Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.606
EU - Europa 2.057
AS - Asia 754
AF - Africa 153
SA - Sud America 10
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 6.585
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.595
IT - Italia 556
UA - Ucraina 387
SG - Singapore 281
IE - Irlanda 237
SE - Svezia 227
DE - Germania 200
CN - Cina 183
TR - Turchia 166
DK - Danimarca 132
MA - Marocco 102
FI - Finlandia 87
KR - Corea 74
GB - Regno Unito 73
FR - Francia 72
CI - Costa d'Avorio 50
BE - Belgio 31
IN - India 29
NL - Olanda 28
CA - Canada 11
ES - Italia 7
JP - Giappone 6
RO - Romania 6
BR - Brasile 4
CO - Colombia 4
EU - Europa 4
LT - Lituania 4
VN - Vietnam 4
IR - Iran 3
PL - Polonia 3
AT - Austria 2
CH - Svizzera 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
IL - Israele 2
MY - Malesia 2
AR - Argentina 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
ID - Indonesia 1
NG - Nigeria 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PE - Perù 1
RU - Federazione Russa 1
Totale 6.585
Città #
Chandler 499
Jacksonville 401
Fairfield 253
Dublin 237
Ashburn 225
Des Moines 218
Boardman 204
New York 193
Wilmington 135
Woodbridge 120
Ann Arbor 114
Houston 102
Seattle 97
Singapore 92
Marche 91
Lawrence 88
Princeton 88
Cambridge 85
San Mateo 84
Centro 53
Abidjan 50
San Diego 31
Brussels 30
Milan 26
Redmond 26
Montecassiano 22
Washington 20
Shanghai 19
Turin 18
Helsinki 17
Pune 17
Amsterdam 16
London 16
Guangzhou 15
Ancona 13
Norwalk 13
Beijing 12
Dallas 12
Los Angeles 12
Izmir 10
Wuxi 10
Jiaxing 9
Bologna 7
Grottammare 7
Rome 7
Sant'elpidio A Mare 7
Angri 6
Wuhan 6
Chicago 5
Colli Del Tronto 5
Fossombrone 5
Frankfurt am Main 5
Hangzhou 5
Jinhua 5
Kilburn 5
Mazzano Romano 5
Ottawa 5
Paese 5
Chiswick 4
Jesi 4
Madrid 4
New Bedfont 4
Paris 4
Senigallia 4
Shenzhen 4
Simi Valley 4
Toronto 4
Acton 3
Ascoli Piceno 3
Brescia 3
Buffalo 3
Civitanova Marche 3
Edinburgh 3
Fano 3
Gradara 3
Mondovì 3
Phoenix 3
Prescot 3
Redwood City 3
San Benedetto Del Tronto 3
Santa Maria Capua Vetere 3
Sexten 3
Udine 3
Bari 2
Boydton 2
Busto Arsizio 2
Cerignola 2
Como 2
Cupra Marittima 2
Delhi 2
Dong Ket 2
Dongyang 2
Espoo 2
Falconara Marittima 2
Fermignano 2
Florence 2
Ham-Nord 2
Hanoi 2
Hong Kong 2
Jining 2
Totale 4.001
Nome #
Effect of graphene oxide and metallic fibers on the electromagnetic shielding effect of engineered cementitious composites 135
Effect of beta and gamma ray sterilization on the properties of polymeric materials for biomedical applications 135
Binders alternative to Portland cement and waste management for sustainable construction - Part 1 122
Binders alternative to Portland cement and waste management for sustainable construction – Part 2 121
Mechanical Behaviour and Thermal Conductivity of Mortars with Waste Plastic Particles 114
Effect of beta and gamma ray sterilization on the properties of polymeric materials for biomedical applications 113
Densified-Small-Particle (DSP) cement composites for electromagnetic shielding: practice and experimental analysis 111
A method for Performance Evaluation of RE/RP Systems in Dentistry 107
The use of wood by-products waste for producing lightweight and thermal insulating cement-based materials 103
Sustainability in Construction Materials: From Waste Valorization to Circular Economy 103
Effect of graphene oxide addition on the mechanical and thermal properties of cement-based composites 102
Effect of commercial and waste carbonaceous fillers on the mechanical and electrical properties of innovative mortars 97
Methodology for evaluating effects of mandibular advancement devices in treating OSAS 96
Electrically Conductive DSP Cement Composites 94
Cement Composite Shields Analysis at Microwave Frequencies Using Reverberation Fields 93
Preliminary results on the use of a noninvasive instrument for the evaluation of the depth of pigmented skin lesions: numerical simulations and experimental measurements 88
Direct fabrication through electron beam melting technology of custom cranial implants designed in a PHANToM-based haptic environment 87
Application of optical digitizing techniques to evaluate the shape accuracy of anatomical models derived from CT data 86
A Procedure for Designing Custom-Made Implants for Forehead Augmentation in People Suffering from Apert Syndrome 86
Caratterizzazione morfologica di un materiale composito polimero-ceramico biocompatibile per innesti ossei 85
Particle size, size distribution and morphological evaluation of glass fiber reinforced plastic (GRP) industrial by-product 85
Mechanical behaviour and thermal conductivity of mortars containing waste rubber particles 84
Particle size, size distribution and morphological evaluation of airborne dust particles of diverse woods by Scanning Electron Microscopy and image processing program 84
Reuse of wood waste for lightweight mortars 84
Efficienza di schermatura elettromagnetica alle alte frequenze di materiali a base cementizia di tipo DSP caricati con polvere di grafite e fibre metalliche 82
Evaluation of the early-age-shrinkage of Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC) using image analysis methods 82
Orbital wall reconstruction by selective laser sintered mould 82
Short-term chemical and physical changes in Invisalign appliances 81
Thin films of calcium-phosphate on titanium dental screws: sol-gel route versus plasma-spray 80
Influence of different manufacturing techniques and materials on the accuracy of anatomical models derived from CT data 78
Mechanical and physical characterization of mortars containing post-consumer plastic particles 78
Palatal volume following rapid maxillary expansion in mixed dentition 78
Design of a custom-made cranial implant in patients suffering from Apert syndrome 78
Comparison of the Effects Caused by Three Different Mandibular Advancement Devices on the Periodontal Ligaments and Teeth for the Treatment of Osa: A Finite Element Model Study 78
Mechanical behaviour and thermal conductivity of mortars with waste plastic particles 77
Experimental Analysis of the Aging Effects on Shielding Effectiveness of Cementitious Composites 77
Mechanical, durability, depolluting and electrical properties of multifunctional mortars prepared with commercial or waste carbon-based fillers 77
Utilizzo di microscopia elettronica a scansione e software per analisi di immagine nella valutazione della distribuzione granulometrica di polveri con morfologia irregolare 74
Selection of Suitable Materials and Manufacturing of a Recyclable and Eco-Friendly Children's Footwear 73
Three-dimensional diagnosis and visualization supports in orthodontics based on Reverse Engineering and Solid Free-form Fabrication techniques 73
Shielding effectiveness evaluation of Densified with Small Particles (DSP) cement composite 73
Selective laser sintering manufacturing of polycaprolactone bone scaffolds for applications in bone tissue engineering 73
Preliminary Considerations on the Design of Multi-layered Bone Scaffold for Laser-Based Printing 73
Selective laser sintered mould for orbital cavity reconstruction 72
Preparazione e metodologie di lavorazione di una matrice polimero-ceramica biocompatibile per la realizzazione di guide sintetiche osteoconduttive 71
Use of MIMICS® software in three-dimensional cephalometric evaluation of soft tissues of the face 71
The effect of diverse forming conditions on the morphology of hydroxyapatite spongy bioceramics 70
Development of optical tissue phantoms for the evaluation of the thickness of pigmented skin lesions by a conveniently purpose-modified digital camera: numerical simulations and experimental measures. 70
Characterization of an aluminum-filled polyamide powder for applications in selective laser sintering 70
Comparative production techniques analysis of hydroxiapatite surface coatings on the Ti dental screws derived by sol-gel and Plasma Spray methods 69
Shielding effectiveness statistical evaluation of random concrete composites 69
Manufacture and morphological characterization of osteoconductive porous scaffolds 68
Caratterizzazione di sistemi RE/RP per il settore odontoiatrico 68
Selective laser sintering in biomedical engineering 68
Aluminum-filled polyamide material for applications in selective laser sintering 67
Preliminary simulation model toward the study of the effects caused by different mandibular advancement devices in OSAS treatment 67
Rapid manufacturing of polycaprolactone scaffolds for applications in bone tissue engineering 66
Valutazione della distribuzione granulometrica di polveri derivanti dalla lavorazione del legno 64
Evaluation of densified with small particles (DSP) cement composite: flexible vs. rigid metal fibers 63
Coestrusione di miscele per film in bolla 60
HoloLens 2 for Maxillofacial Surgery: A Preliminary Study 58
Thin Films of Calcium Phosphate on Titanium Implants: Sol-Gel Route versus Pulsed Laser Deposition 57
Evaluation of Mandibular Advancement Devices in Patients Suffering from Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Periodontitis 57
Plasma treated PCL scaffolds coated using engineered hydroxyapatite nanoparticles 56
Optical Techniques in Shape Accuracy Evaluation of an SLS Mandible Replica derived from CT Data 54
Solid freeform fabrication of custom cranial implants designed in a phantom-based haptic environment 54
Reverse engineering techniques to evaluate palatal morphologic and volumetric changes after the use of a rapid expander 54
Comparison of Three 3D Segmentation Software Tools for Hip Surgical Planning 53
Use of the MIMICS software in the three-dimensional cephalometric evaluation of the soft tissues of the face 53
Strength distribution on TMJ using mandibular advancement device for OSAS treatment: A finite element study 53
Mechanical and Physical Properties of Cement Mortars Containing Plastic Waste Particles 51
Late treatment of orbital fractures: a new analysis for surgical planning 51
Solid Free-form Fabrication (SFF) of a trabecular bone scaffold 49
Effect of diverse forming conditions on the morphology of hydroxyapatite spongy bioceramics 48
Evaluation of the Effects Caused by Mandibular Advancement Devices Using a Numerical Simulation Model 47
A Medical Device for Correctly Positioning Custom-Made Implants for Fractured Orbital Cavities 46
ELF Shielding Effectiveness of Concrete Structures Reinforced with Steel Nets and Fibers 46
Utilizzo di una tecnologia tridimensionale per migliorare la diagnosi ortodontica 45
Sinterizzazione laser selettiva per bioceramici 44
An innovative mixed reality approach for maxillofacial osteotomies and repositioning 42
Utilizzo di materiali di derivazione naturale per l’ottimizzazione del benessere nella calzatura da bambino 42
New Materials and Technologies for Durability and Conservation of Building Heritage 42
Rapid prototyping techniques and bone tissue engineering 40
An innovative orbital implant positioner for the proper restoration of eye-socket defects 39
Hydroxyapatite coating on sintered polyamide 39
Valutazione sperimentale dell'efficienza di schermatura elettromagnetica di materiali a matrice cementizia di tipo DSP (Densified with Small Particles) 38
Progettazione di placche craniche personalizzate usando tecnologie SFF e sistemi di modellazione haptic 37
Influence of Different Manufacturing Techniques and Materials on the Accuracy of Anatomical SFF Models derived from CT Data, 36
Evaluation of 3D Technologies in Dentistry 33
Mixed Reality and Maxillofacial Surgery: An Interactive Twofold-Modality Application 19
A Numerical Simulation Approach to Study the Effects of MADs Embedded with Elastic Bands in OSA Treatment 18
Totale 6.764
Categoria #
all - tutte 40.069
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 40.069

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020346 0 0 0 0 0 12 89 7 91 19 26 102
2020/20211.247 51 118 135 54 149 97 148 74 154 74 139 54
2021/2022680 29 155 18 23 7 24 39 41 45 38 131 130
2022/20231.509 132 171 116 94 107 342 8 103 313 12 77 34
2023/20241.080 150 25 62 119 133 262 103 29 6 24 37 130
2024/2025644 188 255 63 51 74 13 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.764