5.12 Altro: [1313] Home page tipologia

Prodotti della tipologia (ordinati per Data di deposito in Decrescente ordine): 1 a 20 di 1.313
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autore(i) File
A Forecasting Framework for Core Domestic Banks in Malta 1-gen-2024 Andreani, Michele
The Compulsive Consumption Misbehaviour: an alternative approach for defining the paradox of happiness in the postmodern society. 1-gen-2013 Berti, Francesca
The role of System integrators in the current data-driven ecosystem 1-gen-2022 Berti, Francesca; Cucculelli, Marco
The Compulsive Consumer Behavior. An alternative approach to define the Paradox Of Happiness in the globalized society In corso di stampa Berti, Francesca
Generational Divide Index Latina 1-gen-2015 Monti, Luciano; Azzarà, Zelda; Berti, Francesca; Matarazzo, Piera
Identifying the Effects of Financial and Housing Shocks on Economic Activity: A Medium-Run SVAR Perspective 1-gen-2024 Andreani, Michele; Giri, Federico; Lucchetti, Riccardo
Data Management at Urban Scale 1-gen-2022 Tejedor Herrán, Blanca; Carbonari, Alessandro; Isaac, Shabtai; Casals Casanova, Miquel; – Gera, Hillel Bar; Linner, Thomas
Rischi dell'immobilizzazione nell'anziano 1-gen-2002 Cherubini, Antonio; Ruggiero, Carmelinda
Le cadute nell'anziano 1-gen-2002 Cherubini, Antonio; Ruggiero, Carmelinda
Approccio clinico al paziente anziano con confusione mentale 1-gen-2002 Cherubini, Antonio
Evaluation of Humanitarian Logistics in the European Commission’s Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid operations, 2018 – 2022, and of the mobility package within the emergency support instrument re-activation 2020-2022. 1-gen-2023 Lindström, Johanna; Smith, Samantha; Zeisl, Yasemin; Deros, Emily; Birnbaum, Charlotte; Gambade, Josephine; Gozio, Marco; Frasca, Luca; Paciarotti, Claudia; Ulicna, Daniela; Dietrich, Christophe
SARM1 activation induces reversible mitochondrial dysfunction and can be prevented in human neurons by antisense oligonucleotides 1-gen-2024 Loreto, A.; Cramb, K. M. L.; Mcdermott, L. A.; Antoniou, C.; Cirilli, I.; Caiazza, M. C.; Merlini, E.; Arthur-Farraj, P.; Mock, E. D.; Zhao, H. T.; Bennett, D. L.; Orsomando, G.; Coleman, M. P.; Wade-Martins, R.
Innovative collaborations through projects in time and space: the case of a micro grid project in context of a transforming energy system. 1-gen-2023 Lind, Frida; Perna, Andrea; La Rocca, Antonella; Paola Palermi, Maria
Value Changes in Business Relationships when Reshoring through Outsourcing. 1-gen-2023 Baraldi, Enrico; Ciabuschi, Francesco; Pedroletti, Daniel; Perna, Andrea
Chronically low NMNAT2 expression causes sub-lethal SARM1 activation and altered response to nicotinamide riboside in axons 1-gen-2024 Antoniou, Christina; Loreto, Andrea; Gilley, Jonathan; Merlini, Elisa; Orsomando, Giuseppe; Coleman, Michael P
Adaptation of a commercial NAD quantification kit to assay the base exchange activity of SARM1 1-gen-2023 Cirilli, Ilenia; Amici, Adolfo; Gilley, Jonathan; Coleman, Michael P.; Orsomando, Giuseppe
The NAD + precursor NMN activates dSarm to trigger axon degeneration in Drosophila 1-gen-2022 Llobet Rosell, Arnau; Paglione, Maria; Gilley, Jonathan; Kocia, Magdalena; Gasparrini, Massimiliano; Cialabrini, Lucia; Raffaelli, Nadia; Angeletti, Carlo; Orsomando, Giuseppe; Coleman, Michael P.; Loreto, Andrea; Neukomm, Lukas J.
The Legacy of Forced Assimilation Policies: Entry Barriers in the Labor Market and Anti-German Sentiments in South Tyrol 1-gen-2019 Belmonte, Alessandro; Di Lillo, Armando
Who are the arbitrageurs? Empirical evidence from Bitcoin traders in the Mt. Gox exchange platform 1-gen-2021 Saggese, Pietro; Belmonte, Alessandro; Dimitri, Nicola; Facchini, Angelo; Böhme, Rainer
Donors for tax morale. Evidence from 34 African countries 1-gen-2021 Belmonte, Alessandro; Bove, Vincenzo; Di Salvatore, Jessica
Prodotti della tipologia (ordinati per Data di deposito in Decrescente ordine): 1 a 20 di 1.313
Legenda icone

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  • 5 Altro1313
  • FREGA, Natale Giuseppe94
  • POLONARA, Fabio31
  • BARTOLINI, Carlo Maria29
  • LATINI, Giovanni29
  • BONVINI, Paolo28
  • LO TURCO, Alessia28
  • PACELLI, Graziella28
  • PERNA, Andrea28
Data di pubblicazione
  • In corso di stampa4
  • 2020 - 202441
  • 2010 - 2019301
  • 2000 - 2009602
  • 1990 - 1999245
  • 1980 - 1989111
  • 1973 - 19799
  • Pitagora Editrice4
  • Edi Ermes2
  • -Calderini Edagricole; -Il sole ...1
  • Circle srl1
  • CLUA - Edizioni1
  • Diaprtimento di Energetica1
  • Diaprtimento di Energetica, Unive...1
  • Dipartimento di Energetica, Unive...1
  • Edra Medical Publishing & New Media1
  • Enco Srl - Via Lazzaris 7 - 31207...1
  • crisis8
  • business cycle5
  • leverage5
  • unemployment4
  • capitale intellettuale3
  • inequality3
  • paziente anziano3
  • SARM13
  • Agent based macroeconomics2
  • base exchange2
  • eng481
  • ita475
  • ger2
  • pol1
  • por1
  • rus1
Accesso al fulltext
  • no fulltext1313