study 2: to explore the relationship between copeptin and the keypoint diagnostic features of CS, as well as its comorbidity-derived burden. Study 3: to investigate the longitudinal intra-individual variations of copeptin at the different disease states after CS treatment. Patients and methods All the enrolled patients (71 active CS, 82 Healthy HPA and 36 AI in the cross-sectional Study 1; 80 active CS and 10 neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) in the cross-sectional Study 2; 30 adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-dependent CS in the prospective observational Study 3) referred to the Endocrinology Department of Ancona University Hospital between January 2016 and December 2022. Copeptin was measured with the ultra-sensitive, immuno-luminometric BRAHMS Copeptin assay on the KRYPTOR Compact Plus system. Results Study 1: CS and Healthy HPA had similar copeptin, but the former had hypercortisolism-induced higher plasma osmolality and sodium, thus a significantly lower adjusted copeptin. Diuretic-induced dehydration, either alone (p=0.006) or combined with diabetes mellitus (DM) (p=0.005), confounded the real copeptin in both groups: after correction, the cortisol-induced inhibition on copeptin in non-severely complicated CS patients became visible (3.7 vs 5.6, p=0.022). No differences emerged between CS and AI patients, provided the confounders acted also on the latter (p=0.003 diuretics, p=0.006 combination DM/diuretics). Study 2: copeptin significantly differed among Cushing’s disease (CD), adrenal CS (ACS) and ectopic ACTH secretion (EAS) (3.7 vs 5.1 vs 12.2 pmol/L respectively, p=0.002) with an epiphenomenal, rather than pathogenetical meaning. Within ACTH-dependent forms, copeptin mirrored ACTH trend and showed superior accuracy than the gold standard human corticotropin-releasing hormone (hCRH) test in discriminating EAS from CD at a cutoff of ≥9.1 pmol/L (AUC 0.993 p=0.001 vs AUC 0.889 p=0.029 hCRH test). Compared to NET, copeptin was lower in CD and higher in EAS. Copeptin reflected the systemic burden of CS in terms of number of comorbidities (ρ=0.332 p=0.003), presence of ipokalemia (16.4 vs 3.8, p<0.001) and the biomarkers of hypertension, central obesity, dyslipidemia (p<0.050). Study 3: copeptin had a 23% longitudinal intra-individual variability (CoV). Although not significantly, it increased after medical therapy (+2.6 pmol/L) and slightly decreased in the persistent/recurrent disease state (-0.1 pmol/L), as opposite to mean urinary free cortisol. Copeptin itself had no prognostic value in predicting remission or persistence/recurrence of CD after pituitary surgery, but its CoV was negatively associated with persistent/recurrent disease (ρ-0.466, p=0.014). Conclusion This research project demonstrated that in the presence of a clinical suspicion for CS, copeptin assessment is unuseful in discriminating between patients with CS and those with a Healthy HPA, but once the diagnosis of CS has been made, it is both a powerful differential diagnostic biomarker and a reliable marker of the comorbidity-derived clinical burden. Despite a poor prognostic usefulness when assessed longitudinally, copeptin CoV can detect glucocorticoid inhibition on AVP system has reverted.
Background Come peptide-specchio di arginin-vasopressina (AVP), copeptina è un potenziale nuovo biomarker nella sindrome di Cushing (CS), condizione di iperattivazione cronica dell’asse ipotalamo-ipofisi-surrene (HPA) che coinvolge nella sua patogenesi anche la disregolazione del sistema AVP. Le evidenze al riguardo sono datate e conflittuali per la difficoltosa determinazione di AVP, ma la recente disponibilità di un suo surrogato così affidabile ci ha indotto a riaprire il dibattito con 3 studi. Obiettivi Studio 1: determinare se copeptina differisca tra i diversi stati funzionali dell'asse HPA (CS vs sani (H-HPA), CS vs insufficienza surrenalica (AI)). Studio 2: esplorare la relazione tra copeptina ed i punti-chiave nella diagnosi eziologica della CS, nonché il burden clinico derivante dalle sue comorbidità. Studio 3: verificare le variazioni intra-individuali longitudinali di copeptina in risposta alla terapia della CS. Pazienti e metodi Tutti i pazienti arruolati (71 CS attivi, 82 H-HPA e 36 AI nello Studio 1, trasversale; 80 CS attivi e 10 tumori neuroendocrini (NET) nello Studio 2, trasversale; 30 CS ACTH-dipendenti nello Studio 3, osservazionale prospettico) hanno afferito alla Clinica di Endocrinologia dell’Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria delle Marche tra Gennaio 2016 e Dicembre 2022. Copeptina è stata misurata con il saggio immunoluminometrico ultrasensibile BRAHMS sulla piattaforma KRYPTOR Compact Plus. Risultati Studio 1: copeptina era sovrapponibile tra CS e H-HPA, ma i primi avevano un un rialzo ipercortisolismo-indotto di osmolalità plasmatica e sodio. La disidratazione diuretico-indotta, sia da sola (p=0.006) che in combinazione con il diabete mellito (DM) (p=0.005), confondeva la reale copeptina in entrambi i gruppi: dopo correzione, l’inibizione esercitata dal cortisolo sul sistema AVP si slatentizzava nei CS non severamente complicati (3.7 vs 5.6, p=0.022). CS e AI avevano copeptina sovrapponibile nonostante si confermasse negli AI la distorsione data dai fattori confondenti (p=0.003 diuretico, p=0.006 combinazone DM/diuretico). Studio 2: copeptina differiva significativamente tra i pazienti con malattia di Cushing (CD), CS surrenalica (ACS) e secrezione ectopica di ACTH (EAS) (3.7 vs 5.1 vs 12.2 pmol/L, p=0.002) con significato di epifenomeno piuttosto che patogenetico. All’interno del gruppo ACTH-dipendente, copeptina rispecchiava il trend di ACTH e mostrava un’accuratezza superiore al gold standard human corticotropin-releasing hormone (hCRH) test nel discriminare EAS da CD al cutoff di ≥9.1 pmol/L (AUC 0.993 p=0.001 vs AUC 0.889 p=0.029 hCRH test). Copeptina era inferiore nei CD e superiore negli EAS rispetto ai NET e rifletteva il burden sistemico della CS in termini di numero di complicanze (ρ=0.332 p=0.003), presenza di ipokaliemia (16.4 vs 3.8, p<0.001) e biomarker di ipertensione, obesità centripeta e dislipidemia (p<0.050). Studio 3: il coefficiente di variazione (CoV) longitudinale di copeptina era 23%. Seppur non significativamente, copeptina aumentava (+2.6 pmol/L) dopo terapia medica e si riduceva lievemente (-0.1 pmol/L) alla comparsa di persistenza/recidiva post-chirurgica di CD, in contrasto con il trend del cortisolo libero urinario. Copeptina non aveva potere predittivo di remissione o persistenza/recidiva post-chirurgica, ma il suo CoV era negativamente correlato con lo stato di malattia persistente/recidiva (ρ-0.466, p=0.014). Conclusioni Il progetto di ricerca ha mostrato come, in presenza di sospetto clinico di CS, il dosaggio di copeptina non sia utile per discriminare i CS dagli H-HPA, ma una volta posta la diagnosi di CS, copeptina è sia un potente biomarker di diagnosi differenziale, sia un biomarker affidabile del burden clinico comorbidità-indotto. Nonostante abbia di per sé uno scarso valore prognostico se monitorata longitudinalmente, il suo CoV può individuare la scomparsa dell’inibizione cortisolo-indotta sul sistema AVP.
Potenziali applicazioni di copeptina come biomarker nella patologia dell'asse ipotalamo-ipofisi-surrene: focus sulla sindrome di Cushing / Martino, Marianna. - (2023 Jun 05).
Potenziali applicazioni di copeptina come biomarker nella patologia dell'asse ipotalamo-ipofisi-surrene: focus sulla sindrome di Cushing
Martino, Marianna
Background Due to its nature of arginine-vasopressin (AVP) mirror-peptide, copeptin may be a novel biomarker in Cushing’s syndrome (CS). This is a condition of chronic hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis hyperactivation, whose pathogenesis also involves a dysregulation of AVP system. Data on this topic are outdated and conflicting due to challenges in AVP determination, but the availability of such a reliable surrogate marker in recent years has led us reopen the debate through 3 studies. Objectives Study 1: to determine if copeptin differs within the spectrum of HPA axis states (CS vs healthy HPA, CS vs adrenal insufficiency (AI)). Study 2: to explore the relationship between copeptin and the keypoint diagnostic features of CS, as well as its comorbidity-derived burden. Study 3: to investigate the longitudinal intra-individual variations of copeptin at the different disease states after CS treatment. Patients and methods All the enrolled patients (71 active CS, 82 Healthy HPA and 36 AI in the cross-sectional Study 1; 80 active CS and 10 neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) in the cross-sectional Study 2; 30 adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-dependent CS in the prospective observational Study 3) referred to the Endocrinology Department of Ancona University Hospital between January 2016 and December 2022. Copeptin was measured with the ultra-sensitive, immuno-luminometric BRAHMS Copeptin assay on the KRYPTOR Compact Plus system. Results Study 1: CS and Healthy HPA had similar copeptin, but the former had hypercortisolism-induced higher plasma osmolality and sodium, thus a significantly lower adjusted copeptin. Diuretic-induced dehydration, either alone (p=0.006) or combined with diabetes mellitus (DM) (p=0.005), confounded the real copeptin in both groups: after correction, the cortisol-induced inhibition on copeptin in non-severely complicated CS patients became visible (3.7 vs 5.6, p=0.022). No differences emerged between CS and AI patients, provided the confounders acted also on the latter (p=0.003 diuretics, p=0.006 combination DM/diuretics). Study 2: copeptin significantly differed among Cushing’s disease (CD), adrenal CS (ACS) and ectopic ACTH secretion (EAS) (3.7 vs 5.1 vs 12.2 pmol/L respectively, p=0.002) with an epiphenomenal, rather than pathogenetical meaning. Within ACTH-dependent forms, copeptin mirrored ACTH trend and showed superior accuracy than the gold standard human corticotropin-releasing hormone (hCRH) test in discriminating EAS from CD at a cutoff of ≥9.1 pmol/L (AUC 0.993 p=0.001 vs AUC 0.889 p=0.029 hCRH test). Compared to NET, copeptin was lower in CD and higher in EAS. Copeptin reflected the systemic burden of CS in terms of number of comorbidities (ρ=0.332 p=0.003), presence of ipokalemia (16.4 vs 3.8, p<0.001) and the biomarkers of hypertension, central obesity, dyslipidemia (p<0.050). Study 3: copeptin had a 23% longitudinal intra-individual variability (CoV). Although not significantly, it increased after medical therapy (+2.6 pmol/L) and slightly decreased in the persistent/recurrent disease state (-0.1 pmol/L), as opposite to mean urinary free cortisol. Copeptin itself had no prognostic value in predicting remission or persistence/recurrence of CD after pituitary surgery, but its CoV was negatively associated with persistent/recurrent disease (ρ-0.466, p=0.014). Conclusion This research project demonstrated that in the presence of a clinical suspicion for CS, copeptin assessment is unuseful in discriminating between patients with CS and those with a Healthy HPA, but once the diagnosis of CS has been made, it is both a powerful differential diagnostic biomarker and a reliable marker of the comorbidity-derived clinical burden. Despite a poor prognostic usefulness when assessed longitudinally, copeptin CoV can detect glucocorticoid inhibition on AVP system has reverted.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
Open Access dal 06/12/2024
Descrizione: Tesi_Martino
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