This study aims to evaluate changes in body composition, particularly changes in visceral adipose tissue depots, which occur in lactating women in the postpartum period. The aim is to determine whether breastfeeding is effective in reducing the amount of visceral adipose tissue on the assumption that, our previous studies have suggested that during lactation in mice there is a striking reduction of visceral adipose tissue depots. (Cinti 99) (1) Epidemiological studies suggest that the high mortality associated with obesity is strongly linked to the increase in depots of visceral adipose tissue and to the development of the metabolic syndrome (2). For this reason, any situation that affects the deposition of visceral adipose tissue should be carefully evaluated for possible clinical and pharmacological implications. Data from several major cohort studies suggest that breastfeeding can reduce the risk of metabolic complications in women. The authors found a protective association between the duration of the 'breast-feeding and the incidence of Diabetes type 2 (3), myocardial infarction (4) and the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (5), hypertension and hyperlipidemia (6). The physiology of mammalian reproduction provides a biological basis for these associations. During pregnancy, dramatic changes occur in a woman’s metabolism as she accommodates the demands of ‘‘metabolizing for two.’’(7) These changes both support the developing fetus and allow accumulation of energy stores in anticipation of lactation.(8) This accumulation is characterized by well-described increases in visceral adipose tissue , insulin production, insulin resistance, and circulating lipid levels (9). After birth, we hypothesize that lactation plays a central role in mobilizing these accumulated fat stores and ‘‘resetting’’ maternal metabolism, thereby reducing maternal risk for metabolic disease. The longer a woman lactates, the more completely she off-loads these accumulated stores. Conversely, when a woman does not lactate, adverse metabolic changes persist for a longer period of time, increasing her risk factors for cardiovascular disease (10).To investigate if in woman breast-feeding can reduce the amount of visceral adipose tissue as in mice, a longitudinal study with six months of follow-up was carried out. In order to assess the magnitude of the changes in visceral adipose tissue 'ultrasound technique” has been used as non-invasive, cheap and reliable. The ultrasound evaluations of visceral adipose tissue have been performed using two different methods: the thickness of preperitoneal visceral adipose tissue and of visceral adipose tissue in the district between the rectus abdominal muscles and aorta has been calculated, based on the data in the literature. By studying these deposits visceral adipose tissue has also sought to determine a value of "Cut-Off" which can serve as an ultrasound index of visceral obesity in pregnancy and as a reference in the study of lipid-induced mobilization of reserves from exclusive. We also performed correlations between anthropometric measurements of patients with exclusive breastfeeding in the first 6 months postpartum (Weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), Waist Circumference, Hip Circumference, Waist / Hip Ratio (WHR), Thigh Circumference ) and changes in the thickness of visceral adipose tissue. Even the glycometabolic and lipidic assessment of the lactating patients was investigated, in order to verify whether there were correlations between indexes of insulin-resistance, dyslipidemia, and visceral fat accumulation and changes in weight and fat distribution in the nursing period. During the study an assessment of the nutritional status of patients in the immediate postpartum has been done, that unexpecteldly showed a deficit of protein in all lactating patients, regardless of their weight, BMI and of the entity of the gestational weight gained.
Il presente studio si pone l’obiettivo di valutare le modificazioni della composizione corporea, in particolar modo le variazioni dei depositi di tessuto adiposo viscerale, che avvengono nel periodo post-partum in donne che allattano. Lo scopo è quello di verificare se l’Allattamento sia efficace nel ridurre l’entità del Tessuto Adiposo Viscerale partendo dal presupposto che nel topo che allatta si è osservata una scomparsa dei depositi di tessuto adiposo viscerale. (Cinti 1999 Kurtis Ed) (1) Studi epidemiologici suggeriscono che l’elevata mortalità associata all'obesità sia fortemente correlata all’aumento dei depositi di tessuto adiposo viscerale e allo sviluppo della sindrome metabolica (2). Per questo motivo qualsiasi situazione che influenzi la deposizione del tessuto adiposo viscerale deve essere attentamente valutata per le possibili implicazioni cliniche e farmacologiche. I dati provenienti da diversi importanti studi di coorte suggeriscono che l’allattamento al seno possa ridurre il rischio di complicanze metaboliche nella donna. Gli autori hanno trovato una associazione protettiva tra la durata dell' allattamento al seno e l'incidenza di Diabete Tipo 2 (3), infarto miocardico (4), prevalenza della sindrome metabolica (5), ipertensione e iperlipidemia (6). La fisiologia della riproduzione dei mammiferi fornisce una base biologica per queste associazioni. Durante la gravidanza, drammatici cambiamenti avvengono nel metabolismo della donna dal momento che il suo organismo si adatta a ''metabolizzare per due.'' (7). Questi cambiamenti metabolici hanno al finalità sia di supportare il feto in via di sviluppo che di consentire alla madre l'accumulo di riserve di energia in previsione dell’ allattamento (8). Questo accumulo è caratterizzato da ben descritti aumenti del tessuto adiposo viscerale, dall’aumentata produzione di insulina, dall’insulino-resistenza, e dall’aumento dei livelli di lipidi circolanti (9). Si ipotizza che, dopo la nascita, l'allattamento svolga un ruolo centrale nella mobilizzazione di questi grassi accumulati e determini il ''reset'' del metabolismo materno, riducendo il rischio materno di sviluppare malattie metaboliche. Più a lungo una donna allattata, più completamente elimina questi depositi accumulati. Al contrario, quando un donna non allattata, alterazioni metaboliche sfavorevoli tenderebbero a persistere per un periodo di tempo più lungo, aumentando i suoi fattori di rischio per malattie cardiovascolari.(10) Al fine di studiare se nella donna in allattamento avvenga una riduzione dei depositi di tessuto adiposo viscerale come nel topo, è stata effettuata una fase di sperimentazione clinica mediante l’utilizzo dell’ Ecotomografia come tecnica di valutazione dell’entità e delle modificazioni tessuto adiposo viscerale, in quanto metodica non invasiva, a basso costo ed affidabile. Le variazioni del tessuto adiposo viscerale sono state effettuate utilizzando due differenti metodiche che hanno permesso di determinare lo Spessore del Tessuto Adiposo Viscerale Preperitoneale e lo Spessore del Tessuto Adiposo Viscerale del distretto compreso tra i Muscoli Retti dell’Addome e l’Aorta, sulla scorta dei dati presenti in letteratura. Studiando tali depositi di tessuto adiposo viscerale si è cercato inoltre di determinare un valore di “Cut-Off” che possa servire come un indice ecografico di obesità viscerale in gravidanza e come riferimento nello studio dalla mobilizzazione delle riserve lipidiche indotta dall’allattamento esclusivo. Sono state inoltre effettuate correlazioni tra le misurazioni antropometriche delle pazienti con allattamento esclusivo nei primi 6 mesi post-partum (Peso, Body Mass Index (BMI), circonferenza vita, circonferenza fianchi, Rapporto Vita/Fianchi o Waist/Hip Ratio (WHR), circonferenza coscia) e le variazioni dello spessore del tessuto adiposo viscerale. Anche l’assetto glicometabolico, l’assetto lipidico pazienti è stato indagato al fine di verificare se esistessero correlazioni tra indici di insulino-resistenza, dislipidemia e accumulo di grasso viscerale, variazioni del peso e della distribuzione del tessuto adiposo nel periodo dell’allattamento. Inoltre è stata effettuata una valutazione dello stato nutrizionale delle pazienti nell’immediato postpartum che, inaspettatamente, ha messo in evidenza uno stato deficit proteico in tutte le pazienti, indipendentemente dal loro peso, dal BMI e dall’entità dell’incremento ponderale gravidico.
Studio sulle modificazioni del tessuto adiposo viscerale nelle donne durante l'allattamento(2011 Feb 08).
Studio sulle modificazioni del tessuto adiposo viscerale nelle donne durante l'allattamento
This study aims to evaluate changes in body composition, particularly changes in visceral adipose tissue depots, which occur in lactating women in the postpartum period. The aim is to determine whether breastfeeding is effective in reducing the amount of visceral adipose tissue on the assumption that, our previous studies have suggested that during lactation in mice there is a striking reduction of visceral adipose tissue depots. (Cinti 99) (1) Epidemiological studies suggest that the high mortality associated with obesity is strongly linked to the increase in depots of visceral adipose tissue and to the development of the metabolic syndrome (2). For this reason, any situation that affects the deposition of visceral adipose tissue should be carefully evaluated for possible clinical and pharmacological implications. Data from several major cohort studies suggest that breastfeeding can reduce the risk of metabolic complications in women. The authors found a protective association between the duration of the 'breast-feeding and the incidence of Diabetes type 2 (3), myocardial infarction (4) and the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (5), hypertension and hyperlipidemia (6). The physiology of mammalian reproduction provides a biological basis for these associations. During pregnancy, dramatic changes occur in a woman’s metabolism as she accommodates the demands of ‘‘metabolizing for two.’’(7) These changes both support the developing fetus and allow accumulation of energy stores in anticipation of lactation.(8) This accumulation is characterized by well-described increases in visceral adipose tissue , insulin production, insulin resistance, and circulating lipid levels (9). After birth, we hypothesize that lactation plays a central role in mobilizing these accumulated fat stores and ‘‘resetting’’ maternal metabolism, thereby reducing maternal risk for metabolic disease. The longer a woman lactates, the more completely she off-loads these accumulated stores. Conversely, when a woman does not lactate, adverse metabolic changes persist for a longer period of time, increasing her risk factors for cardiovascular disease (10).To investigate if in woman breast-feeding can reduce the amount of visceral adipose tissue as in mice, a longitudinal study with six months of follow-up was carried out. In order to assess the magnitude of the changes in visceral adipose tissue 'ultrasound technique” has been used as non-invasive, cheap and reliable. The ultrasound evaluations of visceral adipose tissue have been performed using two different methods: the thickness of preperitoneal visceral adipose tissue and of visceral adipose tissue in the district between the rectus abdominal muscles and aorta has been calculated, based on the data in the literature. By studying these deposits visceral adipose tissue has also sought to determine a value of "Cut-Off" which can serve as an ultrasound index of visceral obesity in pregnancy and as a reference in the study of lipid-induced mobilization of reserves from exclusive. We also performed correlations between anthropometric measurements of patients with exclusive breastfeeding in the first 6 months postpartum (Weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), Waist Circumference, Hip Circumference, Waist / Hip Ratio (WHR), Thigh Circumference ) and changes in the thickness of visceral adipose tissue. Even the glycometabolic and lipidic assessment of the lactating patients was investigated, in order to verify whether there were correlations between indexes of insulin-resistance, dyslipidemia, and visceral fat accumulation and changes in weight and fat distribution in the nursing period. During the study an assessment of the nutritional status of patients in the immediate postpartum has been done, that unexpecteldly showed a deficit of protein in all lactating patients, regardless of their weight, BMI and of the entity of the gestational weight gained.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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