During the last years, the presence of piled structures, such as offshore wind farms or oil platforms, in the marine environment is becoming more important. For this reason, it gains relevance the correct analysis of possible criticisms and uncertainties in the design process. The aim of this thesis is the study of both the hydrodynamics and the morpho-dynamics induced by regular and random waves over a single slender pile by means of laboratory and numerical modelling. Therefore, the objective of the present thesis is to contribute to a better understanding of such physical processes. In particular, it aims to provide some tools that can be useful in the design process, in order to avoid a wrong estimation of the most important parameters and, thus, to ensure a proper design of the piled marine structure and its facilities. Particular attention is paid on the evaluation of the total force due to wave action, on the scour at the base of the pile and on the run-up over its surface. A rigid bed model has been realised to evaluate the best approach for the estimation of the total force over the pile due to nonlinear waves. An alternative method to the classical Morison (1950)'s approach has been proposed for the computation of the total force from the velocity and acceleration of the water particles from a measured water surface elevation time series. Such method consists in a Fourier spectral decomposition of the input free water surface signal; the contribution of each component, computed according to the Airy theory, is summed to obtain the total horizontal and vertical velocity along the vertical profile. The results showed that this approach allowed to give a very good estimate of the total force both in terms of maximum value and of the phase in which it occurs. On the contrary, the application of the linear theory for the calculation of the velocity to be applied in the force calculation (classical Morison approach used in the design process) leads to an underestimation of the peak value and to a wrong representation of the shape of the force. Another primary parameter in the stability of a structure in the marine environment is the scour at the base of the monopile. This experimental campaign is performed by means of a mobile bed model in which a vertical cylinder is placed over a sandy seabed and it is attacked by both regular and random nonlinear waves. The results for regular waves are quite in agreement with the earlier work of Sumer et al. (1992). However, the results of this study reveal that the scour process due to nonlinear regular waves starts for hydrodynamic conditions characterized by a lower intensity Keulegan-Carpenter parameter KC=4) in comparison with those reported in the literature for linear waves (KC=6). Different formulas are proposed for its estimation depending on dimensionless parameters (KC, Ur). For random waves, the approach proposed by Ong et al. (2013) for scour evaluation has been modified. This method depends on the cumulative distribution function of the dimensionless crest heights but, because of its complexity, it has been simplified in order to became suitable for design purposes without affecting the quality of the results. To better understand the process of formation, growth and detachment of vortices, PTV measurements are carried out and the results are integrated with those from pressure sensors and from the mobile bed model for the characterization of the whole process of vortex formation and scour generation. The results showed that the wave phases and positions in which the maximum values of the pressure gradients occur, correspond to those in which the detachment of vortices is observed. From the interpretation of the contour maps of the vorticity and of the OW parameter it is possible to explain the scour patterns obtained in the mobile bed campaign. Furthermore, a numerical model has been realised with the tool OpenFOAM that permitted to contribute to the comprehension of the complex 3D physical phenomenon induced by the wave-structure interaction. A new wave generation boundary condition for the generation of a measured water surface elevation time series has been added to the numerical code. The corresponding velocity field in this BC has been computed with the Fourier decomposition method mentioned above. The nonlinear waves of the rigid bed experimental campaign are here simulated for the better comprehension of the vortex formation process and for the estimation of wave run-up which is very important for the design of the access facility of the marine structures. Excellent results are obtained in comparison with experimental data of force, pressure, velocity and water elevation. The analysis of the maximum values of run-up is performed and the results are compared with some formula available in the literature. An adaptation of the equation of Hallermeier (1976) that compute the run-up depending on the crest height, is proposed and the results, obtained with a significant number of samples, are very good. Finally, the visualization of the three-dimensional vortical structures by means of the Q-criterion has been performed. The numerical results showed that, in some instances, a vortex generated during the first half of the period can remain in the area of influence of the pile. After the reversal of the flow, it changes the direction according to the stream until it is finally removed on the opposite side of the pile with respect to where it was generated. The results are in agreement with those of the PTV campaign: both the phase, size and position of vortices are well represented. The achievements obtained with the numerical model are able to improve the understanding of the complex physical processes by linking the different results, such as the pressure gradients, vortical structures and the associated scour patterns.
Negli ultimi anni, la presenza in mare di strutture fondate su pali, come piattaforme petrolifere e turbine eoliche offshore, sta diventando sempre più importante. Per questa ragione, guadagna sempre più importanza l’analisi di possibili criticismi e incertezze nella loro progettazione. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è lo studio dell’idro e della morfodinamica indotta da onde regolari e non su un palo di piccolo diametro attraverso una modellazione fisica e numerica. Questa tesi vuole quindi dare un contributo per la comprensione di tali processi fisici. In particolare, si vogliono fornire degli strumenti che possono risultare utili ad evitare valutazioni errate dei parametri che rientrano nella progettazione di tali strutture. Particolare attenzione è riservata alla valutazione della forza dell’azione ondosa sulla struttura, allo scavo generato alla sua base e al run-up sulla sua superficie. Un modello fisico a fondo rigido è stato realizzato per valutare quale fosse il miglior approccio per la stima della forza dovuta ad onde non lineari. Viene quindi proposta un’alternativa al classico metodo di Morison (1950) per il calcolo della forza totale con valori di velocità e accelerazione orbitale calcolati a partire da una serie temporale della superficie libera. Tale metodo consiste in una decomposizione spettrale di Fourier del segnale di livello; il contributo di ogni componente, calcolato mediante la teoria di Airy, viene quindi sommato per ottenere un profilo di velocità orizzontale e verticale in ogni istante. I risultati mostrano che questo approccio fornisce una buona stima della forza totale sia in termini di valore massimo che di valutazione della fase ondosa in cui avviene. Al contrario invece, l’applicazione della teoria lineare a tale scopo (che viene utilizzata usualmente nella progettazione) porta ad una sottostima del valore di picco e ad una cattiva rappresentazione dell’andamento della forza nel periodo. Lo scavo alla base del palo è un altro parametro fondamentale nella sua progettazione. Una campagna sperimentale a fondo mobile è stata quindi realizzata studiando l’effetto di onde regolari e non regolari su un fondale sabbioso in cui è stato inserito un cilindro verticale. I risultati di questo studio sono abbastanza in accordo con quelli ottenuti da un precedente la voro di Sumer et al. (1992) sebbene sia mostrato come il processo di scavo inizi in presenza di condizioni idrodinamiche di minore intensità (parametro di Keulegan-Carpenter KC=4) rispetto a quanto presente in letteratura (KC=6). Diverse formule sono proposte per valutare la profondità di scavo in funzione di parametri adimensionali come KC e Ur. Per lo scavo dovuto ad onde irregolari, è stato modificato l’approccio di Ong et al. (2013). Questo metodo dipende dalla funzione di distribuzione cumulata delle altezze di cresta ma, a causa della sua complessità, è stata semplificata per essere resa più adatta a fini progettuali senza però inficiare la bontà dei risultati. Per migliorare la comprensione sul processo di formazione, crescita e distacco dei vortici, sono state svolte misure di tipo PTV che, integrate con le misure di pressione e coi risultati del fondo mobile, hanno permesso di caratterizzare l’intero processo di scavo. Dai risultati si è osservato come le fasi e le posizioni in cui i gradienti di pressione sono massimi corrispondono a quelle in cui è stato osservato distacco dei vortici. Le mappe di scavo ottenute nella campagna a fondo mobile sono state quindi spiegate dall’interpretazione delle mappe di vorticity e del parametro OW. È stato inoltre realizzato un modello numerico con OpenFOAM per ampliare la comprensione del complesso fenomeno tridimensionale riguardante l’interazione onda-struttura. Una nuova condizione al contorno per la generazione ondosa a partire da una serie temporale misurata di superficie libera è stata implementata nel codice. Il campo di velocità viene calcolato con la scomposizione di Fourier sopra descritta. I test della campagna a fondo rigido sono stati simulati allo scopo di ottenere ulteriori informazioni sul distacco dei vortici e per stimare il run-up sulla struttura che è un parametro fondamentale per garantire l’accesso alle strutture in mare. Il confronto con le misure sperimentali di livello, velocità, pressione e forza è eccellente. L’analisi dei massimi valori di run-up è stata realizzata confrontando i risultati con formule presenti in letteratura. In particolare, l’equazione di Hallermeier (1976) è stata adattata per il calcolo del run-up a partire dall’altezza della cresta e i risultati, ottenuti con un numero di campioni significativo, sono molto buoni. Infine, le strutture vorticose sono visualizzate mediante l’uso del Q-criterion. I risultati numerici mostrano come, a volte, un vortice generato nella prima metà di un periodo può rimanere nell’area di influenza del palo. Dopo l’inversione del flusso cambia direzione insieme al flusso e viene finalmente rimosso nel lato del palo opposto rispetto a dove era stato generato. I risultati sono in accordo con quelli della campagna PTV: sia la fase, la dimensione e la posizione dei vortici sono ben rappresentate. Gli obiettivi raggiunti con il modello numerico aumentano la comprensione di tale complesso processo fisico unendo informazioni di diversa natura come i gradienti di pressioni, le strutture vorticose e le mappe di scavo ad esse associate.
Wave induced hydro and morpho-dynamics around a single slender pile: experimental and numerical analysis / Marini, Francesco. - (2020 Mar 13).
Wave induced hydro and morpho-dynamics around a single slender pile: experimental and numerical analysis
During the last years, the presence of piled structures, such as offshore wind farms or oil platforms, in the marine environment is becoming more important. For this reason, it gains relevance the correct analysis of possible criticisms and uncertainties in the design process. The aim of this thesis is the study of both the hydrodynamics and the morpho-dynamics induced by regular and random waves over a single slender pile by means of laboratory and numerical modelling. Therefore, the objective of the present thesis is to contribute to a better understanding of such physical processes. In particular, it aims to provide some tools that can be useful in the design process, in order to avoid a wrong estimation of the most important parameters and, thus, to ensure a proper design of the piled marine structure and its facilities. Particular attention is paid on the evaluation of the total force due to wave action, on the scour at the base of the pile and on the run-up over its surface. A rigid bed model has been realised to evaluate the best approach for the estimation of the total force over the pile due to nonlinear waves. An alternative method to the classical Morison (1950)'s approach has been proposed for the computation of the total force from the velocity and acceleration of the water particles from a measured water surface elevation time series. Such method consists in a Fourier spectral decomposition of the input free water surface signal; the contribution of each component, computed according to the Airy theory, is summed to obtain the total horizontal and vertical velocity along the vertical profile. The results showed that this approach allowed to give a very good estimate of the total force both in terms of maximum value and of the phase in which it occurs. On the contrary, the application of the linear theory for the calculation of the velocity to be applied in the force calculation (classical Morison approach used in the design process) leads to an underestimation of the peak value and to a wrong representation of the shape of the force. Another primary parameter in the stability of a structure in the marine environment is the scour at the base of the monopile. This experimental campaign is performed by means of a mobile bed model in which a vertical cylinder is placed over a sandy seabed and it is attacked by both regular and random nonlinear waves. The results for regular waves are quite in agreement with the earlier work of Sumer et al. (1992). However, the results of this study reveal that the scour process due to nonlinear regular waves starts for hydrodynamic conditions characterized by a lower intensity Keulegan-Carpenter parameter KC=4) in comparison with those reported in the literature for linear waves (KC=6). Different formulas are proposed for its estimation depending on dimensionless parameters (KC, Ur). For random waves, the approach proposed by Ong et al. (2013) for scour evaluation has been modified. This method depends on the cumulative distribution function of the dimensionless crest heights but, because of its complexity, it has been simplified in order to became suitable for design purposes without affecting the quality of the results. To better understand the process of formation, growth and detachment of vortices, PTV measurements are carried out and the results are integrated with those from pressure sensors and from the mobile bed model for the characterization of the whole process of vortex formation and scour generation. The results showed that the wave phases and positions in which the maximum values of the pressure gradients occur, correspond to those in which the detachment of vortices is observed. From the interpretation of the contour maps of the vorticity and of the OW parameter it is possible to explain the scour patterns obtained in the mobile bed campaign. Furthermore, a numerical model has been realised with the tool OpenFOAM that permitted to contribute to the comprehension of the complex 3D physical phenomenon induced by the wave-structure interaction. A new wave generation boundary condition for the generation of a measured water surface elevation time series has been added to the numerical code. The corresponding velocity field in this BC has been computed with the Fourier decomposition method mentioned above. The nonlinear waves of the rigid bed experimental campaign are here simulated for the better comprehension of the vortex formation process and for the estimation of wave run-up which is very important for the design of the access facility of the marine structures. Excellent results are obtained in comparison with experimental data of force, pressure, velocity and water elevation. The analysis of the maximum values of run-up is performed and the results are compared with some formula available in the literature. An adaptation of the equation of Hallermeier (1976) that compute the run-up depending on the crest height, is proposed and the results, obtained with a significant number of samples, are very good. Finally, the visualization of the three-dimensional vortical structures by means of the Q-criterion has been performed. The numerical results showed that, in some instances, a vortex generated during the first half of the period can remain in the area of influence of the pile. After the reversal of the flow, it changes the direction according to the stream until it is finally removed on the opposite side of the pile with respect to where it was generated. The results are in agreement with those of the PTV campaign: both the phase, size and position of vortices are well represented. The achievements obtained with the numerical model are able to improve the understanding of the complex physical processes by linking the different results, such as the pressure gradients, vortical structures and the associated scour patterns.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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