ABSTRACT: The research carried out had as its theme the transformation of the traditional factory into an "Industry 4.0". The analysis began immediately, moving on two tracks: 1. an acknowledgment of the factory processes, which was possible to obtain thanks to the EUREKA doctorate within the company MarTech-Srl; 2. study of the techniques for digitizing these processes. As regards the first point, the need emerged to study the production of a product, a production unit or an entire factory, in a way that was unitary. A constancy was perceived in the multiplicity of ways in which we proceeded in the design of products, even very different from each other. This need was satisfied by finding System Engineering in the literature. A common vocabulary had been found that allowed, even a non-expert, to have a "cognitive" map of manufacturing processes. At the same time, the activities of the second point were carried out in parallel. Each phase of traditional production has studied its digitized counterpart to the point that it was realized that it would be possible to propose this as a definition of Digital Twin. The study of the factory, its processes and their digitization represented above all a methodological challenge: which approach to use to embrace so many themes at the same time? Themes having different stages, different points of view, at different levels of abstraction! The choice went to System Thinking. SysML was used as a system modeling language. However, this aspect too has been declined in an original way, giving order to the different schemes that populate this language. The System Thinking, combined with the study of the artifact and its philosophy, have led to a taxonomy of systems that has made it possible to make sense of the current definitions of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS).
La ricerca effettuata ha avuto come tema la trasformazione della fabbrica tradizionale in una “Industria 4.0”. L’analisi è iniziata fin da subito muovendosi su due binari: 1. una presa visione dei processi di fabbrica, che è stata possibile ottenere grazie al dottorato di tipo EUREKA all’ interno della ditta MarTech-Srl; 2. studio delle tecniche per la digitalizzazione di tali processi. Per quanto riguarda il primo punto, emergeva la necessità di studiare la produzione di un prodotto, di una unità produttiva o di una intera fabbrica, in un modo che fosse unitario. Si percepiva una costanza nella molteplicità dei modi con i quali si procedeva nella progettazione di prodotti anche diversissimi tra loro. Questa necessità è stata soddisfatta trovando in letteratura il System Engineering. Si era trovato un vocabolario comune che consentiva, anche ad un non addetto ai lavori, di avere una mappa “cognitiva” dei processi manifatturieri. Allo stesso tempo, le attività del secondo punto sono state svolte parallelamente. Di ogni fase della produzione tradizionale si è studiata la sua controparte digitalizzata fino al punto che ci si è resi conto che sarebbe stato possibile proporre questa come definizione di Digital Twin. Lo studio della fabbrica, dei suoi processi e della digitalizzazione degli stessi ha rappresentato anzitutto una sfida metodologica: quale approccio usare per abbracciare così tanti temi allo stesso tempo? Temi aventi diverse fasi, diversi punti di vista, a diversi livelli di astrazione! La scelta è andata sul System Thinking. Come linguaggio per la modellazione dei sistemi si è usato SysML. Anche questo aspetto è stato però declinato in un modo originale dando ordine ai diversi schemi che popolano questo linguaggio. Il System Thinking, unito allo studio del manufatto e della sua filosofia, hanno portato ad una tassonomia dei sistemi che ha permesso di dare un senso alle attuali definizioni di Cyber Physical Systems (CPS).
ABSTRACT: The research carried out had as its theme the transformation of the traditional factory into an "Industry 4.0". The analysis began immediately, moving on two tracks: 1. an acknowledgment of the factory processes, which was possible to obtain thanks to the EUREKA doctorate within the company MarTech-Srl; 2. study of the techniques for digitizing these processes. As regards the first point, the need emerged to study the production of a product, a production unit or an entire factory, in a way that was unitary. A constancy was perceived in the multiplicity of ways in which we proceeded in the design of products, even very different from each other. This need was satisfied by finding System Engineering in the literature. A common vocabulary had been found that allowed, even a non-expert, to have a "cognitive" map of manufacturing processes. At the same time, the activities of the second point were carried out in parallel. Each phase of traditional production has studied its digitized counterpart to the point that it was realized that it would be possible to propose this as a definition of Digital Twin. The study of the factory, its processes and their digitization represented above all a methodological challenge: which approach to use to embrace so many themes at the same time? Themes having different stages, different points of view, at different levels of abstraction! The choice went to System Thinking. SysML was used as a system modeling language. However, this aspect too has been declined in an original way, giving order to the different schemes that populate this language. The System Thinking, combined with the study of the artifact and its philosophy, have led to a taxonomy of systems that has made it possible to make sense of the current definitions of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS).I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.