A novel multifunctional finish for the enhancement of indoor air quality: the MAMMUT Project
2024-01-01 Caioni, E; Giosué, C; Czerwinska, N; Remia, G; Stazi, F; Di Perna, C; Mobili, A; Ruello, Ml; Blasi, E; Maqbool, Q; Tittarelli, F
Comparative and Sensitivity Analysis of Numerical Methods for the Discretization of Opaque Structures and Parameters of Glass Components for EN ISO 52016-1
2022-01-01 Summa, Serena; Remia, Giada; DI PERNA, Costanzo
Educational Buildings: Analysis of IAQ as a Function of Occupant Behavior and Mechanical Ventilation Systems
2024-01-01 Remia, G.; Summa, S.; Tarabelli, L.; Stazi, F.; Di Perna, C.
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Energy Behavior of Buildings
2025-03-10 Remia, Giada
Experimental and numerical study on a new thermal masonry block by comparison with traditional walls
2023-01-01 Summa, S.; Remia, G.; Di Perna, C.; Stazi, F.
Experimental Comparison Between a Diffuse Insulation Masonry and a Traditional Lightweight Insulated Wall: Evaluation of Internal Temperatures and Thermal Comfort
2024-01-01 Summa, S.; Remia, G.; Di Perna, C.; Stazi, F.
Hourly dynamic calculation of the primary energy with heat pump generation system (EN 15316-4-2): A case study in Italy
2023-01-01 Remia, Giada; Summa, Serena; Tarabelli, Luca; DI PERNA, Costanzo
Impact on Thermal Energy Needs Caused by the Use of Different Solar Irradiance Decomposition and Transposition Models: Application of EN ISO 52016-1 and EN ISO 52010-1 Standards for Five European Cities
2022-01-01 Summa, S; Remia, G; Sebastianelli, A; Coccia, G; Di Perna, C
Innovative multifunctional finish for the improvement of Indoor Air Quality: Performance at laboratory and pilot scale
2025-01-01 Giosue, Chiara; Czerwinska, Natalia; Remia, Giada; Stazi, Francesca; di Perna, Costanzo; Mobili, Alessandra; Ruello, Maria Letizia; Maqbool, Qaisar; Tittarelli, Francesca
L’efficientamento energetico di edifici alla luce dei nuovi scenari energetici ed economici
2023-01-01 D'Orazio, Marco; DI GIUSEPPE, Elisa; DI PERNA, Costanzo; Remia, Giada
Mechanically ventilated classrooms in central Italy's heritage school buildings: Proposal of archetypes and CO2 prediction models
2024-01-01 Summa, S.; Remia, G.; Di Perna, C.; Stazi, F.
Monitoring and analysis of environmental and IAQ conditions in classrooms with controlled mechanical ventilation
2023-01-01 Remia, G.; Summa, S.; Stazi, F.; Di Perna, C.