Dipartimento Ingegneria dell'Informazione
A least squares based pseudoinversion approach for non hyperbolic linear systems
2014-01-01 Ietto, Leopoldo; Orsini, Valentina; Romagnoli, Raffaele
A mixed numerical-analytical stable pseudo-inversion method aimed at attaining an almost exact tracking
2015-01-01 Ietto, Leopoldo; Orsini, Valentina; Romagnoli, Raffaele
A new approach to the stable inversion problem aimed at the achievement of an almost perfect output tracking
2015-02-25 Romagnoli, Raffaele
A spline-based technique for optimal set point regulation through pseudo-inversion of nonminimum phase linear systems
2013-01-01 Ietto, Leopoldo; Orsini, Valentina; Romagnoli, Raffaele
Accurate output tracking for non minimum phase non hyperbolic and near non hyperbolic systems
2014-01-01 Ietto, Leopoldo; Orsini, Valentina; Romagnoli, Raffaele
Almost perfect tracking through mixed numerical analytical stable pseudo inversion of non minimum phase plants
2013-01-01 Ietto, Leopoldo; Orsini, Valentina; Romagnoli, Raffaele
An iterative LMI scheme for output regulation of continuous-time LPV systems with inexactly measured parameters
2012-01-01 Ietto, Leopoldo; Orsini, Valentina; Romagnoli, Raffaele
BMI based stabilization of linear uncertain plants with polynomially time varying parameters
2015-01-01 Ietto, Leopoldo; Orsini, Valentina; Romagnoli, Raffaele
Optimal transient performance under output set-point reset
2016-01-01 Ietto, Leopoldo; Orsini, Valentina; Romagnoli, Raffaele
Output transition optimization through a multi-objective least square procedure
2014-01-01 Ietto, Leopoldo; Orsini, Valentina; Romagnoli, Raffaele
Robust stabilization of linear uncertain plants with polynomially time varying parameters
2014-01-01 Ietto, Leopoldo; Orsini, Valentina; Romagnoli, Raffaele
Spline based pseudo-inversion of sampled data non minimum phase systems for an almost exact output tracking
2015-01-01 Ietto, Leopoldo; Orsini, Valentina; Romagnoli, Raffaele
The quadratic stabilization problem for LTV plants with arbitrary mode-switch dynamics and non uniformly bounded parametric uncertainties
2015-01-01 Ietto, Leopoldo; Orsini, Valentina; Romagnoli, Raffaele