The employees' participation to the enterprise's direction is a subject that always aroused a lot of discussions in the doctrine, but in the practice it has often received little application. In fact the destiny of this regulatory scheme can be perfectly superposed to that one of its basic rule, which in the Italian legal system can be found in the article 46 of our Constitution, an article all the time considered a simple “programmatic rule”, which has never been turned into law. Moreover it can't be said that the employees' participation to the formation and the realization of the business plans would be a minor topic, since it regards both the worker's position inside the enterprise, finally able to undertake an active role in the decisions to which often depend his future (and not only the working one), and that one of the employer-undertaker, who looks however cut down his role of business machinery's absolute master. So, in recent times the participation subject has really taken a fundamental importance, due to both the Globalization and the slump which is involving the entire world since 2008 till now – but whose signs were already been spotted in 2005 with the crashes of numerous and large corporations (Enron for all of them) – that brought to massive operations of reorganizations and relocation, followed by the consequent loss of tens of thousands workplaces. This situation, united to the ever-growing discussion on the ethical enterprise and, most of all, on the corporate responsibility, both social, through a voluntary method of corporate governance with which the corporation doesn't stop itself to the simple gain's logic, but takes on itself an active role in the stakes' defense of other subjects (the stakeholders) besides the shareholders, and doesn't limit its action to the simple compliance of the law, but sets itself the task to go “beyond” the positive rule, and administrative (but actually criminal), introduced in our legal system by the legislative decree number 231 of 2001, which makes the corporations assume the responsibility for the crimes committed by their employees, induced me to reflect on how the two phenomena – the one of the participation and the other one of the corporate responsibility – could be inflected together. Especially, I asked myself if and how much of our Constitution's article 46 has been put into effect in our legal system, and if the corporate responsibility could be an alternative method for reaching really shared results, that could allow the workers to enter in the corporate governance. So, the first part of my work focuses itself on checking the subject of the employees' participation in the view of the general legal system (with a small introduction on the firm generally inquired from the viewpoint of ethic first and of right then), starting just with the analysis of the concept of 1 “participation” and its multiple forms, trying to hold separated the phenomena of industrial democracy (namely participation, information, consultation and collective bargaining) from those of economic democracy and attempting to arrange the sames inside definite classes. Then the work continues with the investigation on the Italian law system, and in particular with the comment of the Constitution's article 46, of which I tried to rebuild an hermeneutic route that could allow to give a meaning to the term “collaboration” inside it, and seeing if the same could be able to cover all the industrial democracy's possibilities or only one or more of the participation's senses previously spotted, describing then the so called “Italian way to the participation”, starting from the Workers' Charter and the evolution of collective bargaining in a participating way in the last thirty years, until the last pages of industrial democracy and their effects in the matter of employee's involvement. Following this, comes then the analysis of various EU directives about the rights of participation (according to the German hard way of joint management) and involvement (namely the soft way of information and consultation), with that have been set up first the European Works Councils with purely advisory roles, then the models of European Society and European Cooperative Society with the introduction of the hard participation model too, and at last the information and consultation rights which must be assured as fundamental rights of the workers inside the firms even in the national level, thing this one, that clearly betrays the Union's favour for the soft model of employee's involvement. The second part of the work is instead focused on the corporate responsibility and on the reasons for which it could favour the involvement's process, starting from the voluntaristic approach forecast by the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), until to arrive at the concerned approach given by the corporate administrative – better, criminal – responsibility for the crimes committed by the enterprise's employees for its interest or its advantage and introduced by decree 231/2001. In the first case, my attention has been concentrated above all on the code of conduct, namely the principal tool with which the CSR is interiorized and applied inside the business organization, with an eye on the multinationals that act very often in ambits totally unprovided with legal defences for the workers, and rating merits and lacks of these tools, that moves themselves both up and below the rules set by the law. In the second case, has been observed the typology of the responsibility brought by decree number 231, showing as the same, getting over the ancient principle “societas delinquere non potest” (i. e. corporations cannot commit crimes), represents a real criminal liability from which the enterprise can be free, and so avoid the related heavy penalties, only by the predisposition of an appropriate organizing model that imposes, for its writing up and its realization, also the active involvement of 2 the employees or the one of their delegates, especially in the workplace safety's subject. Finally the conclusions of this study bear to assert that, not being today in our legal system a law which could give full realization to the article 46 of our Constitution, the useful and continuous synergy between the corporate social and administrative responsibility could reach, even without replacing the legislative intervention which is the only one that can make effective the constitutional rule, alternative and effective outcomes of employee's involvement, both in the international ambit, thanks to the evolution in this direction of the European Works Councils, and in the national ambit, through a widening of the information and consultation rights to forms of hard participation
La partecipazione dei lavoratori alla gestione dell'impresa è un argomento che ha suscitato sempre notevoli dibattiti nella dottrina, ma che nella pratica ha spesso ricevuto poca applicazione. Il destino di tale istituto è infatti perfettamente sovrapponibile a quello della sua norma fondamentale, che nell'ordinamento italiano si ritrova nell'articolo 46 della Costituzione, un articolo da sempre considerato semplice “norma programmatica” ed a cui non è mai stato dato un seguito legislativo. Peraltro non si può dire che la partecipazione dei lavoratori alla formazione ed all'attuazione dei piani aziendali sia argomento secondario, posto che esso investe sia la posizione del prestatore di lavoro all'interno dell'impresa, finalmente in grado di assumere un ruolo attivo nelle decisioni da cui dipende spesso il suo futuro (e non solo lavorativo), sia quella del datore di lavoro-imprenditore, che vede comunque ridimensionato il suo ruolo di dominus assoluto dell'apparato aziendale. Ed infatti, in tempi recenti il fenomeno della partecipazione ha assunto un'importanza fondamentale, visto che la globalizzazione dell'economia e la crisi economica che sta investendo il mondo dal 2008 fino ad oggi – ma le cui avvisaglie si erano avute con i fallimenti di numerose e grandi aziende già dal 2005 (Enron su tutte) – hanno portato a massicce operazioni di ristrutturazioni e delocalizzazioni con la conseguente perdita di decine di migliaia di posti di lavoro. Questo, unito al sempre più pressante dibattito sull'azienda etica e, soprattutto, sulla responsabilità d'impresa, sia dal punto di vista sociale, mediante un metodo volontario di corporate governance con il quale l'impresa non si ferma alla semplice logica del profitto, ma assume un ruolo attivo nella difesa degli interessi di altri soggetti (stakeholders) che non siano i soli azionisti (shareholders), e con un procedimento che non si limita al semplice rispetto della norma legislativa, ma che impone di andare “oltre” la stessa, sia dal punto di vista amministrativo (ma in realtà penale), con l'introduzione nel nostro ordinamento del decreto legislativo 231 del 2001, il quale ha responsabilizzato gli enti per i reati commessi dai loro dipendenti, mi ha indotto a riflettere su come si potessero coniugare i due fenomeni della partecipazione e della – appunto - responsabilità (sociale ed amministrativa) d'impresa. Più in particolare mi sono chiesto se e quanto dell'art. 46 della Costituzione sia stato attuato nel nostro ordinamento giuridico e se la responsabilità d'impresa potesse essere un metodo alternativo per giungere a risultati realmente partecipativi che permettessero ai lavoratori di avere “voce in capitolo” nella gestione dell'apparato aziendale. 1 La prima parte del lavoro si concentra dunque nell'esaminare il fenomeno della partecipazione nella prospettiva dell'ordinamento positivo (con una breve premessa sull'azienda vista nell'ottica dell'etica prima e del diritto poi), iniziando con l'analisi proprio del concetto di “partecipazione” e delle sue molteplici forme, cercando di tenere separati i fenomeni della democrazia industriale (partecipazione, informazione, consultazione e contrattazione collettiva) da quelli della democrazia economica e tentando una sistemazione degli stessi all'interno di precise categorie. Si passa poi all'esame dell'ordinamento italiano, con il commento all'art. 46 della Costituzione, del quale ho cercato di ricostruire un percorso ermenutico che permettesse di dare un significato al termine “collaborazione” in esso contenuto, e vedere se lo stesso possa coprire tutte le ipotesi di democrazia industriale oppure solo uno o più dei significati di partecipazione in precedenza individuati, per poi descrivere la c.d. “via italiana alla partecipazione”, partendo dallo Statuto dei lavoratori e dall'evoluzione della contrattazione collettiva in senso partecipativo degli ultimi trenta anni, fino alle pagine di democrazia industriale scritte proprio negli ultimi tempi ed ai loro effetti “partecipativi”. Segue poi l'analisi delle varie direttive UE sui diritti di partecipazione forte, secondo il modello cogestivo tedesco, e partecipazione debole riguardante l'informazione e la consultazione, con le quali sono stati istituiti prima i Comitat2i Aziendali Europei con funzioni prettamente consultive, poi i modelli di Società Europea e Società Cooperativa Europea con l'introduzione anche della tipologia partecipativa forte, ed infine della direttiva sui diritti di informazione e consultazione che devono essere assicurati come diritti fondamentali anche a livello nazionale all'interno delle aziende, cosa quest'ultima, che tradisce chiaramente il favore dell'Unione per il modello debole di partecipazione. La seconda parte dello studio si è concentrata invece sulla responsabilità d'impresa, e sulle ragioni per cui la stessa potrebbe favorire i fenomeni partecipativi, con l'analisi prima dell'approccio volontaristico dato dalla Responsabilità sociale d'impresa (RSI), e poi dell'approccio interessato dato dalla responsabilità amministrativa, ma in realtà penale, dell'impresa per i reati commessi nel suo interesse o vantaggio dai propri dipendenti introdotta dal decreto 231 del 2001. Nel primo caso l'attenzione si è focalizzata sui codici etici, ovvero gli strumenti principali con cui la RSI viene interiorizzata ed applicata all'interno dell'apparato aziendale, con un occhio di riguardo soprattutto alle imprese multinazionali che operano, spesso e volentieri, in ambiti totalmente sprovvisti di tutele legali dei lavoratori, valutando pregi e difetti di tali strumenti, i quali si muovono sia sopra che sotto le garanzie previste dalla norma positiva. Nel secondo caso si è esaminato la tipologia della responsabilità portata dal decreto 231, mostrando come la stessa, superando l'antico principio societas delinquere non potest, focalizzi una vera e 2 propria responsabilità penale da cui l'impresa può andare esente, ed evitare così le pesantissime sanzioni collegate, solo con la predisposizione di un adeguato modello organizzativo che impone, per la sua stesura ed attuazione, anche la fattiva partecipazione dei lavoratori o dei loro rappresentanti, specie nel tema della sicurezza sul lavoro. Infine, le conclusioni dello studio portano ad affermare che, non essendo ad oggi presente nel nostro ordinamento una legge che dia piena attuazione all'art. 46 della Costituzione, la proficua e continua sinergia tra responsabilità sociale ed amministrativa d'impresa può giungere, pur senza sostituire l'intervento legislativo che è l'unico a poter rendere effettivo il precetto costituzionale, a risultati alternativi ed efficaci di partecipazione dei rappresentanti dei lavoratori alla gestione dell'impresa sia in ambito internazionale, grazie all'evoluzione in tale senso dei Comitati aziendali europei, sia in ambito nazionale, con un progressivo allargamento dei diritti di informazione e consultazione fino a forme di partecipazione “forte”.
La partecipazione dei lavoratori tra responsabilità sociale e amministrativa d'impresa / Pascucci, Federico. - (2012 Feb 20).
La partecipazione dei lavoratori tra responsabilità sociale e amministrativa d'impresa
The employees' participation to the enterprise's direction is a subject that always aroused a lot of discussions in the doctrine, but in the practice it has often received little application. In fact the destiny of this regulatory scheme can be perfectly superposed to that one of its basic rule, which in the Italian legal system can be found in the article 46 of our Constitution, an article all the time considered a simple “programmatic rule”, which has never been turned into law. Moreover it can't be said that the employees' participation to the formation and the realization of the business plans would be a minor topic, since it regards both the worker's position inside the enterprise, finally able to undertake an active role in the decisions to which often depend his future (and not only the working one), and that one of the employer-undertaker, who looks however cut down his role of business machinery's absolute master. So, in recent times the participation subject has really taken a fundamental importance, due to both the Globalization and the slump which is involving the entire world since 2008 till now – but whose signs were already been spotted in 2005 with the crashes of numerous and large corporations (Enron for all of them) – that brought to massive operations of reorganizations and relocation, followed by the consequent loss of tens of thousands workplaces. This situation, united to the ever-growing discussion on the ethical enterprise and, most of all, on the corporate responsibility, both social, through a voluntary method of corporate governance with which the corporation doesn't stop itself to the simple gain's logic, but takes on itself an active role in the stakes' defense of other subjects (the stakeholders) besides the shareholders, and doesn't limit its action to the simple compliance of the law, but sets itself the task to go “beyond” the positive rule, and administrative (but actually criminal), introduced in our legal system by the legislative decree number 231 of 2001, which makes the corporations assume the responsibility for the crimes committed by their employees, induced me to reflect on how the two phenomena – the one of the participation and the other one of the corporate responsibility – could be inflected together. Especially, I asked myself if and how much of our Constitution's article 46 has been put into effect in our legal system, and if the corporate responsibility could be an alternative method for reaching really shared results, that could allow the workers to enter in the corporate governance. So, the first part of my work focuses itself on checking the subject of the employees' participation in the view of the general legal system (with a small introduction on the firm generally inquired from the viewpoint of ethic first and of right then), starting just with the analysis of the concept of 1 “participation” and its multiple forms, trying to hold separated the phenomena of industrial democracy (namely participation, information, consultation and collective bargaining) from those of economic democracy and attempting to arrange the sames inside definite classes. Then the work continues with the investigation on the Italian law system, and in particular with the comment of the Constitution's article 46, of which I tried to rebuild an hermeneutic route that could allow to give a meaning to the term “collaboration” inside it, and seeing if the same could be able to cover all the industrial democracy's possibilities or only one or more of the participation's senses previously spotted, describing then the so called “Italian way to the participation”, starting from the Workers' Charter and the evolution of collective bargaining in a participating way in the last thirty years, until the last pages of industrial democracy and their effects in the matter of employee's involvement. Following this, comes then the analysis of various EU directives about the rights of participation (according to the German hard way of joint management) and involvement (namely the soft way of information and consultation), with that have been set up first the European Works Councils with purely advisory roles, then the models of European Society and European Cooperative Society with the introduction of the hard participation model too, and at last the information and consultation rights which must be assured as fundamental rights of the workers inside the firms even in the national level, thing this one, that clearly betrays the Union's favour for the soft model of employee's involvement. The second part of the work is instead focused on the corporate responsibility and on the reasons for which it could favour the involvement's process, starting from the voluntaristic approach forecast by the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), until to arrive at the concerned approach given by the corporate administrative – better, criminal – responsibility for the crimes committed by the enterprise's employees for its interest or its advantage and introduced by decree 231/2001. In the first case, my attention has been concentrated above all on the code of conduct, namely the principal tool with which the CSR is interiorized and applied inside the business organization, with an eye on the multinationals that act very often in ambits totally unprovided with legal defences for the workers, and rating merits and lacks of these tools, that moves themselves both up and below the rules set by the law. In the second case, has been observed the typology of the responsibility brought by decree number 231, showing as the same, getting over the ancient principle “societas delinquere non potest” (i. e. corporations cannot commit crimes), represents a real criminal liability from which the enterprise can be free, and so avoid the related heavy penalties, only by the predisposition of an appropriate organizing model that imposes, for its writing up and its realization, also the active involvement of 2 the employees or the one of their delegates, especially in the workplace safety's subject. Finally the conclusions of this study bear to assert that, not being today in our legal system a law which could give full realization to the article 46 of our Constitution, the useful and continuous synergy between the corporate social and administrative responsibility could reach, even without replacing the legislative intervention which is the only one that can make effective the constitutional rule, alternative and effective outcomes of employee's involvement, both in the international ambit, thanks to the evolution in this direction of the European Works Councils, and in the national ambit, through a widening of the information and consultation rights to forms of hard participationFile | Dimensione | Formato | |
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