Excellent aptitude to casting and forging processes, machinability, corrosion resistance and high strength-to-weight ratio, which increases performance and fuels economy, make heat treatable aluminium alloys suitable materials for various crucial applications in the automotive industry, such as engine blocks, pistons and cylinder heads. The high strength levels are achieved by the T6 heat treatment that provides strengthening through the precipitation hardening mechanism. First in the case of complex cast components, such as gravity die cast Al-Si-Mg cylinder heads, the mechanical properties are greatly influenced by the size, volume, and morphology of microstructural constituents, which in turn depend on composition, casting process and heat treatment procedure. Therefore, primary and secondary dendrite arm spacing (DAS and SDAS), grain size, morphology of eutectic Si (lamellar or fibrous), the volume fraction and chemistry of intermetallic compounds and the presence of solidifications defects, such as gas pores, shrinkage cavities and oxides, are crucial variables for the definition of ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and elongation to failure (E%). High values of yield strength (YS) and Brinell hardness (HB) are instead only influenced by the precipitation hardening induced by the T6 heat treatment process and practice. A lot of variables have so to be considered when designing high thermo-mechanical stressed components. First, the wide variety of mechanical properties in different regions of the casting, caused by the local solidification conditions, makes it hard to know the actual local mechanical properties. This often makes a conservative approach necessary, with a consequent increase in thickness and weight. Second, in case of high temperature exposure (such as those of the environments where pistons or engine heads are employed), a fundamental aspect for both foundry and wrought T6 heat treated components, is the loss of mechanical properties. This is caused by the evolution of the precipitation sequence of intermetallic compounds involved in the precipitation hardening mechanism. This work is part of a three years research project aimed to develop an innovative design procedure for cast engine parts where the process simulation of main microstructural parameters can lead to a mesh of corresponding mechanical properties for the structural simulation software. The aim of this work is to propose a physical, technological and mechanical characterization of the aluminium alloys used in the production of cast components that can then be used to obtain reliable results during casting and structural simulations. Throughout the project, the presence of common problems in the design phase of cast (cylinder heads and engine blocks) and forged (pistons) components, has lead us to further studies on the thermal exposure behaviour of some wrought aluminium alloys. We first evaluated the state-of-the-art in the production and study of the microstructure, of the mechanical properties and of the heat treatment procedure of Al-Si-Mg alloys. Second, experimental material was extracted from EN AC-42100 engine heads and EN AW-2618 and EN AW-4032 pistons. Optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and image analysis techniques were used to investigate the microstructure of the castings. SDAS (25÷70μm), defect content (0÷5%), effects of secondary alloying elements (Ti, B, Sr, Mn) on grain size (200÷700μm), area of eutectic Si (8÷19μm2) and Fe-rich intermetallic compounds were evaluated. The same techniques have revealed that the microstructure of the forged pistons is not homogeneous. Our studies found an empirical correlations between the most important microstructural features, the hardness and the tensile properties in the EN AC-42100 T6 alloy. A very high determination coefficient was found for the linear relationship between hardness and yield strength. With regard to the influence of microstructural parameters, grain size showed a negligible effect on the mechanical properties, while SDAS and the size of eutectic Si particles affected both elongation to failure and ultimate tensile strength. The predictive models for YS and UTS led to an average error between the predicted values and the experimental ones of only about 2%, while large data scatter characterized the elongation to failure, with an average error of about 20%. The results of rotating bending fatigue tests show high data dispersion for low stress levels, while good correlations (R2∼0,6) with SDAS and average defect content were observed for the higher ones (70 MPa). The effects of the thermal exposure on the mechanical properties of the EN AC-42100 aluminium casting alloy and EN AW-2618 T6/EN AW-4032 T6 wrought alloys were also studied. For the EN AC-42100 we studied the effect of the delay between quenching and aging during the evaluation of the accuracy of the industrial T6 heat treatment guidelines. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analyses on solutioned, quenched and 0÷96h pre-aged samples, suggested that the nature and composition of the clusters formed during pre-aging, influence the subsequent precipitation process and the final mechanical properties of the alloy. These results were also confirmed by tensile and hardness test data, with a decrease in both yield and ultimate tensile strengths with increased pre-aging time. Two hours of pre-aging were responsible for 20% reduction in hardness and strength for both fine and large SDAS specimens. SDAS and hardness were identified as crucial variables to evaluate the tensile behavior of the material. Empirical models with high determination coefficients (R2>0,8) were proposed to evaluate UTS and YS of the alloy in the under aged, peak aged and over aged conditions. The E% empirical model resulted in R2∼0,7 with a higher influence of SDAS values on the behavior of the material. For the wrought alloys, the effect of the microstructure results only in a maximum 5% variation of mechanical properties depending on the extraction zone of the specimens. For these alloys, hardness was sufficient to evaluate with high accuracy (R2∼0,9) all the mechanical properties (YS, UTS, E%, strength coefficient K and strain hardening exponent n) in the peak aged and over aged conditions. Finally, in order to evaluate the reliability of the experimental data, a MATLAB® routine has been developed for the calculation of the residual mechanical properties of a generic heat treatable alloy after thermal exposure with changing in temperatures. The results obtained with constant-temperature tests were confirmed by the experiments (4% max error), while worse results were obtained with variable-temperatures tests. However, these results are believed to have large margin for improvement. In conclusion, all the results obtained suggest that it is possible to successfully adopt, in industrial applications, our proposed our proposed models as part of the new design procedure for complex and high stressed aluminum alloy engine components. High synergy between casting and structural simulation software, supported by experimental analysis, can in fact lead to the reduction in the time-to-market of new products, thus increasing the competitiveness of our automotive industry.
Ottima attitudine a processi di deformazione plastica e fusori, alta resistenza alla corrosione e soprattutto elevata resistenza specifica, hanno reso le leghe di alluminio da trattamento termico fra le migliori candidate per applicazioni strutturali nel settore dei trasporti. L’esigenza industriale moderna è, infatti, quella di produrre veicoli sempre più leggeri e con motori dalle sempre maggiori potenze specifiche, al fine di garantire contemporaneamente alte prestazioni nel rispetto delle sempre più stringenti normative. Per raggiungere tale obiettivo, la tendenza ormai consolidata è quella di un uso crescente di leghe d’alluminio anche per gli elementi più critici, quali teste, basamenti motore e pistoni. Numerosi studi hanno evidenziato che una criticità, soprattutto per le leghe da fonderia, è costituita dalla forte dipendenza delle proprietà meccaniche locali dalla microstruttura e dai difetti di solidificazione. Porosità da gas, cavità da ritiro e film di ossido, ne riducono infatti drasticamente resistenza a fatica e duttilità. Inoltre, anche quando questi difetti riescano ad essere contenuti a livelli particolarmente ridotti, tramite l’adozione di opportune pratiche di fonderia, altri parametri microstrutturali, come la distanza fra i rami secondari delle dendriti (SDAS), le dimensioni del grano e le caratteristiche degli eutettici e/o intermetallici presenti, influenzano in maniera consistente le proprietà del materiale. Particolarmente nel caso di getti a geometria complessa, le proprietà meccaniche sono dunque una caratteristica puntuale e questo comporta evidenti criticità nella fase di progettazione degli stessi: il materiale non potrà essere sicuramente considerato continuo, omogeneo ed isotropo. Altro aspetto di rilevanza fondamentale, sia per le leghe da fonderia che da deformazione plastica trattate termicamente T6, è che, nel caso di componenti destinati a lavorare a temperature superiori a quelle di invecchiamento, si assiste ad un deterioramento delle proprietà meccaniche funzione del tempo e temperatura di esposizione. Questo, comporta un’ulteriore ed evidente complicazione progettuale. Questo lavoro rientra all’interno di due ampi progetti di ricerca portati avanti, in collaborazione con due note aziende nel campo auto e motociclistico, con l’obiettivo di sviluppare un’innovativa metodologia di progettazione di componenti motore in lega d’alluminio, ottenuti per fusione e sollecitati termomeccanicamente, integrando aspetti progettuali/strutturali, metallurgici e tecnologici attraverso l’implementazione di moderni sistemi di simulazione. Obiettivo di questo lavoro, è stato dunque quello di supportare e legare fra loro le fasi di simulazione di colata e di simulazione strutturale di getti complessi in lega Al-Si-Mg. Nel primo caso, si sono forniti tutti i dati per l’opportuna definizione delle condizioni a contorno del problema, nonché per la verifica dei risultati delle simulazioni, in termini di distribuzione di difettosità e SDAS. Nel secondo caso, si sono forniti dati di caratterizzazione meccanica del materiale (trazione e fatica), che contribuissero a superare le ipotesi semplificative di continuità, omogeneità, isotropia e costanza nel tempo delle proprietà meccaniche. Nel corso del progetto, la parziale trasferibilità dei risultati ottenuti in campo metallurgico su componenti ottenuti per fusione (teste e basamenti motore), a componenti sottoposti a deformazione plastica (pistoni), ha consentito un ampliamento del campo di ricerca. Con maggiore dettaglio, le attività svolte hanno previsto la valutazione dello stato dell’arte, relativo a microstrutture, proprietà meccaniche e trattamento termico, inerenti alcune leghe Al-Si-Mg (Al-Cu). In un secondo momento, si è provveduto all’estrazione del materiale sperimentale da teste motore in lega EN AC-42100 e da pistoni forgiati in lega EN AW-2618 ed EN AW-4032. Tramite tecniche di microscopia ottica, microscopia elettronica in scansione ed analisi di immagine, è stato dunque ampiamente investigato l’effetto del processo produttivo sulle microstrutture di teste motore colate in conchiglia in lega EN AC-42100 T6 [AlSi7Mg0,3]. Sono stati valutati il contenuto di difetti, la distribuzione di SDAS e l’ effetto degli affinanti ed degli agenti modificatori su dimensioni del grano e morfologia del Si eutettico. Analogamente, si è evidenziato come la forgiatura di leghe di alluminio per la produzione pistoni, quali la EN AW-2618[AlCu2MgNi] e la EN AW-4032 [AlSi12MgCuNi], comporti una disomogeneità microstrutturale (e quindi di proprietà) all’interno del componente. Tramite prove di durezza, trazione e fatica, si è indagato l’effetto della microstruttura sulle proprietà meccanica della lega EN AC-42100 T6, quantificando il contributo di ogni caratteristica microstrutturale nella definizione delle proprietà statiche e dinamiche. Sono stati, a riguardo, proposti modelli empirici di previsione della resistenza a trazione (UTS), della resistenza a snervamento (YS) e dell’allungamento a rottura (E%) in funzione di durezza, SDAS, contenuto di difetti e dimensione media del Si eutettico della lega. I risultati hanno evidenziato errori medi del 3% nella previsione di UTS ed YS e del 20% nella previsione di E%. La caratterizzazione a fatica del materiale ha invece evidenziato grandi dispersioni dei dati, per ridotte tensioni di carico, conducendo a risultati significativi solo per tensioni alterne di 70 MPa. In questo caso, è stata rilevata una buona dipendenza tra il numero di cicli a rottura del materiale ed i valori di SDAS e del contenuto medio di difetti (R2∼0,6). E’ stato studiato l’effetto della temperatura sulle proprietà tensili della lega da fonderia EN AC-42100 T6 e sulle leghe da deformazione plastica EN AW-2618 T6 e la EN AW-4032 T6. Nel primo caso, è stato condotto uno studio sia delle diverse fasi del trattamento termico, che della variazione di proprietà del materiale allo stato T6 con l’esposizione ad alta temperatura. Si è così evidenziato come un pre-invecchiamento a temperatura ambiente anche di sole 2 h, potesse ridurre le tensioni di rottura e snervamento di circa il 20% e l’allungamento a rottura di circa il 30%. Inoltre, si è visto come la durezza residua e lo SDAS siano le variabili fondamentali per definire il comportamento meccanico del materiale nel suo stato sottoinvecchiato, di picco e sovrainvecchiato. Anche in questo caso, sono stati proposti modelli empirici di previsione delle proprietà meccaniche tutti caratterizzati da coefficienti di determinazione molto alti (R2>0,8). La previsione dell’allungamento a rottura ha fatto registrare coefficienti leggermente inferiori (R2∼0,7), evidenziando l’importanza dello SDAS nel definire questa proprietà. Nel caso invece delle leghe da deformazione plastica, gli effetti della microstruttura sono risultati minori, con al massimo una variazione del 5% in funzione della zona di estrazione del campione. La durezza residua del materiale, allo stato sovrainvecchiato, è risultata il parametro necessario e sufficiente per definire tutte le proprietà del materiale (UTS, YS, E%, coefficienti di resistenza K ed incrudimento n) con grande precisione (R2∼0,9). Con l’obiettivo di verificare i dati sperimentali ottenuti, si è proceduto, in ultima istanza, con lo sviluppo di un applicativo in ambiente MATLAB®, per il calcolo delle proprietà meccaniche residue delle leghe studiate, dopo un‘esposizione a temperatura variabile. I risultati, ottenuti con cicli di prova a T costante, hanno evidenziato scarti ridotti nella previsione della durezza residua (max 4%), mentre errori maggiori sono stati riscontrati in applicazioni su cicli transitori fra due temperature, ma con grandi margini di ottimizzazione. In conclusione, l’obiettivo di supportare la nuova metodologia di progettazione di componenti sollecitati termo-meccanicamente, che vede integrate le fasi di progettazione meccanica e tecnologica, al fine di ridurre tempi e costi di sviluppo prodotto, è stato pienamente raggiunto. I risultati ottenuti, in termini di quantità e qualità, hanno rappresentato un passo significativo in questa direzione che, per essere totalmente intrapresa in ambito aziendale, ha bisogno di vincere le resistenze di un sistema progettuale con una storia consolidata e ricca di successi quale quella di Ferrari S.p.A. I grandi cambiamenti sono frutto però di piccoli passi successivi, uno dei quali è costituito da questo studio e dal progetto nell’ambito del quale questo è stato realizzato.
Correlazioni tra microstruttura e proprietà meccaniche ed effetto della permanenza in temperatura in leghe Al-Si-Mg ed Al-Cu trattate termicamente / Morri, Andrea. - (2012 Mar 08).
Correlazioni tra microstruttura e proprietà meccaniche ed effetto della permanenza in temperatura in leghe Al-Si-Mg ed Al-Cu trattate termicamente
Excellent aptitude to casting and forging processes, machinability, corrosion resistance and high strength-to-weight ratio, which increases performance and fuels economy, make heat treatable aluminium alloys suitable materials for various crucial applications in the automotive industry, such as engine blocks, pistons and cylinder heads. The high strength levels are achieved by the T6 heat treatment that provides strengthening through the precipitation hardening mechanism. First in the case of complex cast components, such as gravity die cast Al-Si-Mg cylinder heads, the mechanical properties are greatly influenced by the size, volume, and morphology of microstructural constituents, which in turn depend on composition, casting process and heat treatment procedure. Therefore, primary and secondary dendrite arm spacing (DAS and SDAS), grain size, morphology of eutectic Si (lamellar or fibrous), the volume fraction and chemistry of intermetallic compounds and the presence of solidifications defects, such as gas pores, shrinkage cavities and oxides, are crucial variables for the definition of ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and elongation to failure (E%). High values of yield strength (YS) and Brinell hardness (HB) are instead only influenced by the precipitation hardening induced by the T6 heat treatment process and practice. A lot of variables have so to be considered when designing high thermo-mechanical stressed components. First, the wide variety of mechanical properties in different regions of the casting, caused by the local solidification conditions, makes it hard to know the actual local mechanical properties. This often makes a conservative approach necessary, with a consequent increase in thickness and weight. Second, in case of high temperature exposure (such as those of the environments where pistons or engine heads are employed), a fundamental aspect for both foundry and wrought T6 heat treated components, is the loss of mechanical properties. This is caused by the evolution of the precipitation sequence of intermetallic compounds involved in the precipitation hardening mechanism. This work is part of a three years research project aimed to develop an innovative design procedure for cast engine parts where the process simulation of main microstructural parameters can lead to a mesh of corresponding mechanical properties for the structural simulation software. The aim of this work is to propose a physical, technological and mechanical characterization of the aluminium alloys used in the production of cast components that can then be used to obtain reliable results during casting and structural simulations. Throughout the project, the presence of common problems in the design phase of cast (cylinder heads and engine blocks) and forged (pistons) components, has lead us to further studies on the thermal exposure behaviour of some wrought aluminium alloys. We first evaluated the state-of-the-art in the production and study of the microstructure, of the mechanical properties and of the heat treatment procedure of Al-Si-Mg alloys. Second, experimental material was extracted from EN AC-42100 engine heads and EN AW-2618 and EN AW-4032 pistons. Optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and image analysis techniques were used to investigate the microstructure of the castings. SDAS (25÷70μm), defect content (0÷5%), effects of secondary alloying elements (Ti, B, Sr, Mn) on grain size (200÷700μm), area of eutectic Si (8÷19μm2) and Fe-rich intermetallic compounds were evaluated. The same techniques have revealed that the microstructure of the forged pistons is not homogeneous. Our studies found an empirical correlations between the most important microstructural features, the hardness and the tensile properties in the EN AC-42100 T6 alloy. A very high determination coefficient was found for the linear relationship between hardness and yield strength. With regard to the influence of microstructural parameters, grain size showed a negligible effect on the mechanical properties, while SDAS and the size of eutectic Si particles affected both elongation to failure and ultimate tensile strength. The predictive models for YS and UTS led to an average error between the predicted values and the experimental ones of only about 2%, while large data scatter characterized the elongation to failure, with an average error of about 20%. The results of rotating bending fatigue tests show high data dispersion for low stress levels, while good correlations (R2∼0,6) with SDAS and average defect content were observed for the higher ones (70 MPa). The effects of the thermal exposure on the mechanical properties of the EN AC-42100 aluminium casting alloy and EN AW-2618 T6/EN AW-4032 T6 wrought alloys were also studied. For the EN AC-42100 we studied the effect of the delay between quenching and aging during the evaluation of the accuracy of the industrial T6 heat treatment guidelines. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analyses on solutioned, quenched and 0÷96h pre-aged samples, suggested that the nature and composition of the clusters formed during pre-aging, influence the subsequent precipitation process and the final mechanical properties of the alloy. These results were also confirmed by tensile and hardness test data, with a decrease in both yield and ultimate tensile strengths with increased pre-aging time. Two hours of pre-aging were responsible for 20% reduction in hardness and strength for both fine and large SDAS specimens. SDAS and hardness were identified as crucial variables to evaluate the tensile behavior of the material. Empirical models with high determination coefficients (R2>0,8) were proposed to evaluate UTS and YS of the alloy in the under aged, peak aged and over aged conditions. The E% empirical model resulted in R2∼0,7 with a higher influence of SDAS values on the behavior of the material. For the wrought alloys, the effect of the microstructure results only in a maximum 5% variation of mechanical properties depending on the extraction zone of the specimens. For these alloys, hardness was sufficient to evaluate with high accuracy (R2∼0,9) all the mechanical properties (YS, UTS, E%, strength coefficient K and strain hardening exponent n) in the peak aged and over aged conditions. Finally, in order to evaluate the reliability of the experimental data, a MATLAB® routine has been developed for the calculation of the residual mechanical properties of a generic heat treatable alloy after thermal exposure with changing in temperatures. The results obtained with constant-temperature tests were confirmed by the experiments (4% max error), while worse results were obtained with variable-temperatures tests. However, these results are believed to have large margin for improvement. In conclusion, all the results obtained suggest that it is possible to successfully adopt, in industrial applications, our proposed our proposed models as part of the new design procedure for complex and high stressed aluminum alloy engine components. High synergy between casting and structural simulation software, supported by experimental analysis, can in fact lead to the reduction in the time-to-market of new products, thus increasing the competitiveness of our automotive industry.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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