Dipartimento Scienze Economiche e Sociali
An economic agent in my brain? A critical analysis of multiple-self models in neuroeconomics
2016-01-01 Stimolo, M
Consciously Uncertain: A Bayesian Analysis of Preferences Formation
2022-01-01 Stimolo, M; Beraldo, S.; Capasso, S. and Filoso V.
Economia come Umano-logia
2012-01-01 Stimolo, M
Endogenous Preferences and Conformity: Evidence From a Pilot Experiment
2013-01-01 Beraldo, Sergio; Stimolo, Marco; Filoso, Valerio
Growth in One (Short) Lesson
2013-01-01 Beraldo, Sergio; Colombatto, Enrico; Filoso, Valerio; Stimolo, Marco
Growth in One (Short) Lesson
2015-01-01 Sergio, Beraldo; Enrico, Colombatto; Valerio, Filoso; Stimolo, M
Individual Autonomy in Evolutionary Game Theory: Defending Sugden against Ross's accusation of eliminativism
2012-01-01 Stimolo, M
Mafia wears out women in power
2022-01-01 Baraldi, ANNA LAURA; Immordino, Giovanni; Stimolo, Marco
Much ado about extremes: An experimental test of the shaping effect of prices on preferences
2019-01-01 Beraldo, Sergio; Filoso, Valerio; Stimolo, Marco
Much ado about extremes: An experimental test of the shaping effect of prices on preferences
2019-01-01 Sergio, Beraldo; Valerio, Filoso; Stimolo, M
Multiple-self Models in Neuroeconomics. A methodological critique
2012-01-01 Stimolo, M
Neutralizing the Tentacles of Organised Crime. An Assessment of an Anti-Crime Measure in Fighting Mafia’s Use of Violence
2022-01-01 Baraldi, ANNA LAURA; Papagni, Erasmo; Stimolo, Marco
Neutralizing the Tentacles of Organised Crime. An Assessment of an Anti-Crime Measure in Fighting Mafia’s Use of Violence
2023-01-01 Baraldi, ANNA LAURA; Papagni, Erasmo; Stimolo, Marco
Neutralizing the Tentacles of Organised Crime. An Assessment of an Anti-Crime Measure in Fighting Mafia’s Use of Violence. NOTE DI LAVORO DELLA FONDAZIONE ENI ENRICO MATTEI, ISSN: 2037-1209
2022-01-01 Baraldi, ANNA LAURA; Papagni, Erasmo; Stimolo, Marco
On inequality, growth and trust: some evidence from the lab
2022-01-01 D'Amato, Marcello; O'Higgins, Niall; Stimolo, Marco
Public Subsidies and Cooperation in Research and Development. Evidence from the LAB
2023-01-01 Acconcia, Antonio; Capuano, Carlo; Beraldo, Sergio; Stimolo, Marco
2022-01-01 Antonio, Acconcia; Sergio, Beraldo; Carlo, Capuano; Stimolo, M
Rilevanza del Prospettivismo nella Teoria della Scelta Razionale
2011-01-01 Stimolo, M
Self-Selecting Candidates or Compelling Voters: How Organized Crime Affects Political Selection
2022-01-01 laura baraldi, Anna; Immordino, Giovanni; Stimolo, Marco
Social Norms and Individual Identity. A cognitive explanation of norm based behavior
2010-01-01 Stimolo, M