Probiotics are dietary supplements and live microorganisms containing potentially beneficial bacteria or yeasts. According to the currently adopted definition by and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO), probiotics are: ‘Live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host’. Experiments into the benefits of probiotic therapies started in 1920 suggesting a range of potentially beneficial uses in medicine. Recent research on the molecular biology and genomics of probiotic has focused on the interaction with the immune system and then probiotic were suggested as potential a biotherapeutic agent in many disease. Therefore, since their multiple application on medicine, probiotic have attracted considerable attention in recent years but, at present, their possible effects on reproduction are still unexplored. In this Doctorate thesis we sought to determine the possible effects of the administration of a probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus IMC 501TM, on zebrafish reproduction, in particular the possible role of this probiotic on endocrine/paracrine control of reproduction, on ovary physiology, on follicles development, on follicular atresia and on fertility and embryo viability. Over the past twenty years, the zebrafish (Danio rerio) has attracted considerable attention as an excellent vertebrate model system for studying genetics and development, and more recently, for understanding human disease and for the screening of therapeutic drugs. To this many results were obtained from a wide range of assay. Q-PCR, DNA Array, in vitro maturation assay, SDS-PAGE, Western blot and histological assays were applied. In addition, for the first time in zebrafish, the FPA FT-IR Microspectroscopy was utilized to investigate the molecular building of zebrafish oocytes. Two experimental groups were performed: a control groups which were fed only on commercial diet and a treated groups fed on commercial diet mixed with lyophilized probiotic. The probiotic strain used was Lactobacillus rhamnosus IMC 501®, provided by Synbiotec s.r.l. (Camerino, MC, Italy), and supplied in a final concentration in the tanks water of 106 CFU ml-1 . The count of egg spawned out-put were performed every day. The embryo were then transferred to a nursery tank and monitored till the hatching. At a physiological level, a ten day administration of L. rhamnosus had an stimulatory effect on the number of ovulated eggs and the hatching rate. At molecular level Real-time PCR and culture method detected the presence of L. rhamnosus IMC 501® only in the gut of treated zebrafish after ten days treatment. The presence of L rhamnosus in the zebrafish gut was associated with a significant increase of leptin gene expression in the same tissue. In the brain the probiotic treatment modulate the gene expression of neuropeptide hormones and metabolic signals, such as Kiss1, Kiss2, gnrh3 and Leptin positively and ghrelin and NPY negatively. To explain the increase in fecundity brought about by the probiotic the attention was focused on the ovary and in particulary on follicles development (growth and maturation phases). The significant increase of the gonadosomatic index (GSI) induced by probiotic administration concomitantly with a significant increase of both vtg1 and ERα gene expression in the liver, indicated a positive role of probiotic administration in follicle growth By FT-IR microspettroscopy representative spectra for I–II, IIIA, IIIB and IV classes oocytes isolated from control females were investigated to find specific vibrational patterns corresponding to different maturation degrees. On going from I–II to IV class oocytes, relevant spectral differences were found attributable to the molecular building changes occurring during oogenesis. The spectral biomarker achieved were utilized to investigate the follicles compositional changes due to the probiotic administration. Some interesting biochemical features, linked to protein secondary structure (amide I band) and to phospholipidic and glucidic patterns, were detailed by vibrational analysis. These spectral results were confirmed by the modification evidenced by SDS-PAGE and by the enzymatic activity assay of Cathepsin L, the enzyme responsible for the yolk cleavage. A stimulating role of L. rhamnosus on maturation phase was evidenced by the higher number of ovulated eggs in vivo and by the higher GVBD rate obtained with the in vitro maturation assay. This increase, was associated with an increase of genes transcription and protein levels of signals which induce the maturation phase, concomitant with a decrease of local factors which prevent oocyte maturation,. Concomitantly at ovary level, to have an overview of the transcriptome modulated by L. rhamnosus, a DNA microarray, using the Agilent’s Zebrafish platform, has been used to evidence the wide range of biological processes and molecular functions modulated by the probiotic on follicles at stage IIIa, IIIb and IV. Finally the presence of autophagic process and its regulation by probiotic administration on preovulatory follicles (stage III and IV) were evidenced by the evaluation of the presence of autophagosomes by Electron Microscopy analysis. These results were confirmed by evaluating the levels of BECLIN-1 and LC3 protein by Western blot. Finally the expression levels of gene involved on autophagy and apoptosis control were evaluated by real time PCR in the same samples. In conclusion, all these findings highlight the action of L. rhamnosus both on the endocrine system and at local level by inducing oocyte growth, maturation and ovulation. The significance of the results herein obtained underlined the importance of diet in the reproductive process, supporting the hypothesis that feed additives can improve fecundity. Considering that the zebrafish has been clearly established as a vertebrate model for biomedical research, these results support the potentiality of feed additives such as probiotics, frequently used in the human diet, as a new technology to improve reproduction in all vertebrates, including humans.
I probiotici sono integratori alimentari e microrganismi vivi che contengono batteri potenzialmente benefici o lieviti. Secondo la definizione attualmente adottata dalla FAO e dell'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS), i probiotici sono: 'microrganismi vivi che, quando somministrati in quantità adeguate conferiscono un beneficio sulla salute dell’ospite'. Esperimenti sui benefici derivati dalla somministrazione di probiotici iniziarono nel 1920 proponendo una serie di impieghi potenzialmente benefici in medicina. Recenti ricerche condotte sulla biologia molecolare e genomica dei probiotici hanno permesso di evidenziare la loro interazione con il sistema immunitario e quindi probiotici sono stati suggeriti come potenziale agenti bio-terapeutici nella cura di molte malattie. benchè la loro applicazione nel campo della medicina, abbia attirato notevole attenzione negli ultimi anni, al momento, i loro possibili effetti sulla riproduzione sono ancora sconosciuti. In questa tesi di dottorato si è cercato di determinare i possibili effetti della somministrazione di un probiotico Lactobacillus rhamnosus IMC 501 ®, sulla riproduzione zebrafish, in particolare il possibile ruolo dei probiotici sul controllo endocrino e paracrino della riproduzione, sulla fisiologia dell'ovaio, sullo sviluppo dei follicoli, sulla atresia follicolare e sulla fecondità e sulla vitalità dell'embrione. Negli ultimi venti anni, lo zebrafish (Danio rerio) è stao molto ultilizzato come un eccellente sistema modello vertebrato per lo studio della genetica e dello sviluppo e, più recentemente, per la comprensione delle malattie umane e per lo screening di farmaci terapeutici. In questo studio, molti risultati sono stati ottenuti da una vasta gamma di test. Q-PCR, DNA Array, maturazione in vitro, SDS-PAGE, Western Blot e analisi istologiche sono state applicate. Inoltre, per la prima volta nello zebrafish, la Microspectroscopia FT-IR è stata utilizzata per indagare il building molecolare degli ovociti di zebrafish. Sono stati allestiti due gruppi sperimentali: un gruppo di controllo alimentato solo con dieta commerciale e di un gruppi trattato alimentato per 10 giorni con dieta commerciale miscelata con probiotici liofilizzati. Il ceppo probiotico Lactobacillus rhamnosus è stato usato IMC 501 ®, forniti da Synbiotec srl (Camerino, MC, Italia), e fornito in una concentrazione finale in acqua di 106 CFU ml-1. Ogni giorno del trattamento sono state contate le uova deposte e gli embrioni prodotti che sono stati monitorati fino alla schiusa. A livello fisiologico, l'amministrazione di dieci giorni di L. rhamnosus ha avuto un effetto stimolatorio sul numero di uova ovulate e il tasso di schiusa. La Q-PCR e metodo colturale hanno rilevato la presenza di L. rhamnosus IMC 501 ® solo nell'intestino di zebrafish trattate. La presenza di L rhamnosus nell'intestino zebrafish è stato associato ad un significativo aumento di espressione del gene della leptina nell’intestino stesso. Nel cervello il trattamento con il probiotico ha modulato positivamente l'espressione genica degli ormoni neuropeptidi e segnali metabolici, come Kiss1, Kiss2, gnrh3 e leptina e negativamente la ghrelina e NPY. Per spiegare l'aumento della fecondità indotta dal probiotico l'attenzione si è concentrata sulla ovaio e particolarmente sullo sviluppo follicolare (fase di accrescimento e di maturazione). Il significativo aumento dell'indice gonadosomatico (GSI) indotto dalla somministrazione del probiotico in concomitanza con un significativo incremento dell’espressione genica sia di vtg1 e ERα nel fegato, hanno indicato un ruolo positivo della somministrazione di probiotici sulla fase di accrescimento del follicolo. Con la Microspettroscopia FT-IR si è proceduti dapprima all’analisi di follicoli agli stadi I-II, III A, III B e IV isolati da ovari di controllo che ha portato all’acquisizione di spettri rappresentativi dei vari stadi follicolari e markers spettrali riconducibili ai cambiamenti macromolecolari che occorrono durante lo sviluppo follicolare. Questi markers spettrali sono stati utilizzati poi per evidenziare i cambiamenti macromolecolari indotti dal trattamento con il probiotico. Alcune caratteristiche biochimiche interessanti, legate alla struttura secondaria delle proteine (ammide I) e alla componente fosfolipidica e glucidico, sono stati dettagliati tramite l'analisi vibrazionale. Questi risultati spettrali sono stati confermati dalla modifiche del pattern citoplasmatico evidenziato da SDS-PAGE e dal dosaggio dell'attività enzimatica della catepsina L, l'enzima responsabile della degradazione del tuorlo. Il ruolo stimolatorio del L. rhamnosus sulla fase di maturazione è testimoniato dal numero elevato di uova ovulate trovato in in vivo e dal tasso più alto GVBD ottenuta con il saggio di maturazione in vitro. Questo aumento, è stata associato all’ aumento della trascrizione genica e dei livelli proteici di segnali che inducono la fase di maturazione, in concomitanza con la diminuzione di fattori locali che impediscono la maturazione degli ovociti. Contemporaneamente a livello dell’ovario, per avere una panoramica del trascrittoma modulato da L. rhamnosus, è stato utilizzato un DNA microarray, utilizzando la piattaforma Zebrafish la Agilent, in questo modo si sono evidenziati una vasta gamma di processi biologici e funzioni molecolari modulati dalla probiotici nei follicoli in fase IIIa, IIIb e IV. Infine si è voluto valutare il ruolo del L. rhamnosus sui processi atresici che occorrono fisiologicamente nell’ovario. In questo modo è stata evidenziata per la prima volta la presenza del processo di autofagia nell’ovario di zebrafish e il controllo del probiotico su questo processo in follicoli preovulatori (stadio III e IV). Inizialmente l’autofagia è stata evidenziata dalla presenza di autofagosomi mediante analisi di microscopia elettronica. Questi risultati sono stati confermati dalla valutazione dei livelli proteici di BECLIN-1 e LC3 tramite Western Blot. Infine sono stati valutati mediante Q-PCR i livelli di espressione di geni coinvolti nei processi di apoptosi l'autofagia e di controllo in tempo reale nei medesimi campioni. In conclusione, questi risultati mettono in luce l'azione di L. rhamnosus sia sul sistema endocrino che, a livello locale, inducendo l’oogenesi. L'importanza dei risultati ottenuti nella presente Tesi di Dottorato hanno sottolineato l'importanza della dieta nel processo riproduttivo, supportando l'ipotesi che gli additivi alimentari possono migliorare la fecondità. Considerando che lo zebrafish è stato chiaramente indicato come modello vertebrato per la ricerca biomedica, questi risultati supportano la potenzialità degli additivi funzionali, come i probiotici, frequentemente utilizzati nella dieta umana, come una nuova tecnologia per migliorare la riproduzione in tutti i vertebrati, inclusi gli esseri umani.
Effects of probiotic on zebrafish (Danio Rerio) reproduction / Gioacchini, Giorgia. - (2011 Feb 11).
Effects of probiotic on zebrafish (Danio Rerio) reproduction
Gioacchini, Giorgia
Probiotics are dietary supplements and live microorganisms containing potentially beneficial bacteria or yeasts. According to the currently adopted definition by and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO), probiotics are: ‘Live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host’. Experiments into the benefits of probiotic therapies started in 1920 suggesting a range of potentially beneficial uses in medicine. Recent research on the molecular biology and genomics of probiotic has focused on the interaction with the immune system and then probiotic were suggested as potential a biotherapeutic agent in many disease. Therefore, since their multiple application on medicine, probiotic have attracted considerable attention in recent years but, at present, their possible effects on reproduction are still unexplored. In this Doctorate thesis we sought to determine the possible effects of the administration of a probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus IMC 501TM, on zebrafish reproduction, in particular the possible role of this probiotic on endocrine/paracrine control of reproduction, on ovary physiology, on follicles development, on follicular atresia and on fertility and embryo viability. Over the past twenty years, the zebrafish (Danio rerio) has attracted considerable attention as an excellent vertebrate model system for studying genetics and development, and more recently, for understanding human disease and for the screening of therapeutic drugs. To this many results were obtained from a wide range of assay. Q-PCR, DNA Array, in vitro maturation assay, SDS-PAGE, Western blot and histological assays were applied. In addition, for the first time in zebrafish, the FPA FT-IR Microspectroscopy was utilized to investigate the molecular building of zebrafish oocytes. Two experimental groups were performed: a control groups which were fed only on commercial diet and a treated groups fed on commercial diet mixed with lyophilized probiotic. The probiotic strain used was Lactobacillus rhamnosus IMC 501®, provided by Synbiotec s.r.l. (Camerino, MC, Italy), and supplied in a final concentration in the tanks water of 106 CFU ml-1 . The count of egg spawned out-put were performed every day. The embryo were then transferred to a nursery tank and monitored till the hatching. At a physiological level, a ten day administration of L. rhamnosus had an stimulatory effect on the number of ovulated eggs and the hatching rate. At molecular level Real-time PCR and culture method detected the presence of L. rhamnosus IMC 501® only in the gut of treated zebrafish after ten days treatment. The presence of L rhamnosus in the zebrafish gut was associated with a significant increase of leptin gene expression in the same tissue. In the brain the probiotic treatment modulate the gene expression of neuropeptide hormones and metabolic signals, such as Kiss1, Kiss2, gnrh3 and Leptin positively and ghrelin and NPY negatively. To explain the increase in fecundity brought about by the probiotic the attention was focused on the ovary and in particulary on follicles development (growth and maturation phases). The significant increase of the gonadosomatic index (GSI) induced by probiotic administration concomitantly with a significant increase of both vtg1 and ERα gene expression in the liver, indicated a positive role of probiotic administration in follicle growth By FT-IR microspettroscopy representative spectra for I–II, IIIA, IIIB and IV classes oocytes isolated from control females were investigated to find specific vibrational patterns corresponding to different maturation degrees. On going from I–II to IV class oocytes, relevant spectral differences were found attributable to the molecular building changes occurring during oogenesis. The spectral biomarker achieved were utilized to investigate the follicles compositional changes due to the probiotic administration. Some interesting biochemical features, linked to protein secondary structure (amide I band) and to phospholipidic and glucidic patterns, were detailed by vibrational analysis. These spectral results were confirmed by the modification evidenced by SDS-PAGE and by the enzymatic activity assay of Cathepsin L, the enzyme responsible for the yolk cleavage. A stimulating role of L. rhamnosus on maturation phase was evidenced by the higher number of ovulated eggs in vivo and by the higher GVBD rate obtained with the in vitro maturation assay. This increase, was associated with an increase of genes transcription and protein levels of signals which induce the maturation phase, concomitant with a decrease of local factors which prevent oocyte maturation,. Concomitantly at ovary level, to have an overview of the transcriptome modulated by L. rhamnosus, a DNA microarray, using the Agilent’s Zebrafish platform, has been used to evidence the wide range of biological processes and molecular functions modulated by the probiotic on follicles at stage IIIa, IIIb and IV. Finally the presence of autophagic process and its regulation by probiotic administration on preovulatory follicles (stage III and IV) were evidenced by the evaluation of the presence of autophagosomes by Electron Microscopy analysis. These results were confirmed by evaluating the levels of BECLIN-1 and LC3 protein by Western blot. Finally the expression levels of gene involved on autophagy and apoptosis control were evaluated by real time PCR in the same samples. In conclusion, all these findings highlight the action of L. rhamnosus both on the endocrine system and at local level by inducing oocyte growth, maturation and ovulation. The significance of the results herein obtained underlined the importance of diet in the reproductive process, supporting the hypothesis that feed additives can improve fecundity. Considering that the zebrafish has been clearly established as a vertebrate model for biomedical research, these results support the potentiality of feed additives such as probiotics, frequently used in the human diet, as a new technology to improve reproduction in all vertebrates, including humans.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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